Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Belo News
July 4, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - Oh, the humanity!
Fourth of July Minion Nation Ride in Red, White & Blue!

Where do we begin with this weeks edition?!?

What a fantastic Double Header Weekend extravaganza! The Nation turned out in huge numbers for a rare Double Header of riding!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero got out of his shark bed much slower than he normally does. The previous afternoon, the old Shark went down on the road after unexpectedly hitting a major pot hole and suffered some epic road rash on his shin, arm, shoulder and especially his right butt cheek. Oh, the humanity!

B-Rod with his red compression socks!
He was expecting more soreness after hitting the deck so hard, but was pleasantly surprised as he applied Vaseline and gauze to the affected area of the butt in preparation for the ride.

Because he wasn’t sure how comfortable he would be on the bike, and because Mad Dog was not able to ride on this Holiday Special Edition (more on that issue later), Sharkman decided to drive to the start.

With his steed in his Sharkmobilevibe, and as he motored through Galesburg, he pulled up behind Nikeboy at the light in front of the Klutch and the stylish rider looked back at him confused that the old Shark was driving to the start but rode on....

It is always difficult to predict numbers for holiday weekend rides as it is usually feast or famine, but this week ended up being a feast of riding fun!

For Red, White & Blue Fourth of July riding, the Nation turned out in their colors to ride the south route. Minion Stryker Guy had reported there was a running event on part of the KK-TdG so the decision to head south was a no brainer.

Hoosier Boy, decked out in his Indiana University Jersey, was making his return after a lengthy hiatus from the Nation. B-Rod was sporting red compression hose in honor of the holiday as well!
Easy Rider joins the Nation!

Stingray was also making his season debut to the Nation! Welcome back Minions!

Easty and son, Westy were in attendance with Virgin Minion K.T. Welcome K.T.!

In addition, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter brought a celebrity rider Bill Tuer, who was instantly named Easy Rider for reasons only the photo can explain. Riding up with a beer in hand, he was ready to ride!

In total, 18 Minions toed the line, including Brewman, Rosie, Boatman, Wildman, Ranger Rick, Dr. Dave, and Mighty Monk, who was without his wingman, Dream Boat.

Turns out Mighty Monk got a text message from Dream Boat at 2:43 a.m. stating he would be on the ride, but then got a second text at 7:04 stating that “taking a break today”

Dream Boat, what were you thinking?
Wait, what? 

Taking a break? Dream Boat must have been feeling much better at 2:43 a.m. than at 7:04 a.m. and we can only imagine why……..oh, the humanity!?!

The Nation headed south down the Champs le Galesburg and up Qman hill where the Sharkman would take the traditional first sprint.

As riders have become more familiar with the south route, the old Shark has lost the element of surprise on winning the sprints. However the old Shark we busy pointing out local sites and collecting $.50 per stare! Is this a great country or what?!?

As the Nation cued up on 36th Street for the final sprint, the old Shark cautioned everyone about keeping their lines as the train picked up speed going down Qman hill to the final sprint.

The locomotion got started early as Hoosier Boy jumped out front to take up the speed. The Nation was tightly packed as they headed into the final turn. B-Rod, who was leading out Gazelle Girl, valiantly attempted to get her to the finish, but she was boxed in and he finally decided to move ahead without her. His last minute dash paid off as he went around the peloton followed by Stingray, who took second, and Wildman who captured the final spot on the
Koffee might have helped Dream Boat....
podium! Gazelle Girl is to be commended for holding her line and not trying to make a move out of the box late in the sprint! As Gazelle Girl was quoted as saying at the press conference, "Thanks B-Rod, but safety first!"

Well said, Gazelle Girl, well said.......

The Holiday fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg, but not near as wild as the Minions when they learned it was “Free Koffee Friday” at the Klutch! Yes, you heard that right, Bunkie!

FREE KOFFEE! Is this a great country or what?!?

In addition, it was learned that Gazelle Girl had “chided” Mad Dog for not appropriately (or even remotely) expressing his appreciation for all the work she had done on the Minion Jersey order and more specifically, his order. So Wildman, as he gave her a check for his order, gave an impassioned “thank you” speech to the entire Nation (and anyone who happened to be in the Klutch) on how a grateful Nation worshiped the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" for all her hard effort!

On behalf of the Nation, we thank not only Gazelle Girl, but Wildman for setting the thank you’s straight!

Toesetter and Gazelle Girl enjoying Free
Koffee Friday!
Additionally, it was announced that Gazelle Girl was claiming the “Minion Nation Perfect Attendance Award” as Mad Dog, who also had perfect attendance, had not made the ride. A cheer went up throughout the Klutch, but it has been learned that in a “strongly worded” email to the Commissioner while filing an appeal, Mad Dog stated that the 4th Ride was not an “official” Minion ride, but a special event. The appeal has been taken under review pending who buys the Commissioner Koffee first…….

Wildman giving a public and heartfelt "Thank
You!" to Gazelle Girl!

Virgin Minion K.T. & Easty at the Klutch

Brewman, Hoosier Boy & Easy Rider ponder
the emotional thank you from Wildman to
Gazelle Girl.......

On to Day Two!
The Nation on the road!

Belo News
July 5, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero had a bit more hop in his dorsal, as he was now use to the inconvenient pain of the “road rash” and had put it behind him (literally….after all, it is a butt cheek.).

As he donned his classic “Schlitz” Jersey for Beer Jersey Day, he wondered what the crowd would be like at the start.

As he headed out, there was Nikeboy, dressed in Sky Team Kit (Hey, isn’t that a vodka?) and Mad Dog ready for action. During the ride over, all Sharkman heard about was the injustice of the “Minion Nation Perfect Attendance Award” and how the irate rider was appealing the case to the Commissioner of Cycling… yada, yada, yada……

Nikeboy: It was "Beer Jersey" Day,
not "Vodka Jersey" Day!
As the three riders approached the start early, they were astounded by the number of other early riders who were pouring into the parking lot, many in their finest “Beer Jersey’s!”

Making his season debut, was none other than long time Minion, Airman! Welcome back Airman!

He also brought a friend by the name of Diamond Dave! The Nation loves when riders show up with a name! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Diamond Dave!

Also, making his season debut was Starsky, Hutch's wingman) who hasn't been on a Minion ride in some time! Welcome back Starsky!

Also, Virgin Minions Jeff and Jana! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Jeff and Jana!

So many new Minions this season!

Also returning to the peloton was the Green Hornet, wearing a great “Black Butte Porter” jersey and vying for “Best Beer Jersey” with Wildman, in a “Shlafly Beer” Jersey and
Airman makes his return to
the Nation!
Stingray in a “Labrador Beer” Jersey. All of this, however, would be fruitless as Sharkman gave the award to himself for his “Classic Retro Schlitz Beer” jersey!

Also, the legendary Stryker Guy, just off the injured reserve list with broken ribs, was back to ride! Welcome back Stryker Guy!

The final count on the day would end up being 34 as even more Minions joined on the ride and some additional virgin Minions who could not be photographed. One was a lady who identified herself as “Hey You!” - love the name, and a friend of the Cheetah who is also named Jesse! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Hey You and Jesse, to be named later!

It was quite a train that worked it's way past the Klutch as Bill and Robin, Andrews parents who were working the Klutch for the weekend, as well as the early morning group looked on in amazement at the crowd of riders as they passed by.

36th Street was still torn up as the Nation headed north and Gazelle Girl received her shout out, as she rode up with some “other guy.”

Virgin Minion Diamond Dave!
Hoosier Boy and B-Rod took our intrepid hero out to the first sprint where he pulled over to take the count of 33 riders while Wildman took a “selfie.”

The train continued up the col de Twin Lakes, past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, and into the Kountry Klub section where the pace picked up considerably to the sprint at Rt. 43 with the Nation splintered into different groups.

The Nation came back together for the col de Norte and headed south, with Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy making sure all the stragglers were back on! Thanks Yeti Boy and Hoosier Boy!

As the Nation approached the “feed zone” at Frona's, they were surprised to find the former, “Cannon” now known as Skittles, waiting for them! This made the total number of riders 34!

After greetings, autographs and a photo op, they were off again to the Inlet Sprint, the Digital Divide and on to the GGG Spot Sprint.

Again, the pace picked up big time as a train as large as the Nation was, on this beautiful holiday weekend
Mad Dog & Easty discuss Mad
Dog's appeal on his attendance....
morning, can pull riders along at a pretty good klip!

The Nation headed down 37th Street for the final sprint with a fast moving peloton that was ready to rumble!

The massive peloton formed up a very efficient pace line that saw the speeds move upwards of 30 mph! As the Nation crested the final ascent and began to plunge towards the finish, Iceman, Nickhead and Boatman moved to the front to take the top three spots on the podium!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the peloton worked their way to the Klutch for the second day in a row!

Stingray makes season
debut this weekend!
With such a large peloton, Bill and Robin had their hands full filling koffee kups for the thirsty mob of Minions who crowded the Klutch. Gazelle Girl desperately attempted to purchase koffee for the Commissioner of Cycling, but he seemed to want to let this argument “brew” for a while.....

The entire Nation talked of what a great Double Header Holiday Weekend had just taken place as Sharkman announced that he was awarding himself the 'Best Beer Jersey” for his “Classic, Retro, Schlitz Beer Jersey!” The Commissioner of Cycling has already received “sternly worded” emails from Wildman, Green Hornet and Stingray about the choice and are planning to appeal the decision.

You won't want to miss this weeks edition as Sharkman is hoping to have at least one of his son in laws and maybe both, in attendance as “Celebrity Riders” and the possibility of having his sharklets at the Klutch for koffee! Can it get any better Bunkie?

Wildman snaps a "selfie!"

Saturday July 12, 2014

Tan Man and his tatoo
arm warmers.....

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Wildman in his "Schlafly Beer" jersey.

Virgin Minion Jana!

Hutch's Wingman and returing
Minion, Starsky!

Virgin Minion Jeff! "How did I not
know about this ride?!?"

Iceman, Chains & Nickhead! (Kia Pet was in the

The Green Hornet with his "Black
Butte Beer" Jersey looking good!

Stryker Guy off the Injured Reserve List!

Chico sporting the "Classic Black Oberon
Beer" Jersey!

Skittles surprises the Nation at Frona's!

The Klutch was rocking!

B-Rod holding court at the Klutch......

Seen across from the Klutch.......

Sharkman in his "Classic/Retro Schlitz
Beer" Jersey celebrating his
season standing!

Belo News
July 9, 2014

Shark Cove, Mi. - Now that the Nation has made it half way through the season, it is appropriate to give the season standings to date. The Commissioner of Cycling has determined the following top three riders so far this season.

  1. Sharkman
  2. some one else
  3. another rider

Congratulations to our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, as he has built a huge lead that will be difficult to overcome as the season progresses! And that is why, he is the Nation's intrepid hero!


AUGUST 16, 2014!

Belo News
July 2, 2014,

Gull Lake, Mi. - It is that time of year again! Time for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! Oh, the humanity!

Gazelle Girl and Zickman are getting things ready to host the Nation on the Third Annual Bloody 'Ell and you can be a part of this classic event. The ride starts at the Zick Estate with bloody Mary's and then the riders head up to Hastings to have lunch and perhaps a beer or two, at the Waldorf, before heading back to the Zick Estate! It can't get better than this ride!

You won't want to miss this annual event of the year!

So mark your calendars and make sure you let Gazelle Girl know you're coming, Bunkie!


Belo News
July 9, 2014

Kalamazoo, Mi. - The Nation likes to support Team Taylor (as many of the Nation are also Team Taylor Members) and here is another opportunity to help them raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation to help the kids. This attached came in from Team Taylor this week and we hope that any Minions who have an opportunity to get over to Big Burrito can get there this weekend and help out. After all, what is a better post ride lunch than a Big Burrito! Go for it Minions!

Dear Tour de Taylor Riders
As supporters of Make-A-Wish, we'd like to invite you to enjoy some good eats while at the same time, help make wishes come true. One of Tour de Taylor's sponsors, Big Burrito, is hosting a Make-A-Wish weekend July 11th thru the 13th. All you need to do when you place your order, is tell them you're there for "Taylor" weekend and %15 of their sales will go to Make-A-Wish. How simple is that!?! Feed the family AND donate to a great cause. Below are the details.
When:July 11th-13th (open to close)
Where: 2 Locations
Kalamazoo (Corner of KL and Drake)
Portage (Woodbridge Plaza on Centre Street next to Hardings)
Why: It's for the Kids and Family's


Thank you again for your continued support to a cause that is near and dear to our hearts.
Brain and Rob

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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