Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Sharkman & All Black in Team Taylor kit!



Belo News
July 20, 2013

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero rolled out of his shark bed wondering if all the storms had finally passed.  The overnight thunder and lightening awoken our hero a couple of times and he was wondering what to expect when he cracked open the door to the Cove.

As the old Shark launched from the Cove, Mad Dog was riding in to greet him and advised that there was a lot of tree debris on Capital Avenue from the storm.

It became increasingly clear on the ride over to the start that the rain had not only been heavy, but apparently the wind had left its mark on the roads as well!

Squeaky's new ride (and shoes)!
When Mad Dog and Sharkman arrived they were greeted by a "pacing" B-Rod who asked, "was the Klutch open when you went by?"  Before the two could complete the answer of yes, B-Rod was off saying he would met the Nation at the Klutch as he had to make a deposit! Uh?

Shortly after, Brewman rolled in wearing a new Beer Jersey that was the talk of the peloton! One good looking Minion!

Brewman was followed by Toast and then Squeaky, riding a new steed! 

Well, not new, as he bought the very nice Lemond at a garage sale, but sweet none the less!  Squeaky was also wearing some stylish North Wave shoes that were two different colors!  

That's right! Two different colors!
Are those shoes a different color?

The Style Guy is back!

Everyone surrounded the new ride to take a look and there were several comments about the fact that Squeaky now had a big gear for the first time!  Oh, the humanity!

Talk also centered around the two different colored North Wave cycling shoes.  The Nation also began wondering if they would have to stop calling Squeaky, Squeaky, as the new ride seemed to have a lubed chain.  However, they all new it was only a matter of time before the chain would begin squeaking again!  

Good ole Squeaky!

All Black arrived and was the only rider besides Sharkman wearing a Team Taylor Jersey. 

Stroker drove in and unloaded his steed and got ready to ride.

Dutch - No Staff Meeting Today!
Dutch made his first appearance in some time stating there was "no staff meeting" on this morning so he was able to get out and ride. Wrong Way also arrived after a long absence.

The Gull Lake contingent rode in represented by the Skipper, Boatman, and Dr. Dave with the first reports of how bad the roads were filled with debris, then Ironman made an earlier than normal appearance to report a downed power line.  Skipper reported that many of the houses around Gull Lake had lost power with branches everywhere. Reports continued to flow in of how much junk was littered over the road. 

Skipper led the Nation out, past the Klutch where Luann was waiting at the door (most likely to get away from the smell wafting from the restroom) to wish the Nation a safe ride and to get a count or riders.  B-Rod was back in the Nation.

As the Nation headed north under the guidance of the Skipper, B-Rod, being several pounds lighter, took our hero, the Sharkman to the the front of the peloton, where they greeted Gazelle Girl as she joined on.
Wrongway back in the peloton!

However, as the Nation bore down on that first sprint, B-Rod and Sharkman opened up a bit of a gap.  That is when 3 large dogs came running out of a house, right at the old Shark.  B-Rod, exhibiting a phenomenal ability to sprint, left our hero to take on the three dogs alone!  Guess he figured he only had to out run Sharkman and didn't need to worry about the dogs.

The owner came out yelling at the dogs and after a short encounter in the road, he was able to get the dog's back into the yard to Sharkman's relief.  Sharkman re-mounted and Mad Dog pulled up to lead him out again before B-Rod returned with his "tail between his legs" and took our hero to the opening sprint.

Sharkman took a count of 15 riders as they crossed G Ave on their way to the col de Twin Lakes.

As the Nation headed north, the roads continued to worsen with tree limbs and large amounts of tree bark.  The riders described the debris as "shrapnel" as it hit wheels and spokes and flew up into tender shins, knees and on some occasions faces!  Oh, the humanity!  Sharkman reported later that he had to scrub his shins in his post ride shower at the Cove.

The speed picked up after the Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner, where the Skipper had to drop off to get back to the wife to celebrate her birthday (Happy Birthday Mrs. Skipper!) and into the Kountry Klub section.

For the second week in a row, the normal slow down after the turn did not materialize and the Nation was torquing to Rt. 43!  

A large group of Minions attacked the sprint, but near the line, our hero made an uncontested move from the back to take the sprint! It was a victory for America as Boatman mentioned that the editors of Belo News were sure to remember who won that sprint!  

Correcto mundo Boatman! Correcto mundo!

The Nation headed up the col de Norte and on to the Holy Rollers after having to detour around a part of a tree in the road that the Nation had to maneuver around.

After the Digital Divide, a very sloppy pace line formed up and an attempt was made by the Nation to bring Gazelle Girl to the GGG Spot sprint.  But again she was denied!  This time by Wrongway who was soundly booed for his unadvised move to the front.

As the Nation headed to the final sprint, Sharkman again pleaded that the Nation hold lines and be careful, as Tow Truck, Hossman, Chico and Hoosier Boy were not there to string out the peloton.

However, Dr. Dave to the rescue!  

Post ride press conference.
As the Nation sped up, Dr. Dave took to the front and drove the pace up to 26-27 mph!  Sharkman held on to his wheel like Wolf King hangs on to a piece of fried baloney!  After a very long pull, Mad Dog went to the front and kept the pace going.  After giving some relief, Mad Dog backed off and Dr. Dave, throwing himself on his sword, took over again!  Oh, the humanity!

Dr. Dave continued the torrid pace up to the top of the final ascent, where Wrongway moved out from the pack and made his break away, quickly opening a gap to the dismay of the sprinters on hand.

B-Rod responded, with Brewman on his wheel and Gazelle Girl in hot pursuit.

However, Wrongway could not be caught and B-Rod had to settle for a distant second, with Brewman filling out the podium and Gazelle Girl taking fourth.

Rainman and Raindrop at the Klutch!
The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation rode on to the Klutch where they
found Rainman with his cute daughter, Raindrop, waiting with their Koffee in hand ready to sign autographs for the paparazzi.

The Klutch was rocking as the Nation talked of the great ride, Dr. Dave's awesome pull and how blue Raindrops eyes are!

You won't want to miss next weeks edition! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
July 26, 2013

Traverse City, Mi. - This weekend is the Make a Wish ride and many Minions will be taking part.  The Nation wishes them all a safe and fun ride!  Make the Nation proud Minions!


Belo News
Where is Pirate?
July 19, 2013

Alp d'Huez, France - The Pirate has been reporting in from Europe this summer, between attempts to imitate Bissell Boy.  He reports in from France this week where he has been both watching the Tour de France AND riding some of the stages!

The Pirate reports:

Had some fantastic ass kicking rides in Europe. Tour de Flemish, Amstel Gold ride in the Nederland, Col de la Madeleine and Alp d’Huez in France.  Beautiful scenery some tough cobble stones with 18% grade and
The Pirate after the climb!
continuous 10% grade up the Alps.

Weather cooperated with us.  Unfortunate for the USA that TJ Vandergaarden did not hold the lead.  

He passed us with a 30 sec lead but must have tanked.  I don’t blame him, it is a brutal climb to do it once, and he did it twice in one day!!.

That is all from Pirate

Our Pirate, post ride, we think......

Thanks Pirate and get back here soon!  We're holding a spot in the peloton for you!



Belo News
July 26, 2013

Battle Creek, Mi. - Team Active and Bandeen Orthodontics are teaming up to raise money for community projects. The first of these projects will be a community playground. For each $25 donation, your name will be entered for a chance to win one of two AWESOME bikes from Team Active bike shop. 

The first bike to be given away is a Trek Mountain Bike Superfly 100 series that retails for $2340.

For more information, go to this link and get ready to win a chance at a great bike while helping a great cause!


Belo News
July 26, 2013

Galesburg, Mi. - Though it may be too late to get your Bloody 'Ell 'Undred jersey, it is not too late to sign on for the ride that everyone wants to be a part of!

Remember, you need to RSVP Gazelle Girl and all of the information is on the invitation!

Don't wait, Bunkie!  Make your reservation now!

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