Sunday, June 30, 2013


Celebrity Rider Nicole Mouton with her Dad, the Sharkman!





Belo News
June 29, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - It was like "old home week" in the peloton this past Saturday, as the mighty Minion Nation took a time out from their usual "Field of Dreams" due to the Gull Lake Triathlon and headed south on what has now come to be known as "the Sharkman's Guided Tour of the Greater Scott's Area!" or "the Tour de Shark!" for short.

Cheddarhead returns to the Nation!
Billed as a "leisurely ride" a bunch of Minions that have not been out in a while boosted the total attendance to 25 riders as the Nation gathered at the start line.  Both Stroker and Cheddarhead were making their season debuts and it was good to have All Black, Kid Doster, Stingray and the Skipper back in the mix!

The chatter at the start was warmed by the great weather and so many Minions making it back for the ride.  Minions who hadn't seen each other for a while were enjoying the conversation, giving the paparazzi interviews and photo ops, and catching up on all the Minion news as start time approached. 

Hoosier Boy rolled in wearing a new Indiana Hoosiers jersey and sporting his coffee, only this time from McDonalds and not Starbucks.  Regular readers of Belo News know that Hoosier Boy is legendary for pulling in with a Starbucks in his bottle cage but has yet to acknowledge what Starbucks drive through he is using to getting his jolt of joe.  When asked "Why the McDonald's coffee this morning?" he stated that his wife didn't get up early enough!  

What?  Wife?
Stroker returns and hears about Hoosier Boys coffee!

His wife is getting his Starbucks for him?  Is this a great country or what?  Well, at least for Hoosier Boy! 

As the clock struck 8:00 A.M. - SHARP - Sharkman broke the chatter by introducing this weeks Celebrity Rider, Sharkman's own daughter and "Little Five" veteran, Nicole Moulton who had been training just to do her first "Official" Minion ride with the Nation.  Though the young lady had ridden countless miles with the old Shark, she had not ridden with the Nation since the move to the KK-TdG 7 seasons ago.  She had, of course, heard all about it from her husband, the Great Moultini and her brother-in-law, MK, and of course, Belo News, but had yet to experience the ambiance of this legendary ride first hand!  

Oh, the humanity!  But she was in attendance on this great morning and came ready to ride thanks to Tardette lending her the outstanding Trek she was riding!

All Black back in the Nation!
Thanks Tardette!

After general introductions and a reminder that the pace would be more "leisurely," the Skipper started things off with "Let's get started!" and the sound of pedals "clicking in" (music to any Minion's ears) could be heard throughout Galesburg.

As the Skipper led the 24 Minions out on to the course they quickly greeted Gazelle Girl with their usual shout out!  Gazelle Girl was again making her late arrival so that she could get her name in Belo News.  Clever Minion……now they were 25!

Meanwhile, Sharkman was very glad that he did not have to work hard and defend his "Honorary Sprint" as Skipper led the Nation to the first and only major hill of the ride, the "QMan Climb" made legendary by a battle between QMan and Wolf King several years earlier.

Sharkman was also pleased with the fact he was the only rider who knew the course and would be in complete control of the pace for the day!  Oh, the humanity!  Is this a great country or what?!?
Airman, Mad Dog & Stingray discuss ride strategy.

Though the southern route had been taken before, most of the Nation is not familiar with the course that Sharkman has been riding since 1988 when he formed the first ride called, then called the "Tour de Bill."

Sharkman saw this as an opportunity to point out historic sites and points of interest to the Minions who were in rapt attention to all our hero had to say! One Minion commented that the Sharkman should have a megaphone taped to his mouth!  Or did he just say "tape his mouth….!"

First up was the Waterfall he has talked about, near the Weavers Farm where they teach third world farmers how to use Oxen for farming!  Sharkman shouted out "Take a good look, Waterfall on the right, $.50, no change!" as they rolled by.  This was followed by "the Cook Cemetery on the right! $.50, no change!" and "the Railroad Museum! $.50, no change!" and so on and so on……

Sharkman was sure he was getting richer as the ride went on and was heard to say, "where else can you get this kind of tour and for only $.50 per site?!?"

Nicole, Beck, Lily & Lava Girl enjoy the Klutch!
Riders were quickly looking the other way whenever they saw Sharkman moving up and down the peloton……..

The riders were also treated to Scott Mill and a tour of downtown Scotts that included a view of Scooter's Malt Shop and the Scott's Corner Cafe, which was packed with race fans!  Why else would a Cafe in the middle of Scotts be busy other than to watch the Nation ride by? 

Oh, what a tour!

As the riders returned to 38th Street, just north and east of the thriving metropolis of Scotts, Sharkman informed the peloton that before them was the road home, which would be mostly down hill and it was every Minion for themselves!  The old Shark new there were some Minions itching to let it all out!

However, the camaraderie seemed to keep the Nation together….at least for a while.  After all, Minions will be Minions…..

After the stop sign at MN, it was all down hill and Hoosier Boy, feeling the weight of wearing that Hoosier Jersey and feeling the effects of all that caffeine, went to the front along with Sharkman and started to pull!  After, what probably seemed to Hoosier Boy a very long time wondering where the finish was, the peloton started to jockey for position.  First Tow Truck, then Hossman, B-Rod, Zickman, Bissell Boy, Brewman and a cast of thousands  began to make their moves to get into position.  
Beck, future KK-TdG Minion!

But it seemed to be the same for everyone, since no one seemed to remember how far it was down the hill riders kept attacking and then realized that they were some distance from the finish line AND there was a right hand bend before the stop ahead sign!

Where was that finish?

As the Minion Train bore down on the final sprint, speeds were hitting 37 + mph and Falcon went to the front with Tow Truck and B-Rod in pursuit.  The three battled it out to the end, rounding the final bend and finishing in that order in this unofficial, "leisurely Tour of Scotts!"

Interestingly, though billed as a "leisurely" ride, Sharkman had 19 mph ride average on his computer, which he started at the start of the ride, and B-Rod had 20 mph and started at the start of QMan Hill. 

The tofosi and paparazzi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's returned, zipping up their jersey's for the sponsors and waving to their adoring fans.

Special cheers went up as the fans watched the celebrity rider, Nicole Moulton roll by next to her Dad talking about what a great time she had on her first Minion Ride! They were both stopped on several occasions to sign autographs and to allow the fans to take photos of the legendary Father/Daughter riders.

The ambience of the ride continued with a large number of Minions stopping at the Klutch for Luann's hospitality, actually taking up 3 tables, squeezing out the paparazzi!  Bikes were piled high outside the Klutch as the line and chatter inside grew as well.

Sharkman & Nicole enjoying some "Sharkies!"
The Skipper anted up for koffee for Sharkman AND for daughter Nicole!  What a great guy!

Gazelle Girl was taking orders for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey like a one armed short order cook at a greasy spoon grill with the Wolf King waiting in line!  Or like poor Luann trying to satisfy the koffee needs of a thirsty Nation!

Lava Girl also rolled in with Nicole's Sharklets, Lily and Beck, to the delight of the Nation, to enjoy the festivites and Sharkman savored the moment as he reflected on how lucky he is to have the mighty Minion Nation to ride and share his beautiful family with!

Is this a great country or what?!?

So you won't want to miss this weeks "Double Header!"  

Yes, like Ernie Banks used to say, "Let's play two!"



Belo News
July 1, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - Several Minions asked about a 4th of July Ride and by popular demand, the Nation get's what they want!

Get your your Red, White and Blue kit for a 4th of July special edition of the KK-TdG!

The Klutch won't be open, but riders will probably want to get back to their families for the holiday anyway, or some can stop at McDonalds like Hoosier Boy does before the ride.  So come on out and ride with the Nation!

Thursday, July 4th!

Launch Time 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Saturday, July 6th!

In celebration of the All American Weekend, what better way to show Minion love than to have "Beer Jersey Day!"

That's right, Bunkie!  Get out your favorite beer jersey for the Saturday ride!

Launch Time 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

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