Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bissell Boy, Ironman & Sharkman at Cannonsburg!

Our Minion Hero’s enter the Pain Cave of Cyclocross!

Belo News
Cannonsburg, Mi.
September 11, 2009

Cannonsburg, Mi. – The Krisscross Cyclocross Race Season kicked off in Cannonsburg, Mi. last Friday night, September 11, with three Mighty Minions in attendance. Bissell Boy, Ironman & our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, all entering the pain cave known as “cyclocross.” You have to love any group whose motto is “Racing and beer!”

Bissell Boy and Sharkman took part in the C class race that included 5 laps of the 1.3 mile course through hills, barriers and sand pits. Bissell Boy took 14th Place and Sharkman followed in 15th. As you can see from the photo, Sharkman was in the Pain Cave for 26 minutes with an average HR of 168! But he loved the race!

Doesn’t Bissell Boy look sharp in his Bissell kit?

Ironman competed in the B-Masters class, doing 8 laps and finished 14th! Decked out in his Purdue kit, he cut a fine figure on the course.

You have to try this sport! Racing bikes and drinking beer?

Is this a great country or what?

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