Wednesday, July 28, 2010




Belo News
July 23-25, 2010

Traverse City/Big Rapids/Chelsea, Mi. – Once again, the WAM ride proved to be a fantastic experience for all involved. Sharkman, Wildman, Brewman, All Black, Stryker Guy, Iceman, Hawkeye, Compression Boy, Bling Girl, and Nicey were all in attendance.

Due to work commitments, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was not able to ride the first day, but joined Team Taylor in Big Rapids, where he pitched his tent with the team and was ready to rock on Saturday morning.

As dawn broke over his Shark tent, the wind was calm and best of all dry! As he sprang from his shark sleeping bag and pulled his gear from his shark duffel bag, he was excited to get going! He decided to pack up his tent after breakfast and headed off to for breakfast.

One the great things about the WAM tour is the food, and this year was no exception. The old Shark usually doesn’t eat that much, but he justified his gluttony with the fact he would be riding 114 miles and began to slog down eggs, sausage, pancakes, banana’s, juice and coffee.

It was as he started walking out of the Ferris State dining hall that he felt the first drops of rain. The Shark moved quickly to take down his tent, pack, get some air in his tires and then take his bag to the sag truck as the rain picked up.

Team Taylor was ready to rock and at approximately 6:45 a.m. they headed out in a steady rain to their next destination, the DeWitt High School.

As Iceman lead the Minions out of Big Rapids, the rain picked up and stayed steady for the 54 miles to the lunch stop. The riders threw water up in each other’s faces as the pace picked up and though the going was hard, they still averaged a respectable 18.6 mph to the lunch.

Because they had moved so quickly, they were having lunch around 9:30 a.m. and though it seemed like he had just eaten, the Shark had no problem again attacking the buffet like a ravenous dog on the last bone in the butcher shop.

As the riders mounted up again, officials stated that a lightening storm was on the way and they may have to take the riders off the course. This only seemed to spur Team Taylor and Team Eaton on!

That is when it occurred! About 3-4 miles from lunch, and with the rain coming down about as hard as it had come down all morning, Sharkman’s back tire went flat! As he pulled over to the side of the road, Wildman stopped with a new potential Minion, Pilot Guy, to help. Moments later, Brewman appeared wondering what had happened to the intrepid hero. Like beer in a glass, Wildman and Brewman have class!

The tire was fixed quickly and the Mighty Minion Nation was on the road again, but with a smaller peleton. About 75 miles into the ride, and as the rain had slowed a great deal, Brewman had a flat. Brewman seemed to have it fixed in an instant and they again hit the road.

At 95 miles, in a small town called Westphilia, Sharkman had his second flat. As Wildman pulled out the last tube and final hope that the Mighty Minion Nation had from his seat wedge, two moths and a cloud of dust came with it. Wildman mentioned that the tube had been in his wedge longer than a 40 year old virgin’s wallet condom!

Just then, a sag wagon went by with a pump and as they began to try to blow the tire up, it wouldn’t hold air. Further examination revealed a tear in the tube near the stem. No tubes left!

But the sag wagon had one last tube! But the stem was too short and they could not get the pump chuck on the stem! Rats!

Our hero refused to be sagged in!

Just then, another rider came by and offered up a tube! Sharkman was saved!

The four Minions finished the day at 114.34 miles with an average of 18.4 mph.

The four Minions stated they had never been more dirty nor had their bikes ever been so caked with grit.

The four Minions had to floss the grit out from between their teeth!

The four Minions said they had never been on a better ride!

It was an epic ride!

Sunday was just as memorable for other reasons. The Silent Mile, the finish of 93 riders, two abreast in matching jersey’s finishing together. Your “Wish Kid” putting your finishing medal around your neck and all 93 Team Taylor riders on the stage together for photo’s singing Happy Birthday to that seven year old “Wish Kid.” Families taking photo’s with a tear in their eye, proud of what their rider has accomplished.

This is a ride that get’s in your blood. It not as much about the ride as it is the friendships and the camaraderie that being with great people brings. It is about the kids you’re helping and seeing the blessings you have right in front of you every day. It is about fun, but also about the emotions that making wishes come true for kids brings.

If you have not experienced a WAM Ride, registration for next year begins on September 1, 2010.

Be there!

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