Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gazelle Girl makes the start two weeks in a row!






Belo News
July 26, 2014
Riders in shock as Gazelle Girl
makes the start two weeks in a row!

Shark Cove, Mi. - It was another wild day in the peloton this past weekend as another 35 plus riders hit the KK-TdG field of dreams on a picture perfect morning!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman making his way to the Shark Coffee maker preparing his morning brew. Sharkman has come to love these cool Saturday mornings and the great streak of weather the Nation has experienced this past summer.

As he mulled over whether to wear arm warmers or not, stepping into the drive, he saw Nikeboy riding towards him in his usual well coordinated Liquigas Pro Team Kit. This man always looks good!

B-Rod sans tube hose.......
Mad Dog jumped on shortly after the two hit the road and they headed over to the start.

As they approached the Eaton Plant that signals their heading down into Galesburg, they noticed a lone rider in Bissell Kit riding towards them. It was none other than Bissell Boy, getting a few extra miles in on his Pinerallo Time Trail bike. It has been learned that in a moment of weakness, Bissell Boy has agreed to do a triathlon with his daughter later this year and needs to get those extra miles in!

Riders started pouring into the start for what looked like another big turn out for the Nation.

Some virgin Minions and returning Minions were in attendance, some who've received a name and others who have not. Virgin Minion Todd had returned and Sharkman promptly named him Wolfman. Another Minion, who stated he hadn't ridden in the Nation for a while, was also back whose name is Joe, but has not been named. Another CMS/Stryker rider by the name of Ray was back as well as Craig. Welcome Minions one and all! Hope we didn't miss anyone!
Hoosier Boy get's ready to rock!

Virgin Minion Dave Millar (no, not the pro) also joined on and was quickly named Catfish by Gazelle Girl for his unique helmet buckles! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Catfish!

The Gull Lake contingent started rolling in led by Tow Truck on his very nice “Ritchey” cross bike. Belo News had reported Tow Truck was riding a new “LeMond” a couple of issues ago and wants to set the record straight, so a photo of this sweet ride has been included in this story and of course, Tow Truck gets his photo in Belo News. Very clever Tow Truck.

Is this a great country or what?!?
Nikeboy "styling" in his
Liquigas Kit!

As the Nation was lining up for photo's and autographs at the start, to every one's surprise, Gazelle Girl came rolling in! Immediately a shout of “Gazelle Girl” went up around the school yard as everyone was excited to see the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” get up early enough to make it to the start. After pulling up and posing for the obligatory photo, Gazelle Girl was quoted as stating she finally had an opportunity to wear her Bissell kit for Pro Jersey Day and wanted to show it off in the start photo!

As the Nation rolled out, heading into the thriving metropolis of Galesburg, the nation was 28 mighty Minions strong!

Getting stopped by the light in downtown Galesburg, allowed for the Nation to wave to all their fans in the Klutch as well as Andrew who was counting the riders.

As the Nation headed north, Sharkman was moving up behind Bissell Boy when his rear tire blew like a July 4th fireworks show. B-Rod and Sharkman were right behind the legendary rider when it blew and they both ducked as though someone fired a shotgun at them!

The nation pulled over while B-Rod and Bissell Boy worked on the wheel.

As the Nation started back up, and B-Rod and then Polar Bear led our hero, the Sharkman, out to the first sprint, it seemed like more riders were on.
Virgin Minion Ray!

At the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman counted 34 riders. Where had they all come from? Skipper was now on and stated he'd lead the B group. Kristina was back and had a new name due to her ventilated riding shorts. Mighty Monk quickly named her “Half Moon.” Ranger Rick, Kid Roster, Luke Skywalker.....more and more riders kept jumping on and the count was tough to make and Sharkman started worrying about safety again.

As the Nation headed up the col de Twin Lakes and on past Rt. 89, the peloton seemed very well behaved and communicative.

Bissell Boy started losing air in his newly changed tire, so Skipper stated he would take the cut off and get him home and met the peleton at the Rt. 43 sprint.

As is the norm, the speed picked up in the Kountry Klub section and on to the Rt. 43 sprint where Skipper joined back on for the assault on the col de Norte.

Virgin Minion Dave, now Catfish!
As the Nation moved to the base of the climb, Sharkman noticed a major increase in the number of riders in the peloton.

Believing there were now close to 40 riders in the Nation, it seemed that there were closer to 50 riders as the Nation spread out on the col de Norte. At the summit, Sharkman began to yell at some of the rides who were not waiting only to learn they had come up on another group of riders, somewhere between 7-10 riders and the wayward cyclists were not part of the group!

Sharkman was quoted as stating, “So I get to yell at two different groups of riders? Is this a great country or what?!?”

As the Nation headed through the Holy Rollers, the other group of riders stayed with and spectators when wild as the mass of cycling moved by like a runaway train! It was estimated that there were 50 riders in the peloton during this section of the ride that stayed fairly tight all the way through to the feed zone at Frona's!

As the additional group of riders went past Frona's, one of them was heard to stay, “I've
Squeaky was back in the mix!
never ridden with so many riders in a group before!” Sharkman was concerned a Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Deputy was going to pull him over and ask if he had a parade permit!

As the Nation closed in on the Inlet Sprint, and Tow Truck and his wingman, Luke Skywalker (Hey, when did he jump on!) the second flat of the day took place when Kid Doster shouted out “Mechanica!” and the Nation gathered up to wait for him to change the tube.

As the Nation formed up for the controversial GGG Spot Sprint, all wondered if Gazelle Girl, who was riding in her last KK-TdG for the next 6 weeks as she is having surgery this week, was going to make her move on the sprint.

The Nation formed up into a very nice pace line as they headed towards Gazelle Girls signature sprint. After all, well known Minion, Ironman, was quoted as staying, “Most women only have one G Spot. Gazelle Girl has three of them.....and EVERYBODY knows where they are!”

Joe was back in the mix as well!
As everyone started imagining the sound of a match being lit, followed by a long inhale and then an exhale....

Ahhhhhhh, FINALLY!

As Gazelle Girl shared at the post ride Press Conference, and we quote, “They let me take care of myself.....with a little help from THE ROD for positioning! My experience was definitely heightened by those hot pink hose pumping up and down. This truly is a great country!”

With the entire Nation feeling good that Gazelle Girl had finally been satisfied, the happy train headed to the final sprint.

Sharkman quickly went to the front, but was soon overtaken by both Hossman and Tow Truck. Yes, you read that right! Both Hossman and Tow Truck at the same time! Oh, the humanity!
The speed kept increasing and the average pace was already over 20 mph!

Thanks to Hossman and Tow Truck, the peloton got stretched out and as the Nation crested the final summit before the finish, it was a free for all down to the last moment.
Tow Truck on his "RITCHEY!"

One of the CMS/Stryker riders named John edged out B-Rod for the top spot on the podium.

With the number of riders, it is getting more difficult to identify the top three spots on the final sprint!

Finishing pace, a season high 20.4 mph! And that was with two flat tires! Oh, the humanity!
The crowds went wild on the Champ le Galesburg as the riders rode to the Klutch, where Sharkman fought with Easty to buy Gazelle Girl her koffee. Sharkman won, but in honor of Gazelle Girls sprint victory and the fact that she would be out for the next 6 weeks, Easty bought koffee for EVERYONE! Whoa, what
The Nation enjoys koffee on Easty! 
was Sharkman thinking?!?

There were several toasts and salutes to the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” and the large crowd stuck around for a while and it was good that they did. It was learned during the Post Ride Press Conference that Dreamboat had revealed that he was wearing underwear under his riding shorts!

Wait, ….what?

Yep, an in depth investigation was conducted that revealed Dreamboat was unaware that you don't wear underwear under your cycling outerwear! When asked for comment, he stated that he had not been told this procedure by his mentor, legendary Minion, the Pirate, and was blaming the entire incident on him for his lack of direction on this issue.
Brewman gives post race interview.

In other words, Dreamboat, and any other new riders out there,,,,”there is nothing between any of us and the world but a thin layer of Lycra!”

The Pirate could not be reached for comment but we can all sort of guess what he'd say.....

Meanwhile, Half Moon was explaining her new nick name while Dreamboat and Mad Dog demonstrated the proper drinking technique for expresso or whatever that stuff is in the little koffee cups while Mighty Monk photo bombed their photo.

In other words, the Klutch was rocking!
Kristina learns her name is Half Moon........
also that Dreamboat has underwear on.....
So you won't want to miss this week's edition which will head south due to the Sherminator this weekend!
It will also be “Bisssell Boy Impersonator Day!”

That's right, Bunkie, break out the Bissell Gear and impersonate one of our legends of the Peloton, Bissell Boy, who get's the Nation all those great deals on Bissell gear! This is your big chance to wear that gear AND look like Bissell Boy.

Actually, other than being short, bald, old, heavier and somewhat funny looking, have you noticed that Sharkman looks just like Bissell Boy?
Dreamboat, with underwear......
How to drink expresso.....uh?

Saturday, August 2, 2014 (Can it be August already?!)

Mighty Monk photo bombs Gazelle Girl with
Dreamboat and Mad Dog....

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Southern Route!

Be there!


Belo News
July 28, 2014
Fly Boy, Great Dane & Wildman!

Speedway, Mi. - Two teams from the Minion Nation took part in the Make a Wish Ride this past weekend. Team Taylor and the Eaton Road Warrior Team both had stellar performances both in riding AND in raising major funds for this important charity!

Belo News was there with two Minion Reports, one with The Eaton Road Warrior Team and one with Team Taylor. BN also has a comment by Iceman hizzelf!

Their stories are below in order of when Belo New received them.

B-Rod shows up to sign autographs!

Wildman, your faithful Minion, reporting from this weekend's WAM tour!! No fancy write ups, because this Minion is EXHAUSTED from riding 300 miles for the Eaton Road Warriors! Fellow Minions and Team Eaton riders Flyboy and Great Dane, pictured below with Wildman, endured the cold morning of day one. Wildman met up with none other than B-Rod on day three, as he had just completed the 50-miler, and was waiting on Mrs. B-Rod to come in from the day's 100-mile stage three! Other Minions were spotted, but not captured on camera, such as Cheese, Kia Pet, Iceman, and too many Team Taylor riders to count! Man are they awesome!

The best part: riders and volunteers from across Michigan raised over $2 million to help sick kids and their families endure some tough times by easing their burdens for a little while. Is this a great country or what?????!!!!

Wildman encourages the Minion Nation to join either teams, Eaton or Taylor for this heartwarming weekend next year.

Have a great week, Sharkman, and I look forward to returning to the nation next weekend!

P.S. I heard you had a wild ride this Saturday??!! (Oh, yes we did Wildman!)

Team Taylor finishers!

We had a great ride at Make-A-Wish WAM2014. Team Taylor rode from Traverse City to Michigan International Speedway covering just over 300 miles.

Day 1 - Traverse City to Big Rapids 98 miles (I rode an extra 2 to round it off at an even 100). We had a pretty good pace going this day 19.1 mph even with 3800 ft of climbing. You knew there were going to be hills when you enter the course and immediately have a climb to start the day (Oh the Humanity) and you finished the day with one of the biggest climbs at the 90 mile mark. Oh, there was a Cat 4 climb somewhere in the middle as well. First beverage handed to me at camp was a cold IPA - is this a Great Country or What!! Plenty of beers and burgers in downtown BR to finish the day.

Day 2 - Big Rapids to Dewitt 109 miles. The Team Taylor train started moving at an easy pace in the morning. We fortunately barely missed getting rained on, but it made the roads very wet for the first 15-20 miles. My feet were soaked within the first 5 miles. We decided to pick up the pace and not stop until the lunch break, about mile 48. After enjoying lunch and letting our shoes and socks dry a little bit in the sun, we hit the 2nd half pretty hard. We stopped at the 70 mile rest station for some nutrition and a quick relief of fluids. This is when the pace really increased, at times Iceman was pulling at 25-26 mph. We slowed down the last 7-8 miles only averaging 18-18.5 mph, when I stopped the Garmin as we rolled into Dewitt High School our average for the 109 miles was 20.1 mph. Pizza and beer was delivered shortly after - God Bless America!!!

Day 3 - Dewitt to Michigan International Speedway - 93 miles. This was a pretty relaxed day of riding, if you can call 93 miles relaxing. I think everyone rode with different groups all day or at least I did. I seemed to miss the train in the morning and rode the 12 miles solo, pushing to catch a group at the first rest stop. The rest of the day was spent hopping from group to group. Stopped at a lot more of the rest stops today, just had to make it inside the gates at MIS by1:30pm so all 90 or so members of Team Taylor could ride onto the track together.

The Mighty Team Taylor!

Finally after 3 days and 300 miles of riding, it really hit home why we were putting ourselves through a bit of torture, it was for the KIDS! As we made our way around turn 4, the crowd cheered. Many friends and family cheering us on as we crossed the finish line. Many Wish Kids and their families there to cheer us on. Our Wish Kids - Sam, Christopher, and Michelle were there to place our medals around our necks and of course Taylor was there in our hearts.

All and All a great experience and can't wait until next year.

Saw another Minion on the ride "Wildman" should have taken a picture with him.

Pictured from left to right is Nickhead, Dan G (non minion), Cheese, Iceman, Kia Pet, Chains.

And from Iceman hizzelf;

Colby, great writeup for sharkie. All I would add as commentary is that it is weird to have lunch at 9:00am each day. But that's when we rolled in for "lunch". You remember that don't ya sharkman? Here's to no Board of Directors Meeting next year and you re-joining us for the amazing Wish a mile 300 next year.

See you in 2 weeks at the KK-TdG!


AUGUST 16, 2014!

Belo News
July 24, 2014,

Gull Lake, Mi. - It is that time of year again! Time for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl and Zickman are getting things ready to host the Nation on the Third Annual Bloody 'Ell and you can be a part of this classic event. The ride starts at the Zick Estate with bloody Mary's and then the riders head up to Hastings to have lunch and perhaps a beer or two, at the Waldorf, before heading back to the Zick Estate!

Check out the attached invitation, as riders can have their spouses or significant others to join them post ride at the Zick Estate and who doesn't want to see the Zick Estate!

It can't get better than this ride!

So mark your calendars and let Gazelle Girl know your coming, Bunkie!

Gazelle Girl can be contacted at joan.o@comcast.net

Well, what are you waiting for?

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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