Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The return of Thor!




Belo News
July 27, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - These days would usually be the "dog days" of summer, but after the rains came on Friday evening, a very welcomed cool front moved in and as dawn broke over the Shark Cove, the thermometer read 61 degrees!  Sharkman thought he might have to wear arm warmers but there was enough humidity in the air to make it feel warmer than the thermometer reported.  Our hero did have to resign himself to the fact that the days are again getting shorter and due to the cloudy mornings start, he had to put his lights on the bike for the ride over.

With the WAM ride, the old Shark was unsure of what type of turn out there would be for the ride on yet another beautiful morning in west Michigan!

As the old Shark launched from the Cove, Rainman was out in his driveway to wish him and the Minions well.  Rainman, who is working on his MBA at Western Mighigan, would be in class all day and would not be making the ride.

Sharkman was a bit surprised that Mad Dog wasn't there for the launch, but found him heading back from out on Watkins Road.  Turned out Mad Dog wanted to get more miles in and had launched at 6:30 a.m.!  What was he thinking!

When the duo got to the start, Brewman was waiting in the parking lot and other Minions started arriving.

Dutch was back and brought the "Mighty Thor" with him!  Long time Minions will remember Thor, who rode with the Nation for a couple of seasons before heading out with his new wife to teach in Tokyo Japan!  Thor and his bride were back for the summer, visiting their parents and he was able to fit in a ride with the Nation!  Welcome home Thor!  The Nation hopes you can make a couple more rides before you head back to Japan!

Dr. Dave, Tow Truck & Falcon enjoy a kup.
B-Rod, Airman, Hoosier Boy, Chico, Dr. Dave, Peugeot Guy, Hutch, Sasquatch, Falcon and Joe (Name to be determined) all were ready to rock as the clock hit 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

As the train headed through town, the Klutch set was on point as the Nation caught the light and buzzed past their Koffee Shrine, greeting the waves from the tofosi and headed north.

Dutch decided to lead our hero out as Gazelle Girl joined on to her usual greeting and after Sharkman took his sprint, he pulled over to take a count of 15.

After they crossed G ave., Kid Doster joined on to make it 16 riders as the Nation headed to the col de Twin Lakes.

Chico went to the front and attacked the col de Twin lakes, setting off a frantic climb to the top by the entire peloton.

Chico continued to push the pace and the entire Nation stayed on him heading into the sprint after the Kountry Klub. That is when "mechanical!" was heard from the center of the Nation.  Falcon had flatted and though shouting for everyone to go on, Sharkman and Dr. Dave rode back to make sure all was well.  Falcon got the tire fixed and Sharkman was very pleased to see his Minions all waiting at the Rt. 43 Stop.

The train continued up the col de Norte and on through the Holy Rollers into Frona's, where "mechanical!" was heard once again, this time from Airman!

Airman was quick to fix his tire, despite disparaging remarks from Falcon (who wasn't any faster) and with the "snap" of the tire seating and a poof of CO2, the Nation was off once again.  Dutch, having to get back to work, couldn't wait and went on, but the rest of the Nation went on to the Inlet Sprint, where everyone HAD to stop at the stop sign when a Deputy Sheriff entered the intersection.  The Nation wasn't going to collectively run a stop sign!
The Klutch was rock'in!

As the Nation crossed the Digital Divide, Chico had to head home, while none other than Tow Truck came riding up!  It was like tag team action.  Chico pulling the Nation for the first part of the ride and Tow Truck taking over when Chico pulled off!  

Is this a great country or what?!?

Gazelle Girl had told the Nation she "wasn't feeling it" for the GGG Spot sprint, her signature sprint.  However, she had positioned herself very well to take it until Thor moved ahead and though challenged by Falcon, Thor took the sprint easily.

Mad Dog with his foo foo koffee, "no more photos!"
As the Nation headed into the final leg, Tow Truck came to the front and took the pace up to 26-27 mph!  Mad Dog again came up to spell the mighty Tow Truck for a bit, but Tow Truck took the lead back as the Nation motored up the final ascent before the finish.  The train was all together as the crest of the hill was achieved and though Sharkman always worries about a group finish, the Minions stayed on line as B-Rod, Falcon and Thor attacked to the finish!

B-Rod was able to hold off Falcon, with Thor finishing just behind them!

Average speed for the ride was registered at 20.4 mph by B-Rod, despite the flat tires!  Actually, Sharkman checked time and the Nation was only 8 minutes off their usual time, indicating that Falcon and Airman did some pretty fast tire changes and flat's, though annoying, don't take a whole lot of time.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our heroes headed to the Klutch for their dose of joe.

As Thor shared stories of life in Tokyo and Luann poured the koffee, the Nation rocked!  To everyone's surprise, Stingray also rode up to escort the old Shark back to the Cove!  Hey, what are Minions for but to take care of the old Shark, right?!
Thor talks about Japan at the Klutch.

So total riders on the day was actually 18 riders!  

Another great day in the saddle!

You won't want to miss this weeks special edition!

It is Shermanator Weekend, so that means…….


If you missed the last southern ride, you will want to make sure you attend this ride!  Sharkman has been out scouting more scenic opportunities and remember, each site is only $.50 (no change!)!

Stingray came over to escort Sharkman back to the Cove! 
So get ready to rock!

This Saturday, August  3, 2013 (can it be August already?)

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Remember, if you are joining on, we are heading SOUTH and not north!

Be there!

Wildman, Stryker Guy, Fly Boy & Hockey Boy at WAM!

Belo News
July 28, 2013

Brooklyn, Mi. - Another Make a Wish Ride is now in the books and Belo News hopes to hear more from our own Iceman when he has time to report in.  

However, a few other Minions from both Team Taylor (Stryker Guy and Hockey Boy) and Team Eaton (Wildman and Fly Boy) reported in that they had one heck of an adventure!  Stryker Guy was quoted as saying that the weather was great and that all they needed was snow to hit all the Michigan seasons.  The first night he and Hockey Boy pitched their tent between sprinkler heads that went off at 12:30 am and flooded the tent!  

Well, at least they didn't need showers the next morning!

Stryker Guy & Hockey Boy at WAM!
Hockey Boy rode the first 75 miles with his front brake engaged after a minor crash, but Belo News suspects Stryker Guy did that so he could keep up with the reportedly under trained animal rider!

Wildman reported that the same about the weather changing every day and also commented, "is this a great country or what?!?"

Wildman further revealed that wishes were granted, smiles were plentiful and Team Eaton and Team Taylor had a great time, stating "it was another moving experience for all and I'm sure most like me are already looking forward to next year and hope to raise even more money for such a great charity!"  Well said Wildman, well said!

Wildman was also designated as a "Silver" rider for having done 5 WAM Rides!  Well done Wildman!

All hope to be back in the Nation soon!  Great job Minions!  You made the Nation proud!


Belo News
July 31, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Only a couple of weeks left until THE social event of the Minion Year!  Yes, time again for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred!

The second annual ride will take place on August 17, and if you haven't made your reservations yet, you better let Gazelle Girl know ASAP!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!


Belo News
July 31, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - Belo News is sad to report that our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, has announced that he will not be in attendance with the Minions on August 10, 17 or 24.  This will be the longest absence our hero has had from the Nation since the inception of the KK-TdG.  Sharkman and Lava Girl will be heading out on a vacation, a wedding and then some training that the old Shark will be attending in Chicago.  Oh, the humanity!  But the ride will go on!

More in next weeks edition!

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