Wednesday, July 14, 2010





Belo News
Galesburg, MI

July 10, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – All week long, the talk in cycling circles was about, what has now become known as, “the Toe” photo. Minions from around the Kalamazoo valley were asking and wondering A.) Was it a real photo of Gazelle Girls toe and B.) Why wasn’t a disclaimer put in the email to warn people about the photo?

Though it can be argued that any semblance of truth found in this digital publication is purely coincidental, we are here to tell you that the photo was indeed, the actual toe of our own beloved Gazelle Girls, untouched by Photoshop or any other form of editing. And though her actual toe was manipulated by her husband and a friend after visiting Bells Brewery, the photo itself was not manipulated in anyway.

No story has created the buzz that this story has!

Secondly, concerning warning readers about the photo, the Editors of Belo News felt that if our reading audience could handle the recently published photo of Wolf King, they would be able to handle any photo! As a matter of fact, there was a unified nod of agreement when it was explained at the Klutch on Saturday as if to say, “Ah, yes, the photo of Wolf King was much scarier……..”

Tony the Tiger Jersey Day was a big success with 24 riders showing up at the start or joining on after the Skipper led the Mighty Minion Nation north out of town. Out of the 24 riders, there were about 10 Minions sporting the colorful Tiger jerseys. There was a new rider to welcome on board. Dave Shelton has joined the mighty Minion Nation and quickly acquired the name of “Cheddar Head.” Though from Battle Creek originally, he recently moved back from Wisconsin. Also in attendance was Last Dog who the Minions hadn’t seen for some time but was easily recognizable in his bike sandals.

Kid Doster also wanted it noted that he was not late the previous week and in an effort of complete disclosure, it was learned that the phantom 3rd place finisher the previous week was none other than B-Rod! (Sorry B-Rod)

Danimal led our intrepid hero out to the honorary Sharkman sprint and all was right with the universe once again.

The pace for the morning was swift and the sprints were all well contested. However, there also seemed to be a lot of chatter in the peloton as the morning sun seemed to warm the roads and the conversation. The Country Club section was again the speed zone it has now become and the riders took a moments rest as they headed on to Rt. 43.

The Minions formed up at the summit of the Col de Norte and headed south through the Bible Conference Hills to Frona’s and then on to the inlet sprint.

After crossing the Digital Divide, Sharkman attempted to form up a pace line and after several attempts, the feat was accomplished just in time to begin the 3G Zone sprint. It worked, but it was one ugly pace line……

As the Mighty Minion Train moved to the finish, Sharkman was concerned at how bunched the peloton was. As the Minions came across the summit for the final descent, they looked more like a swarm of bees than a singe pace line. Sharkman shouted out to hold lines, but the Minions were determined to get to the front of the pack!

In one of the closest finishes in Minion history, the entire Nation descended on the finish like a Wolf King on a stray Doritos!

With no one sandwiched between Ironman on the outside and B-Rod on the inside, B-Rod threw his bike across the line just ahead of the others to take the tape!

The crowds again went wild along the Champs le Galesburg as our hero’s zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and waved to the crowds.

Someone attempted to purchase Koffee for Sharkman at the Klutch, but Hoosier Boy beat him to the punch as Jamie handed our hero a dark roast bottomless Kup! Is this a great country or what! Ah, the Minions love the smell of a Koffee Klutch dark roast bottomless kup!

The Minions decided to sit outside and then fought for the small space of shade under the table umbrella. The discussion centered on the “toe” and on the Tour de France.

Some of the discussion included;

Is it us, or does anyone else think that Rainman looks like Andy Schleck on the bike? Maybe it’s the white shoes or the slight build, but you have to admit they look very similar…..

Fans are talking about the bad luck Lance has had this year and how with the exception of the Musset Bag incident a few years back, he has not had bad luck in the past. However, here at the Belo News, we’re thinking he didn’t have bad luck before because he wasn’t at the back of the peloton. As they say, “nothing good ever happens at the back of the peloton” and Lance is proving it. His team hasn’t seemed to be around him very much and after his first crash, it only got worse because……he was at the back of the peloton. (See the video clip of the crash on this blog)

Fans talked about how Jamie Farrar and Cadel Evans “cracked” and how Evans did it with the Yellow Jersey on his back. We later learned that Farrar was riding with a fractured wrist and Evans with a broken elbow. Hey they pull pitchers after 90 pitches! These riders are studs!
And are those commercials great or what? Radio Shack and Alphonse, Contador vs. Schleck on the Specialized bikes, and of course, the "I (insert celebrities name, maybe Sharkman ) and I've switched to Sram!" Yes, Sharkman was ahead of the curve on that one!

So, you won’t want to miss the chatter, the riding, the koffee or the discussion on the tour is week. The weather sounds great for another Minion Ride!

Saturday – Launch Time 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Wear your favorite Beer Jersey!


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