Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Falcon*, Rainman & Dutch fill out Podium!

Controversy in the Peloton!

Who really finished third?

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
September 12, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – The Minions continue to be blessed with fantastic weather this season! 17 Minions met for the start, which we believe is a post Labor Day record turnout. Add the two other riders that joined during the ride certainly sets this day of 19 riders as a record for the Minions. Many riders stated they had come out for the moment of silence for Aaron Webster. Gazelle Girl even gave up a few extra minutes of sleep to be there for the start. After a few words for Aaron and the peloton bowed their heads for a moment of silence, the Minions slowly rode though town with the sun on their shoulders and Aaron in their hearts.

Things were slow coming out of town as thoughts of loss of a Minion weighed on the riders, but when Falcon and Rainman moved to the front of the peloton, Sharkman responded and took the honorary first sprint.

Game on!

As the riders came around the corner to the run up sprint to the col de Twin Lakes, Knute, aka Knute, joined on looking dapper in his Lotto Team Kit. Knute commented on how great the Peloton looked coming over the rise in the road with the sun on their backs and the mist in the air.

As seems to be the case, the peloton really began to roll through the Country Club section of the ride and the only thing that slowed them was a detour through the Country Club parking lot by the Power Company fixing a downed line in the road.

At the top of the col de Norte, none other than Nikeboy joined on looking quite sharp in his Seven kit aboard his new SEVEN CARBON FIBER CAMPY SUPER RECORD EQUIPPED ride! Does this man have class or what? How many Sevens can one man own? Getting a late start, he decided to join the peloton coming up the east side of the lake.

The sprints were lively through the Bible Conference Hills and on to the Inlet.
Once the Peloton made the Route 89 crossing the pace line picked up as did the speed.
After the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman and Dutch lead the peloton and it seemed as though no one else wanted to take over. As the peloton crested the final hill, the Mighty Minion Nation sailed past our intrepid hero, Sharkman and went hard for the tape. Falcon, Rainman, Nikeboy, Dutch and others battled for the top spot on the podium. At the end, Falcon* took the tape, with Rainman, and Nikeboy on this tail. However, since Nikeboy had not ridden the entire course, the third spot on the podium was given to Dutch.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg while the media waited in the Klutch for interviews.

There were some questions as to who finished third, and that is when the real controversy began.

Falcon stated that Nikeboy was the singular reason for his win. He went on to reveal that Nikeboy had pulled him up to the front to take the tape. After a review by the Minion Commission, the win was granted, however, with an asterisk for taking an illegal draft off of Nikeboy. It should also be noted that Falcon has more asterisks than any Minion in the peloton.

How many more weeks of great weather will the Minions have?

Can these great turnouts continue?

Can Falcon get anymore asterisks?

Get the answer to these questions and more!

Come on out and ride!

The weather is again sounding good for this weekend and there may not be many of these great weather weekends left.

So we are declaring this weekend “Tony the Tiger Jersey Weekend.” That’s right, don your Tiger Jersey this weekend, it might be the last short sleeved jersey weekend for a while!

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

Be there!


Unknown said...

Perhaps Falcon should be renamed to 'Asterisk'?

Unknown said...

Or maybe 'AsteriskBoy'?

Shark Minion Update said...


I'm liking the sound of Asterskboy.

The man does deserve it.

Maybe we need a name the Falcon contest? Yes, re-name the Falcon. Free Koffee to the best use of Astrisk in a name!

A mere $50 entry fee can win you a free kup of koffee! Just stick it in an envelope, along with the $50 and mail it to Sharkman at the Shark Cove, Battle Creek, Mi. 49015
