Wednesday, August 6, 2014



Gazzell Girl & Sharkman celebrating her
recovery while wearing their
Bissell Kit!

Belo News
August 3, 2014

Triple Nasty Rancho, Mi. - As any Minion who is any Minion was aware, the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” and legendary Minion, Gazelle Girl, had to have surgery last week. Though she tended to make light of it, it was major in that she had no idea going in how serious the issue was. Several weeks ago GG discovered a "swale" in her abdomen. A visit to the doctor revealed that she had a rather sizable ovarian cyst growing in her gut that was about 6.5 inches in diameter. Additionally, after an ultrasound and an MRI, they were still uncertain of how serious the operation to extract the interloper would be. The potential for the cyst being cancerous was about 50/50 so when she went in for the surgery, Gazelle Girl did not know how much of her innards she'd lose and if the cyst was cancerous or benign until she came out of the anesthesia after the operation.

So Belo News was very pleased to get the following note from Toestter on Thursday morning after the surgery and thoroughly enjoyed his “Sharkman format.” (Editors note – the man is a writing genius and should be writing regularly for Belo News!)

The happy couple with
Debbie Dark Matter....

Dearest Sharkman,
The Minion Nation's darling, the Sweetheart of the Peloton, Gazelle Girl, is out of surgery and recovering at an undisclosed location pending her "coming out" from the anesthesia. All reports from the doctor are super positive. The robotic operation was a success and the cyst appears to be benign. Is this a great country or what?
Stay tuned for continuing updates:
- When Gazelle Girl wakes up, will she remember Toesetter?
- More importantly, will she remember the Nation?
- When will she re-take her G spots? All three of them… we all know where they are.
- Is she now endowed with super powers after having her Dark Matter removed? Will she use them for the good of the Nation?
I'll keep you informed of Gazelle Girl's and Debbie's progress as more information comes to light,


Naturally, the Nation rejoiced when the news was shared and an outpouring of well wishes were sent to Gazelle Girl.

She will be sharing her recovery story with all of the Nation through Belo News so stay tuned for more from our “Sweetheart of the Peloton!”


The Pirate, Missing Bissell Boy (note shadow),
Sharkman & Wildman impersonating
Bissell Boy! 


Belo News
August 3, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman drew the shark bedspread cove off of his warm bed and as his feet hit the floor his first thought was, “It's Bissell Boy Impersonator Day!” Yes, our hero is easily excited and knowing how many of the Nation had Bissell Kits and how many adored the legendary Bissell Boy, he was ready to rock!

Smaller than usual turn out for the day!
It was another one of those 2014 summer Saturday mornings where our hero struggled with whether to wear a jacket or arm warmers. These cool mornings have been great for sleeping, but difficult for determining what to wear. After deciding to don the arm warmers, our hero opened the Cove garage door and saw Mad Dog riding up.

The two headed over to the start, enjoying another beautiful, crisp Michigan morning.

As they arrived at the start, they found B-Rod unloading his steed and sporting his black tube
Virgin Minion Nikki
hose, while Brewman circled the start. At the far end of the parking lot were several virgin Minions pulling bikes out of their cars. One of them, Sharkman already knew from Alfred E. Bike. It was none other than virgin Minion, Nikki! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Nikki!

Along with Nikki were virgin Minions Erin and Andy who ride with the CMS/Styker Team as well as virgin Minion Kristin! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Erin, Andy and Kristin!  Kristin comment that she had just moved here from Indiana 3 weeks ago! Hoosier Girl, perhaps?

Riders continued to pour in, but sans Bissell Kit! Were all the Minions with Bissell Kit competing in the Shermanator? Wildman and the Pirate pulled in with their Bissell Kit but that was it at the start! Boatman would arrive after the start and miss the “Missing Man Photo” where a spot was left for the legendary Bissell Boy hizzelf so that there were four Bissell Kit Jerseys. Oh, the humanity!

Tanman, Catfish, Sasquatch, Polar Bear, and Mighty Monk were all in attendance as
Virgin Minion Kristin (Hoosier Girl?)
Sharkman welcomed the new Minions and announced that the Nation would be heading south as this was Shermanator Weekend. He also announced that despite plea's by the likes of Brewman, that he would be watching all to see if they were looking at the sites so that he could charge them accordingly.

As the Nation headed past the Klutch, Andrew came out to do the count and the early Saturday group waved their heros on. Boatman joined on, making the total on the morning 16 riders, which was way down from the previous few weeks. (A good thing as the group had become quite large of late. Some would say "too" large!)

Sharkman and B-Rod led the peloton up Qman Hill as Mad Dog tried to take the first sprint but was stuffed by a surging Sharkman! At least that is how Sharkman saw it......

Virgin Minion Erin!
As the Nation glided past such great Central Kalamazoo County sites as The Waterfall, Cook's Cemetery, The Tiller's Farm, the Elf Door, The Lousy Railroad Tracks, Indian Lake (which Catfish pointed out wasn't Indian Lake), Sharkman was racking up the bucks as he shouted out “$.50 a look, no change!”

As the Nation passed The Lousy Railroad Tracks and turned to head south, “Mechanical!” was shouted from the back of the peloton. Sharkman was with Nikki at the time and suggested that she go back to help with whatever the problem was, after all, she works in a bike shop. However, she stated that she was in management and would only be able to give a cost estimate on repairs!

It was learned that it was not really a mechanical, but Mighty Monk had dropped a water bottle! What? “Well....” Sharkman commented, “I knew it couldn't have been Brewman as he has never dropped a bottle in his whole life!”

The pace was quick as the Nation headed back through the thriving metropolis of Scotts, where Sharkman pointed out the “Historic Post Office.” When asked why it is historic, our hero stated, “Because I said it was! $.50 no change!”
Virgin Minion and winner on the day,

The Nation began to head south when, “Mechanical!” was again heard from the back of the peloton. B-Rod had pulled over complaining that the rear of his seat had just “popped” up. Polar Bear was quick to help as B-Rod stated it must have been the rough roads while Sharkman stated it was more likely his ample posterior that caused the bolts to come loose.

As the Nation got back to the final stretch, JP and his brother jumped on stating they got to the start late and stopped at the Klutch where they were told the Nation had headed south. Not being familiar with the route, they just headed south and came up on the Nation.

The pace picked up dramatically as the fast moving train headed to the MN sprint.

Tanman was on the scene in a sweet jeep!
As the Nation gathered up at MN, Sharkman gave a brief safety message about how fast the finish would be and the need for all to keep their lines and be mindful of riders around them.

Sharkman then headed out to try to set a pace, but it wasn't long before he was overtaken and the Nation rolled down Qman Hill like a herd of rampaging buffalo! The pace was intense and Sharkman noticed his computer reading of 40.1 mph for a max speed, while B-Rod's was showing higher numbers!

The Nation was bunched together as they rode over I-94 and past the Galesburg Speedway. The lead was exchanged several times as Polar Bear, B-Rod, Andy, Sasquatch, Mad Dog, Boatman, a cast of thousands were at the front (wait, weren't there only 18 Minions riding?.....Never mind....)

As the Nation bore down on the final turn, virgin Minion Andy went to the front with B-Rod on his wheel. Sharkman, in a STUNNING move, took an inside track on the turn and went by to nab the third spot on the podium! It was a victory for America! Is this a great country or what?!?
B-Red was back to sporting his
Tube Hose!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as their heros zipped up their jersey's for their sponsors and waved to the tofosi and paparazzi!

As the Nation approached the Klutch, the press was waiting as virgin Minion Kristin attempted to lean her bike against the door of the Klutch, making it difficult for riders to get in. Well, she is a virgin Minion so give her a break!

As the Nation settled in with their koffee, all were surprised as the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” walked in, wearing her Bissell Kit and looking “marvelous....!”

Yes, Gazelle Girl, toughest woman in the Nation, was up and around after major surgery! Signing autographs and mugging for photos, the legendary rider was the center of attention and her adoring fan's listened in rapped attention as she spoke of her ordeal (see story).

With Gazelle Girl in the mix, everyone stayed a little later and had a great time enjoyed their koffee, which Andrew kept full, and experiencing the Klutch ambience!
Virgin Minions being introduced to "The Bottomless!"

Wildman, deciding he wanted more miles, rode back to the Shark Cove with our hero and Mad Dog and then back home! Great ride, Wildman!

What will happen next week? Well come to ride and find out!

Unfortunately, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman will be gone the next two weeks as he entertains In-Laws and then goes to Chicago for meetings. Also, there will be no ride on August 16 as the Nation does the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred!

The Klutch was rocking!

This Saturday, August 9, 2014

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
Hoosier Boy, Stroker & Karen with their "Gold!"
August 3, 2014

Sherman Lake, Mi. - The Nation rocked at the Shermanator this weekend as several of the Minions took part indidually and as a part of the team event!

Hoosier Boy grabbed first in the triathlon in his age group with a time of 1:00:53 (age group 55-59).

Nikeboy and one time Minion, Scott, along with another were the first male realy team, however they were edged out by a miute by a team with a female swiimer and runner (damn handicapping). his team won the team relay event.

Starsky, Hutch and Hoosier Boy (Note how HB
made most of the photos!).
Minions took one/two in the duathlon with Hutch grabbing first and Starsky taking second on the podium! Is this a great country or what?!?

Our own Stroker won the Masters “Aqua Bike” and took second overall!

Do Minions rock or what!?!

Congratulations to all the Minions who took part! You did the Nation proud!

Nikeboy and his Team!


Belo News
July 24, 2014,

Gull Lake, Mi. - The Nation is only two weeks away from their beloved Bloody 'Ell 'Undred and they are ready to rock. Thanks to beloved Minion, Yetti, Gazelle Girl has procured a vintage sports car to ride in to oversee the Nation as they make their annual pilgrimage to the Walldorff in Hasting's after riding from the Zickman Estate. You won't want to miss this event!

Here are all the details!

Gazelle Girl and Zickman are getting things ready to host the Nation on the Third Annual Bloody 'Ell and you can be a part of this classic event. The ride starts at the Zick Estate with Bloody Mary's and then the riders head up to Hastings to have lunch and perhaps a beer or two, at the Walldorff before heading back to the Zick Estate!

Check out the attached invitation, as riders can have their spouses or significant others to join them post ride at the Zick Estate and who doesn't want to see the Zick Estate!

It can't get better than this ride!

So make sure you let Gazelle Girl know you're coming, Bunkie!

Gazelle Girl can be contacted at

Well, what are you waiting for?

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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