Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Polar Bear Family does the TdT!




Belo News
June 15, 2013

Mattawan, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our hero was getting ready to head over to Chicago with Lava Girl and his sharklets for a family event.

Meanwhile, the mighty Minion Nation was getting ready to ride the Tour de Taylor under the guidance of the legendary B-Rod and his faithful companion and writer of the attached story, Brewman!

Brewman writes…..

B-Rod, Zickman and Brewman met up bright and early Saturday morning to ride the Tour De Taylor. They did not see any other Minions so they launched at 7:30 sharp to ride the 62 mile course. It started off fast and never slowed down, ending the ride with a 19mph average. Zickman and Brewman teamed up at a sag stop and played Cash Car. They choose to answer one difficult question and nailed it! (after a few hints). Both did come away $5 richer. Returning to their bikes, Zickman was swarmed by females wanting to take a picture of his woody, all commenting on how wonderful it was.

It was a beautiful course and day and all for a great cause. A fine lunch was enjoyed at the end of the ride before returning home.

We did meet up with Stingray and Airman at lunch and were sad that we did not all ride together, it would have been wild!


(Editors note - Great write up and thanks for sparing us a photo of the women swarming to see Zickman’s “Woody!”)

Belo News also heard from our own Polar Bear who was celebrating his 21st Birthday! 

Polar Bear writes……

Thought you might like some material for this weeks blog so here's a picture from this weekend at Tour de Taylor. I'm sporting my nifty new Polar Bear jersey that I received as a present for recently reaching my half century (which in Polar Bear years equals 21 by the way).

It was a fun mornings ride with Baby Bear and Mummy Bear.


(Editors note - Belo News could not verify the accuracy of that birthday but we'll take Polar Bears word for it!)

The final report comes to us from ride organizer and legendary Minion, the Iceman hizzelf!

Iceman writes…….

Tour de Taylor, presented by Maple Hill Auto Group rocked the house!  That is after we made it through the huge registration line that began forming up at 6:30am!  We got backed up a little bit, but never fear, we stayed on it like Sharkman stays on someone else's wheel and managed to get everyone off and riding.  The weather was beautiful, slighly overcast, little to no wind, and around 65 degrees early in the day. 

We had riders from  the east side of the state, from Traverse city area, and even from Florida who all came to tame one of the three beautiful courses that are the Tour de Taylor.  Almost 400 riders pushed off from the starting line, spaced out in comfortable intervals as they were waiting for friends and family to join them.  

Icman  was so busy working that he didn't take one picture for the Belonews.  Hopefully some of  the Minion Nation who rode the 62 mile route can submit a photo or two.  Zickman was there showing off his wooden steed to the local bike shop guys, with that wicked smile of "yea this is a pretty cool ride, isn't it?"  B-Rod, Brewman, Nick Head, Kiapet, DPS, among others (sorry if I missed you, it was a whirlwind day for me) in the Nation enjoyed a great day on the bikes and then filled their bellies on a great picnic lunch of hot dogs on the grill, summer pasta salad and enough salty chips to feed an army. (who needs chips? they are at Iceman's house!!)

With great tunes blasting the air in the Tour De Taylor tent city courtyard, Tour Co-Director Mo-Pink was quoted in the press early in the predawn morning during last minute panics, "where the F is Iceman?"  To which Minion and TdT manager Skylark, responded, "out getting donuts".  To which the group could only sigh and shake their collective heads,  " well that figures".   Just part of the behind the scenes action at TdT!    And guess what,  Iceman shows up with no donuts....nothing was open until 7:00am!!  Luckily DPS' better half was able to procure some much needed Krispy Kreme fuel for the hard working crew of the TdT upon her arrival later on.

The Custom Chiropractic massage tables,  MSU spirit zone, Consumers Credit Union Cash Car, Pedal Bicycle repair center, Asiago's lunch, and of course the amazing volunteers at the Rest Stops from Wells Fargo and Consumers Credit Union were all a beautiful piece of teamwork to pull off an amazing Second Annual Tour de Taylor.   Oh yea, and the TdT  Tshirts were so popular we may set up an online store for apparel purchase. 

TdT puts out a huge shout out to Sharkman for his inclusion and marketing of our ride in the Belonews. 
Thank you to all who made the trek over to ride with us.

Our ride should generate around a $10,000 donation to Make A Wish!

It's for the kids and families...

Ride on!


(Editors note - Great job Iceman and great ride!  Sharkman hopes to be there next year!)


Belo News
June 22, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Things get back to normal this weekend when the mighty Minion Nation get's back to their beloved "Field of Dreams," the KK-TdG!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
June 19, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Anyone who is anyone in cycling has been asking "what about the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred?"  

Well, the Party Planning Team of Gazelle Girl and Zickman are at it again, devising a plan for the 2nd Annual Bloody 'Ell 'Undred.  Watch for a special email containing ride details AND information on a  spectacular Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey! Oh, the humanity!

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