Wednesday, June 12, 2013


B-Rod takes the tape!





Belo News
June 8, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our hero was getting ready to ride despite the fact he had just returned from foreign travel and wasn't sure what time zone he was in!  The old Shark did wonder about who would be in attendance this week, as the KK-TdG was competing against the Michigan Mountain Madness Ride, the M22 Challenge, as well as the Kalamazoo Mud Run.  Yeah, go figure….

Sharkman ready to ride!
Anyway, Mad Dog showed up on time and though the duo were decked out in arm warmers, the morning promised to warm up as the ride went on.

As the two arrived at the start, they were greeted by B-Rod and new Minion Dave!  Welcome to the Nation Dave!

Soon, Toast, Falcon, Bissell Boy, Sasquatch, Tow Truck and Chico joined the Nation for the start.

As the train pulled out of the station, Boatman joined on making it 11 riders on this fine, sunny day.

As the Nation went past the Klutch, Luann wasn't at her post, but the regular group gave a big wave to the peloton as they streamed by.

As the Nation headed up 36th Street, and after the ceremonial shout out to Gazelle Girl, the Nation
New Minion Dave!
broke out in a slightly rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" in celebration of Gazelle Girls birthday on June 9!  The term "slightly rousing" was due to the fact that Gazelle Girl approached on a hill and the Nation learned how hard it is to power up a hill while singing "Happy Birthday!"  Despite the strained effort, Gazelle Girl seemed pleased with the abnormal greeting and joined on as the Nation headed to the Shark's ceremonial first sprint.

Mad Dog and Sasquatch led our hero out, with Mad Dog moving aside as our hero grabbed the sprint and then stopped at G to take the count of 12 riders.

Whether it was the cool, sunny weather, or a smaller turn out of the Nation, the peloton seemed particularly frisky as they scrambled up the col de Twin Lakes and on past the High School.

As is tradition, the speed picked at the Yorkville Church with Tow Truck jumping out in front and taking Chico and Sharkman with him.  However, as the peloton picked up the pace, the old Shark started feeling like he was in that other time zone and got blasted out the back near the Kountry Klub, reminding him of how difficult it can be to catch back on to the Nation once one has lost that last wheel of the peloton!

Being the good Minions they are, the peloton waited for their hero at Rt. 43 and again took off.  The group was riding so well, there was no stop at the top of the col de Norte, but someone did mention stopping at the Zickman Estate, as he was having a garage sale and would certainly have a Beer Tent for the shoppers. Surely.......

$2.00! Are you crazy?
Moments later, the Nation rolled into the Zickman Estate, but no Beer Tent!  Oh, the humanity!

After pursuing the merchandise, and with Zickman giving his best sales pitch to get the Shark to buy a club cover, the Nation headed back to the KK-TdG.

As the Nation finished the Holy Rollers, none other than the Skipper appeared stating he had overslept and decided to come up the east side of the lake to catch the peloton.  In honor of his return, he was asked to start the peloton off from Frona's, which he did with his usual aplomb!

Sharkman, feeling much better, took a lead out from B-Rod and when he saw Falcon moving up in his rearview mirror, kicked it up just enough to edge the cagey Falcon for the Inlet sprint.

An excellent pace line formed up after the digital divide with Tow Truck again taking a huge pull at the front and the Nation following in hot pursuit.  As the runaway train bore down on the GGG Spot, Birthday Girl started to get in position but was stopped by the surging Sasquatch, unaware of her attempt to win back her coveted sprint.
Skipper wasn't late for coffee!

As the final assault formed up after the GGG Spot, Tow Truck again went to the front and pounded all the way to the final ascent. It was a humongous pull!

The entire peloton was formed up to pounce on the finish and stayed pretty much together, playing right into the hands of the sprinters.

B-Rod, waiting till the last second, outlasted a final attempt by Falcon, taking him by half a wheel, while Sharkman edged out Toast to take the third spot on the podium.

This was the fastest ride of the year at 20.1 mph average!

As the riders headed down the Champs le Galesburg, zipping up their jersey's for the sponsors, they could almost taste their reward of Klutch Koffee.  So imagine their surprise to pull up to their favorite watering hole to find a sign on the door that said they were closed to go to a High School Graduation!  Oh, the humanity!

Toast & B-Rod take a look at a jersey design!
Dejected, the Nation headed across the street to the diner and found a friendly waitress with Sweetwater Coffee!

While the Nation sipped their well deserved coffee, Hoosier Boy walked in to sign autographs and report that he and Squeaky, aka Style Guy, had kicked some butt at the Kazoo Mud Race! Is this a great country or what!?!

Hoosier Boy post Mud Run!
After the coffee was finished and Sharkman reminded everyone that there would be no KK-TdG next week so the Nation could ride the Tour de Taylor Ride, he headed back to the Cove with Mad Dog.

When our hero got home, there was a special package waiting for him from the Mail Carrier.  What could it be, our readers might ask…..

The PR Staff at Sharkies, "clean fuel to burn!" had sent him a number of assorted sample flavors of Sharkie energy fruit chews and wrote "We would love some feedback from your 'Minions!'"

Whoa, the Nation has become famous!  

Could the Sharkman's son in law have something to do with this?

So get ready Nation, Sharkman has some Sharkies for the Nation to try out at the next KK-TdG which will be on Saturday, June 22, 2013!



Belo News
June 12, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Last year was the inaugural of the Tour de Taylor ride and several Minions, including Sharkman and Lava Girl took part.  This is a fund raiser for Team Taylor and their quest to raise funds for the Make a Wish Foundation and the WAM ride coming up in July.  Many of the Nation are also members of Team Taylor and our own Sharkman has ridden with the team on the WAM three times.

Because of the close relationship of the mighty Minion Nation and Team Taylor, there will be no ride on June 15, 2013 so the Nation can take part in this great ride!

Unfortunately, Sharkman cannot ride this year due to a family obligation in Illinois, but he is encouraging the Nation to go to the attached site and sign up today because B-Rod is planning to group the Minions at the start to do the 62 (100K) ride with.  Last year many of the Nation rode the 62 mile ride together and reported having a great time followed by an incredible catered lunch.  There are also 12 and 31 mile courses.

So B-Rod will be looking for other Minions at the start at 7:30 a.m. so don't wait Bunkie, sign up now!

Tour de Taylor, THIS SATURDAY!

Be there!


Belo News
June 8, 2013
Squeaky & Hoosier Boy at Mud Run!

Kalamazoo, Mi. - As previously reported, Hoosier Boy and Squeaky took part in the Kalamazoo Mud Run and did the nation proud as they kicked some serious butt, or should we say, mud in this fun event.  It was reported that Hoosier Boy's, whose prowess in the mud is legendary has a mother who was a mudder, as well as a father who was a mudder!  Let it be said the man was born for mud!

It was also reported that Hoosier boy had an extra obstacle as he went through a bicycle tie instead of over it.

Way to go Minions!  And thanks to the Style guy for this report!


Belo News
June 8, 2013
Brewman at the M22 Challenge!

Sleeping Bear Dunes, Mi. - Brewman took part in the M22 Challenge this past weekend.  Biking, kayaking, joined with running!  From Brewman himself;

Where's my boat?

Participated in the M22 Challenge in Sleeping Bear dunes over the weekend. Fun dune run, beautiful bike around Glen Lake and kayak in Little Glen Lake. The hardest part was remembering where your boat was in the sea of kayaks! The best part was meeting the owner of North Peak/Jolly Pumpkin Brewing and having a few free beers afterwards. What a beautiful area of Michigan.


Belo News
June 9, 2013
The Pirate in Spain

Valls, Spain - The Pirate reported in this weekend that he is set to leave Spain and head up to Belgium!  Here is his report;

Another EU update.  Last week for me to be in Spain.  Heading to Belgium next week but wanted to say the mountains in northern Spain just keeps on kicking my butt.  There is no way that I will be ready for the Alpe d'Huez at this rate.  

One more month and I will be heading to France, so I better kick in high gear and just suck it up because the minions never give up!


Belo News
June 9, 2013

Durango Kid & Yeti Boy at Animas River
Durango, CO. - Yeti Boy and the Durango Kid have been hitting it hard out in Colorado for the past week.  Yeti Boy, coming off his crash at the Fort decided that he now needs some high altitude training so what better place to do it than the home of the mighty Minion Nation west, that center of cycling, Durango Colorado.  Yeti Boy has been sending in reports and is looking to get back with the Nation for the KK-TdG!  Welcome back Yeti Boy and thanks to the Durango Kid for riding him back to health!


Belo News
June 12, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Anyone who is anyone in cycling has been asking "what about the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred?"

Well, the Party Planning Team of Gazelle Girl and Zickman are at it again, devising a plan for the 2nd Annual Bloody 'Ell 'Undred.  Watch for a special email containing ride details AND information on a  spectacular Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey! Oh, the humanity!

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