Wednesday, July 28, 2010


July 27, 2010
Belo News
Reporter: Rainman

(Editor’s note – Some of the Kellogg Minions were having difficulty getting out of work in time to make the start of the Chain Gang rides, so they decided to start their own “Minions East” ride on Tuesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. from the upper deck parking at Kellogg Headquarters. The first week, Airman, Stingray, Rainman, and Sharkman rode, last week it was the Five Minions seen in the photo. This week, Sharkman couldn’t make it, but asked Rainman to report on the ride. All Minions are invited to join the 30 mile jaunt on any given Tuesday.)

Rainman reports (in addition to looking like Andy Schleck on the bike, he does have a great writing style, doesn’t he?)

Battle Creek, Mi. – I'm pleased to report that we had three Minions at the start of the ride on Tuesday evening. Rainman, Airman, and Hossman all braved the toxic smell headed west along the river (crazy, or what!?). Other Minons would have surely joined, but it was either the toxic smell, hard efforts sustained during the WAM last weekend, or evening dinner dates that kept some regulars from riding the Tuesday edition.

A game-time decision was made to ride west instead of the South route discussed pre-ride. The group decided that the smell wasn't that bad standing in the parking lot of HQ, so westerly the brave Minions went!

Mighty mini-Minion Nation stayed true to the Tuesday route and headed along the river. The group worked their way through the ROAD CLOSED signs to witness first-hand the devastation of 840,000* gallons of crude oil spilled. The once flowing river was stopped with visible signs of "sludge" and workers deployed booms to stop the spreading.

After the depressing smells and visuals were past, the pace picked up as the Minions started their own team time-trial dropping the Team Active solo TT riders on their own course like stones. In true Minion spirit though, the riders waved to their roadie comrades to show respect for their efforts.

The group continued onto G Ave and stayed together mostly on the climb leading into 37th street. The high-speed continued with each Minions playing nicely with one another by taking turns on the front. Hossman had a mighty pull up to the final sprint finish, but it was Rainman that ended up taking the tape with Airman just nudging out Hossman to round out the top 3 podium places**.

Turning back east, the group zeroed-in on an unknown rider about 3/4 miles ahead. Airman started to salivate knowing that there was an rider off the front. Like the the Team Mascot, Lacie, chasing-down a bunny in the backyard, Airman put in a solid sustained effort to narrow the gap considerably while Hossman and Rainman finished off the unknown rider before reaching downtown Augusta. Well done, Minions!

Let it be known that Hossman next took a pull along Augusta Rd that will be legendary for hours, if not days to come. Hossman opened his suitcase of courage to reveal his diesel-burning engine and pulled Rainman and Airman nearly the entire road leading into Michigan Ave / M89 split! Someone needs to test him for doping with Levi Leipheimer look/ride-alike genes or for Fabian Cancellera's bike motor!

The ride continued to have a "spirited" pace all the way home to HQ. The foul crude oil smell coming back into Battle Creek seemed to be stronger than when the riders first launched. Disappointed and disgusted, a committee has been formed to discuss alterations to the Tuesday route for future rides (EDITORIAL: Thanks a lot Enbridge).

All-in-all, the ride was deemed a success!

You would have been amazed at the late-night Kellogg folk still at HQ waiting to catch a glimpse of the riders coming across the finish line!? Used to the fan-mobs on Saturday mornings at the Koffee Klutch, these fans were no different and all three riders stopped to sign autographs and take questions from the press.


Tuesday Evening - Launch time 6:00 P.M. SHARP!

* estimated.
** unofficial.

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