Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Knute, aka Knute, takes the tape!

Wolf King back on the Podium!

Free Swag? What gives?

Sharkman’s Birthday coming October 4!

Belo News
Galesburg, Mi.
September 19, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – Our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, could feel the crisp air of fall as he mounted his titanium steed at the Shark Cove on Saturday morning. In the dim light of the fall morning, the rear light flashing on the back of Sharkman’s helmet, he thought of what a great season of fantastic weather this has been as he rode to the start. One might complain about the cool temps, but from a Minion perspective, this was yet another fine Saturday morning for riding a bike!

Though it is Youth Soccer season, and it is getting cooler, the crowds keep coming out! 12 riders saddled up for the start and when Knute, aka Knute jumped on after the Honorary Sharkman Sprint, it made 13 Minions in the peleton. Even Wildman had returned to the Minion Nation after a long absense!

The pace was again extremely fast through the Country Club section up to the Col de Norte. Danimal was particularly on fire as he picked off sprints in the early going and pushed the pace from the front to near mach 2 speeds.

Even Sharkman was feeling spunky and rode the wheel of his lead out guy, Brewman, to take the Inlet sprint and then followed that by taking the G ave. Sprint after Danimal faded just before the stop ahead. When was the last time Sharkman took two sprints in a row? Maybe, like…..never?!?

As the peleton formed up for the finish, the Minions were very bunched up at the top of the final hill. Everyone was waiting for someone to make a move when Wolf King decided to jump on the inside and catch everyone off guard. Knute, aka Knute, was the first to respond and went after the rabid Wolf. This started a chain reaction response as the pace rapidly picked up.

With Several Minions in pursuit, the battle between Knute and Wolf King went down to the wire. Knute took the tape with Wolf King on his wheel and B-Rod taking the third spot on the podium with a cast of Minions right behind them!

Of course the real winner on the day was Sharkman as he was the only rider to be wearing a Tony the Tiger Jersey on Tony the Tiger Jersey Day, thus, he was declared the real winner.

At the Klutch, Wildman came bearing gifts! Wildman had been an Official at the Tour of Missouri and had swag for everyone! You heard that right, an OFFICIAL at the Tour of Missouri! He actually had a Tour of Missouri T shirt for the Sharkman, along with water bottles, wrist bands and energy jelly beans for everyone! Thanks Wildman!

But to top it all, Wolf King bought koffee! You heard that right! Wolf King. When was the last time Wolf King bought Koffee? Maybe, like……never?!? Thanks Wolf King!

It was a great day in the Minion Nation!

But it just get’s better!
Help Celebrate Sharkman's 60th!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 3, 2009! It will be Sharkman’s Birthday Eve party at the Klutch. Yes, you heard it here in the Update first! Sharkman will be 60 years young on October 4 and to help him celebrate you need to be at the Klutch at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 3!

Lava Girl has cleared it with Luann and we will have cake! And the koffee is on the Sharkman! Help him celebrate 60th Birthday eve!

If the weather is bad, we’ll still meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Klutch! If you can’t ride that morning, try to stop by to see the Shark age before your very eyes!

Be there!

This Saturday, Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. Sharp!

You won’t want to miss another great fall morning! The weather looks warm, but chance of thundershowers. So watch the radar!

Be there!
Oh, and yes, that is our intrepid hero, the Sharkman in the photo from his trip to Crested Butte!

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