Wednesday, July 21, 2010





Belo News
Galesburg, MI

July 17, 2010

Galesburg, Mi. – In the world of brewing jerseys’ there is only one King, and that King demonstrated why he and he alone stands at the top of the beer jersey universe.

Yes, it was Beer Jersey Day this past Saturday at the KK-TdG and once again, there were a number of Oberon and Bell Brewery Jersey’s in attendance. Oberon has been a consistent leader in the Beer Jersey Day Competition. However, we here at the Belo News have been looking for a more distinct brewing jersey in this regular competition.

There was a rather interesting “Ryde Beer” Jersey with its motto’s of “Ryde me” and “draught me” worn by All Black. Very unique, and not Oberon, but still……

The obvious winning jersey for the weekend was (see photo) Brewman’s entry with a “Smuttynose” Beer Jersey. It was an easy pick. Along the back of the jersey was the motto, “make mine a Smutty!” Does it get any better! In addition to this classic jersey, and hard to make out in the photo, Brewman was also sporting some rather dapper beer mug socks! Does this guy rock or what?

As roughly 16 riders started to click in at the start, a rather large group, led by the Skipper and including the return of Hockey Boy, along with his side kick Dad, Stryker Guy, approached the riders. A woman in the group immediately rode up to the Sharkman and said, “So you’re the Sharkman?” to which he nodded acknowledgement just before she gave him a big kiss on the cheek! Sharkman was stunned, as he had never been kissed by a Minion (well not a kiss he enjoyed anyway) and actually, had always preferred it that way. Come on, anyone who has looked at a male Minion would know what that is all about. But apparently Skipper and Stryker Guy had informed the potential Minion that she needed to give the “Big Guy” a kiss to get her name in the Belo News! Because her husband is a jeweler, they had given her the name of “Bling Girl” and so Sharkman gave her the name despite her objections.

Welcome to the Mighty Minion Nation, Bling Girl and to getting your name in the Blog! Congratulations! The Sharkman does want it known that any male Minion who tries this stunt to get their name in the Blog will be declared persona non Grata, so back off gentlemen! Though he does want all female Minions to go ahead and knock themselves out!

Also joining the Nation was Dr. Crack who will be doing the WAM with Team Taylor next week. Belo News is not sure if that name has anything to do with his carbon frame or a substance addiction issue but he was welcomed into the fold. Two new young riders joined the group, one of whom was named Ryan and will need to work on a name for himself and the other young rider before the Minions give him a name he may not like. Welcome to the Mighty Minion Nation, gentlemen!

As the Sharkman was relishing his greeting from Bling Girl, the Skipper got the Minions in order and they slide past the Klutch with our Barista, Jamie out to wave the peloton past the Koffee Shop. Belo News is sad to report that this coming Saturday will be Jamie’s last day at the Klutch, as she has taken a job at the Beacon Club. I am sure the tips will be better than those from the cheap skates in the Mighty Minion nation, but the Minions will miss Jamie none the less. So this week, everyone needs to thank Jamie for all her Barista activity over the past few seasons taking care of the peloton!

Thanks Jamie!

As the Minion Train headed north, a huge cheer went up as everyone recognized the rider heading south as the Minions own Gazelle Girl who was accompanied by her Podiatrist husband, Dr. Toe himself, Eric. A big Minion welcome to Dr. Toe, great to have you in the Nation!

Welcome back Gazelle Girl!

Rainman lead out our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, to the honorary Shark sprint and at the G Ave. Stop Sign, Sharkman counted 27 riders now on the Mighty Minion Nation train as it headed north to the Col de Twin Lakes! A number of riders had latched on in the run up to the opening sprint and it is clearly getting harder and harder to get a count on the number of Minion riders.

It was noted that Rainman was wearing a yellow jersey and it seemed he had taken to heart comments in this publication insinuating that he looked like Andy Schleck on the bike.

The speed picked up accordingly, but again there was a lot of chatter in the peloton.

As all Minions are aware, one of our main credos is that “we leave no Minion behind.” We want to foster new riders to join on and have fun riding with us.

However, because it is getting more and more difficult to get accurate counts, the Sharkman has asked us to remind all Minions that they need to continue to watch who is off the back so that when we get to a stop sign, hopefully a Minion can tell the Nation if someone is off the back or not. The Sharkman learned last week that 3 Minions, two of them new to the group, had inadvertently been left behind the previous week at the foot of the col de Norte. We do not want to leave a rider with a mechanical or worse, an injury, so please monitor the riders behind you and try to keep the Sharkman posted on who is off the back.

This is extremely important in the long section between Rt. 89 through the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, and the Kountry Klub and on to the Rt. 43 sprint, which has become an extremely fast section of the ride. One of the unique things about the Minion ride is that we try to watch out for each other, so the Sharkman would like us to keep it that way. Also, if you are going to drop off, please let someone in the group know.

After the Digital Divide, the historic pace line was, for lack of a better word, short lived and the Minions had trouble keeping it together. A very spirited sprint to the 3G Zone indicated what was to come.

The average speed at the 3G crossing was 19.4 mph, as the speed started to ramp up for the finish. Again, the pack seemed to be pretty bunched up as the Mighty Minion Nation crested the final hill and started the descent to the finish. Sharkman, again wanting to spread out the peloton, shot to the front and tried to stretch out the group but to no avail. The train, close on his wheel, bided their time for the final sprint just as a lawn service truck started to work its way down a driveway adjacent to the Stop Ahead Sign finish.

Sharkman saw the truck first and began to slow just as a mass of Minions shot by. As the lawn service pick-up truck and trailer pulled out on to 37th street, it almost looked like the Mighty Minion Nation was going to ride right up the back of the trailer and become a part of the assorted lawn equipment on the trailer!

Calmer minds prevailed and sanity started to return as Wolf King at the front, followed closely by B-Rod, Ironman and assorted riders slowed down to the finish.

Lawn service truck 1, Minions 0. Average speed 19.7 mph for the ride.

It was reported that there was some head butting and shouldering in the run up line for Koffee at the Klutch, but that was Airman as he worked his way to the front to buy Koffee for the Sharkman and get the first kup of koffee at the klutch! Thanks Airman! Nice moves!
And the guy doesn’t even drink Koffee (though he did order one of those drinks with an umbrella in it.)!

Don’t worry Minions! There are plenty of weeks left in the season to buy the Sharkman Koffee!

The Minions once again sat outside under the umbrella and Jamie kept the Koffee coming as Cloud Girl arrived to sign autographs and talk to the press.

This week, a number of Minions will be at the WAM Ride, including the Sharkman!

Good luck Team Taylor and Eaton Team Riders!

However, the Minions will ride on Saturday!

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Watch out for each other and ride safe!


Galesburg, Mi. – A number of riders have talked about setting up a B group for new riders, injured rider who are recovering, riders who’ve been off the bike for a while and want to work their way back into shape, etc.

The thought is that the B group would start 15-20 minutes before the regular riders so that everyone would finish about the same time so that they could all take part in the press conference and other activities at the Klutch.

An alternate route could also be considered.

Please send your thoughts on this idea to Sharkman. If you would consider leading a B group or know someone who would be willing to try leading such a group, again, please send a note to Sharkman.

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