Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend was a Beer Fest

Oberon Controls the Peloton

"Miller Time" Rules Sprints

Falcon Takes Podium

Galesburg, MI
September 5, 2009

Galesgurg, MI - 23 Minions showed up for Beer Jersey Day, must of thought they'd be filling water bottles with the stuff or something. Per usual, Oberon ruled the day with 6 riders kitted up and All Black was awarded best jersey, sporting his Ryde Beer kit with the slogan "draught me " and several Minions took advantage of his offer.

Danimal and Hausman led the riders up 36th street and went off the front at a considerable distance until Falcon bridged the gap yielding the first sprint to the missing Sharkman.

Iron Man took the Col de Twin Lakes climb as we were joined by Knute and then it was Miller Time. The majority of the intermediate sprints were taken by the father/son duo, Mike and Luke Miller. If this publication is granted a vote they would now be known as Oil Man and Skywalker in the Mighty Minion Nation.

Stryker Guy was thrown deep into the "Pain Cave" through the Country Club Hills and the run up to M-43. Apparently he started Beer Day the night prior and was a bit wounded after a two week hiatus from his steed.

The group lifted the pace down 37th hitting 27 mph and setting a new average high of 21.5 mph for the ride. Did we already say it was "Miller Time"?!

As the peloton crested the final rise toward the sprint the group began to split and the lead outs fell off the pace. At the finish line it was Falcon and for the first time this year a tie for second between Wildman and Iron Man.

As Fall is upon us the rides will continue as long as possible. We will lose a few to soccer and other events but we will ride as long as the weather permits.

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