Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The Klutch was rocking after the Double Header!



Belo News
July 6, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - The 4th of July was not the only reason for celebrating this past weekend!  

It was also a "Double Header KK-TdG Weekend" and major crowds took to the roads to take part!  It was a celebration of cycling!

Our intrepid hero, The Sharkman!
It can always be difficult to estimate how many riders will show up on holidays and particularly on the weekend of holidays, as people travel and need to spend time with family.  But this weekend the "Field of Dreams" the Nation calls the KK-TdG were packed with Minions decked out in their finest red, white and blue kit, as well as their favorite Beer Jersey's!  

Is this a great country or what?!?

Both riders were eerily similar with the Nation decked out in special kit, the number of Minions for both rides stood at 28, the Nation had some new Minions in the mix and a celebrity rider on Saturday morning!

Big welcome to Stryker Guys college buddy, Jim who was in from New York for the ride. A welcome to new Minion Tom, aka Music Man, who Sharkman mountain biked with in Colorado 13 years ago, and to Joe and a special welcome to celebrity rider and Kid Gallagher's daughter,
Minion virgins, Music Man and Joe!
Katie who rode on Saturday along with new Minion Steve East, herin known as "Easty!  The Nation loves when they show up with their own names!

Welcome to the Nation, Jim, Music Man, Joe, Katie and Easty!

On the 4th, riders were decked out with USA jerseys, celebrating the red, white and blue of the 4th of July.  Bissell Boy with his Mick Jagger jersey with sleeves and Boatman with his with no sleeves, Brewman, Skipper Zickman, Sharkman, and Yeti Boy were all wearing the red, white and blue and many of the Minions had the colors without the stars and stripes. The Skipper led the Nation out in his red, white and blue kit and took the Nation past the closed Klutch with no Luann to greet the crowd.  The Minions touched their helmets in respect to the Koffee shrine known as "the Klutch…." closed for the 4th of July, knowing even Luann needs a day off…..

The Skipper decked out in his R,W&B's!
Gazelle Girl jumped on at her usual place for both rides and on the 4th was wearing a stunning red, white and blue scarf that flew from her hair as she contested sprints throughout the ride.  Danimal was also in attendance on the 4th with a great USA jersey adorned with an eagle!  Come on!  Can it get any more American than an eagle!  Is this a great country or what?

Even Hoosier Boy had some red, white and blue even though he was wearing socks with the Canadian Maple Leaf on them.  What was that all about?

On Saturday, the Nation showed up decked out in their brewing finery.  Sharkman was wearing his retro Schlitz jersey and Stingray had on his Lucky Labrador Beer jersey and made the ride over with Mad Dog and Sharkman.  There were several Oberon jerseys and All Black had his Ryder Brewing kit on!  It was a beer jersey extravaganza!  

The rides were a couple of the fastest of the year and of
Hoosier Boy's Maple Leaf! Uh?
course, Sharkman took both opening sprints going away, led out by B-Rod on both mornings and though one miscreant Minion did try to steal one of the sprints, Sharkman put him away easily.

Though there was one flat on the 4th, there were two on Saturday and Mo Pink had to drop out with a broken spoke but reported in later that he made it home safely and actually got the spoke fixed right after the ride. 

Chico performed one of the greatest bike changes in Minion history when on Saturday he shot off the course in the speedy Kountry Klub section to get a new bike from his house because he had a split tire.  He caught back on before the Minions could re-launch from the Rt. 43 stop sign!

Bissell Boy proud of his Mick Jagger, until....
The sprint on the 4th was won by Rainman after he opened up a gap just as the Nation climbed the final ascent, with the Cheetah on his wheel, followed by B-Rod.  The only damper on the day was not having koffee after the ride, which all the Minions comment on that it just felt weird.

The sprint on Saturday was won by Hutch with a surprising Sharkman taking second with a speeding Boatman almost nipping both of them at the finish.

Charges of substance abuse were leveled at the Sharkman post race, however, he continued to maintain it is the Sharkies that are firing his engines these days.

The average speed for both rides was 20.3 mph which is the present season high, though most thought the ride on Saturday "seemed" faster than the ride on the 4th.

The Minions stormed the Klutch on Saturday, perhaps because they had missed their joe on the 4th and needed their fix. 

The Klutch was rocking with the ambiance of a great double header weekend on a beautiful course
.......Boatman showed up with his! Oh, the humanity!
with great weather. It seemed as though the Minions didn't want to leave the cozy confines of the Klutch but alas, they Nation filed out talking about next weeks ride.

And how about this week?

In recognition of the upcoming Make a Wish (WAM) ride, this Saturday is WAM Jersey Day!  

Those Minions who have ridden WAM (and many a Minion has, and a few will ride this year) should have a jersey in their wardrobe!

So show your support for our friends with both Team Taylor AND Eaton and put on your WAM Jersey this Saturday!

Zickman decked out in his 4th finery!
Next Saturday will be "Team Taylor" jersey day to show the Nations support for our own Team Taylor!

This Saturday, July 13, 2013!

WAM Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Yeti Boy in his "Brooklyn Team kit!"

Brewman!  Where was he for beer jersey day?

Gazelle Girl and Danimal sporting their colors!

Zickman "selling" his star spangled water bottle 

Katie!  Saturday's Celebrity Rider!

Virgin Minion "Easty!"

Stingray sporting his "Lucky Labrador Brewing Jersey"

Sharkman "looking good" in his Schlitz retro kit!

Kia Pet in his New Belgium Brewing kit!

Dr. Dave sporting the "Oberon Look!"

Ranger Rick pre ride meditation with cell phone


Belo News
July 10, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Though it may be too late to get your Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, it is not too late to sign on for the ride that everyone wants to be a part of!

Remember, you need to RSVP Gazelle Girl and all of the information is on the invitation!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!

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