Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Make a Wish Jersey Day!




Belo News
July 6, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero had some difficulty getting his sorry dorsal to rise and shine!  Western Michigan has been experiencing one of those classic Michigan summer with warm, sunny days and cool, good sleeping nights, and Sharkman loves his Sharkbed.  But he also loves his Minions and after shaking the cobwebs out of his eyes, he was ready to ride!

Kia Pet & Minion virgins!
Knowing the Mad Dog and couldn't ride, he knew that Stingray said he was riding over, but when 7:00 a.m. arrived without Stingray, the old Shark launched.

As he headed out of town he saw flashing lights ahead and thought it might be Stingray, but instead found Cheddarhead ready to ride over for the first time!

The discussion was lively and as a result, so was the pace and the two found themselves at the start a bit early when Brewman rode in followed by a bunch of the Team Taylor Guys in full WAM kit!

New Minion, Tommy Boy!
Yes, it was WAM Jersey Day and the Team Taylor guys certainly wanted to be a part of it!  Iceman led Kia Pet, Bounty Hunter, Airman, who they picked up on the way over, and two virgin Minions, Tommy Boy and Dave (name to be determined). Dave actually rides with the Eaton Team and knows Wildman, though the Nation does not hold that against him. A little later, another Team Taylor rider pulled in named "the Zinn Master" riding a Zinn Litespeed!  

All Black, B-Rod, Sasquatch along with another virgin Minion whose name was not available at press time, and Ranger Rick pulled in with and had brought "Scarl" not the Nation for yet another virgin Minion!  Welcome to all the virgin Minions!

Then the Gull Lake contingent arrived led by Bissell Boy and Stryker Guy, with Kid Gallagher, Boatman among others.  

Out of no where, Stingray appeared!  Apparently, he overslept and missed the early call for the ride over! Oh, the humanity!

Soon, there were 25 Minions and virgin Minions ready to ride, that is after all the photos, interviews with the press, and speeches by dignitaries.

New Minion, Dave!
Promptly at 8:00 A.M. the Nation launched and the cheers went up at the Klutch as our hero's rolled by.

Heading north, first Hossman jumped on, followed by Gazelle Girl and her accompanying cheer from the Nation!

B-Rod and new Minion Tommy Boy led out our hero, the Sharkman, to his honorary first sprint.  

As our hero pulled over to take the count, he counted 27 riders!

The Nation moved up to the col de Twin Lakes were B-Rod won his first Mountain Points in his illustrious career!

The Kountry Klub section was again, heavily contested.  Kid Gallagher went to the front with Sharkman and B-Rod in tow and took the pace up as they headed over the hilly section after Kellogg Korner and into the Kountry Klub section.  The usual easing at the turn never materialized and the Nation began to bear down on the Rt. 43 sprint.  As the Nation approached the final sprint, they saw Tow Truck on a tandem with his lovely wife and all wondered why he can't pull the Nation AND
New Minion, Zinn Master!
his wife around the lake every week?

After the ascent of the col de Norte, a pace line led by Hutch and Sharkman took off and really took the speed up.  Alas, Hutch and Sharkman found themselves at the back of the pack as the Nation flew through the Holy Rollers.

After everyone gathered up at Frona's they were off again to the inlet, where Sharkman turned back to see if he could find any stray Minions and when he didn't, he found the Nation patiently waiting at the Digital Divide for the final assault on the finish.

Sharkman attempted to form up a pace line on the way to the GGG Spot, but it was one of those day's when the Nation didn't seem to want to play that game.

As the Nation crossed the GGG Spot and headed south, Sharkman shouted out safety warnings and was concerned about the crush of riders descending on the finish at one time.

Team Taylor Captain, Iceman!
However, there was no need for worry as Bissell Boy, Ranger Rick and others shot to the front to take the Nation up to 26 mph to the final ascent to the finish, spreading the Nation safely out across the road.

As the mighty Nation bore down on the finish line, B-Rod shot out to the lead, followed by Stingray, Brewman and a late surging Sharkman.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero's rode to the Klutch, zipping up their jerseys for the sponsors and waving to the Tofosi.

Th Klutch was rocking for the post ride press conference and the koffee was flowing as Sharkman shared some of his Sharkies and confessed to his new found love of the little energy bites.  Bissell Boy took one and gave his approval, but B-Rod seemed upset about the fact the were "organic" and "all Natural" and gave an interesting lecture on organically grown products.

All Black checks in!
The crowd seemed to stay late, enjoying the ambience of the day.  

You won't' want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

This Saturday, July 20, 2013

Team Taylor Jersey Day!  

There are a number of present and former Team Taylor Minions so wear one of your Team Taylor Jersey's this Saturday and show your support for those Minions riding!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Bissell Boy & Sharkman for WAM Jersey Day!

Love those Sharkies!



Belo News
July 17, 2013

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active and Bandeen Orthodontics are teaming up to raise money for community projects. The first of these projects will be a community playground. For each $25 donation, your name will be entered for a chance to win one of two AWESOME bikes from Team Active bike shop. 

The first bike to be given away is a Trek Mountain Bike Superfly 100 series that retails for $2340.

The second bike to be given away is a Cannondale road bike CAAD10-5 retails at $1730. 

For more information, go to this link and get ready to win a chance at a great bike while helping a great cause!


Belo News
July 17, 2013
Galesburg, Mi. - Though it may be too late to get your Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, it is not too late to sign on for the ride that everyone wants to be a part of!

Remember, you need to RSVP Gazelle Girl and all of the information is on the invitation!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!

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