Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Falcon & Wolf King Battle to the Wire!

Was that rain?

Sharkman 60? Say it ain’t so!


Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
September 25, 2009

Galesburg, Mi.
– As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, laid his head on his shark pillow on Friday night, he was sure that the morning would bring rain. The forecast was not good and the old Shark was sure the Minions weather luck had run out. He awoke several times during his sleep wondering if the ride would be a wash out and to listen for the sound of rain on the Shark Cove roof.

However, and much to his surprise, when the Shark Alarm went off and our hero leaped to the window to look, though the street was wet, it did not appear to be raining!

Sharkman dashed to the kitchen to start the Shark Koffee maker and click on the Shark Radar. Our hero cut a fine figure in his shark pajama’s, sipping coffee and checking the radar, as the green glow of the screen shined on his happy Shark face.

The radar indicated no rain over the KK-TdG field of dreams and a smile stretched across the Sharkman’s face revealing his carnivore teeth.


After a minor wardrobe malfunction involving his Sidi shoe buckle in the dark, the Shark was off with lights flashing in the silent morning air. He immediately felt the cold presence of water shooting up his dorsal fin from his rear tire. The roads were wet and his wheels were throwing rain up in his wake like a manure spreader on a farm field. The back of his fine, powder blue Schwinn retro jersey began displaying the evidence of the dark wet roads.

Though the weather was iffy, 12 Minions showed up for the start with a couple of new riders. One new rider, now known as “Just Gerry” was welcomed into the fold. Welcome Just Gerry!

A second rider came in late to the start and wasn’t particularly talkative. It was later learned he was from Indiana visiting in-laws, but never told the Minions how he heard about the ride. He quickly grew impatient when it was stated that, “we leave no Minion behind.” He got so impatient that he left the group after the C ave. sprint and left the peloton at Frona’s. I guess he wasn’t Minions Material!

Many of the Minions drove cars to the start, not because of the wet roads, but because no one thought anyone else would show up to ride in the wet conditions and they could drive back home to bed! But as we all know, the Minions will ride in the rain, but will not START in the rain!

Everyone did have to wait, yet again, for Wolf King as he put on all sorts of odd gear (like socks over his shoes, a special articulating holder for his HR monitor, etc.). What part of SHARP does Wolf King not understand! The Pirate lead the group out in the absence of the Skipper.

The group was somewhat social for the first part of the ride, keeping the average speed down and the conversation up until, of course, the Country Club section.

Speed picked up from that point on, but the peloton pretty much stayed together through the Col de Norte and the Bible Conference hills and unto the inlet sprint. Wildman, B-Rod, Kid Doster, the Un-named rider, Falcon, Wolf King, All Black, Pirate, were all mixing it up at the front as the fast moving train headed to the G Ave. Sprint.

As the Mighty Minion Nation headed south to the finish, it seemed as though no one wanted to be at the front. The group has been missing Bullet Bob and his patented “flyer” move that would stretch out the peloton for a safer finish.

As the Minion train crested the hill, the riders began to line up for the finish.

Wolf King opened a break with Falcon right behind him and B-Rod breathing down Falcon’s back. A string of Minions followed closely behind.

Wolf King and Falcon battled down to the finish as the Falcon, aka Kid Asterisk, took the tape by a half a wheel, with B-Rod again taking the last podium spot.

Average speed was at 18.9 mph and may have been down due to the slow start and the wet roads.

Were the roads really that wet you might ask? Sharkman reported that his bike was so dirty when he washed it that he found two dead raccoons pasted to his bottom bracket and several Dixie Cups and a Coors beer can stuck in his brakes.

The riders poured into the Klutch for the post race activity and Falcon was feeling so good, he bought Sharkman his koffee. Well, he was also trying to get rid of that asterisks!

Talk centered on next weeks Birthday activity!


You won’t want to miss Saturday’s ride or the post ride Klutch as the Mighty Minion Nation celebrates our hero’s 60th Birthday!

Lava Girl will be there with cake and Sharkman is buying the bottomless Kups! We’ve checked with Luann and she is good to go on the celebration!

It is rumored that Lance Armstrong, President Obama and Oprah will all be in attendance or at least send their regards!

Should it rain, or if you cannot ride, please try to stop by around 9:30-9:45 a.m. to help the old Shark blow out the candles on that cake! The defibulator will be on standby as the old Shark makes his wish! What a photo op! Is this a great country or what?

You won’t want to miss this ride or this celebration!

Launch time – 8:00 A.M. – SHARP WOLF KING!

There are only so many weeks left this season!

If it is raining – meet at the Klutch at 9:45 A.M.!

Be there!

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