Wednesday, September 9, 2009

An Important Message from the Sharkman

We lost one of our own this past week, someone who rode with many of you this past summer as a celebrity rider and former Minion.

It is with deep regret that I report that Jeff Webster, aka Bianchi Boy and an original Minion who you will remember rode with us on a single speed earlier this summer, lost his son Aaron in a car accident last Saturday morning. Aaron was 20 years old.

Some of you may also remember that Aaron rode my cyclocross bike as a celebrity rider with his Dad back in July. If you were there that morning you would remember him for his big smile and easy going way. He was an exceptional rider and former Colorado State Junior Mountain Biking Champion and his loss leaves a big whole in the hearts of the Minion Nation. He was also a very exceptional young man.

I will remember Aaron as someone whose shining eyes brought a smile to everyone he met and for his big heart and gentle manner.

Jeff wrote a heart felt letter to those of us who knew Aaron and I share some of that here.
Aaron attended Baylor last year, but transferred to the University of Arkansas to be closer to home and close to his fiancée.

Aaron was one of those rare young men who was all about helping others, especially kids. He was always smiling, laughing, and bringing the best out of people. He worked the last two summers at the Roger's Activity Center. A local "YMCA" type facility, often for families that are less privileged to attend higher end places. He worked with the 6th graders, and he was well loved for his work there.

Aaron continues to help others as he donated his liver and kidneys to save two children in Little Rock, his lungs will save a person in Wisconsin, and Illinois. His heart which was as big as Texas, will save a 32 yr old Texan. He'll give the gift of sight to two others. And much more.....

The Aaron Webster Memorial Fund for helping underprivileged children has been set up. Any gifts you care to send are tax deductible. Please mail any donations to the address below. For questions contact Coleta Paris @ 479.631.0336 x434:

Aaron Webster Memorial Fund
The Rogers Activity Center
315 West Olive Street
Rogers, Arkansas 72758

Hopefully, some of the Minions will find it in their hearts to make a donation to remember one of our own.

To his parents, Jeff and Teena, his sisters, Rachael and Katie, we offer our thoughts and heart felt prayers and please know that “we leave no Minion behind.”

Aaron will ride with the Minions whenever and wherever we ride.
Before we ride this Saturday, we will honor Aaron’s memory with a moment of silence. When we saddle up and click in, the Sharkman and his Mighty Minion Nation will carry Aaron’s memory in our hearts.


The WolfKing said...

Aaron was a great kid. I fondly remember many Friday nights, him on the back of the tandem, at only 11 or 12 years old, pushing his dad to speeds he'd otherwise never achieve. For those minions too new to know, the Friday night ride covers mostly the same route as our Saturday morning follies. Jeff owes many sprint wins to The Hammer. And had Jeff not been holding him back, I am sure The Hammer would have owned the last sprint on 37th.

I will miss him, as I did after the Websters moved to CO and then AR. I am happy though, that I had the opportunity to ride with him again this past summer.

Had said...

Grief makes strangers friends and I feel led to share my experience with Aaron here, though I confess that all I really know about Aaron's outdoor adventures is the tale of his broken leg!

Aaron had recently become the "manny" to my three boys here in Rogers, AR. I can't say enough about this extraordinary young man that we were so fortuate to come across at the Rogers Activity Center.

My three sons, ages 12 - 8, miss the great, amazingly cool cat that met them after-school each day, fixed them up with a snack, cracked the good-whip on homework, and then set up a two or four-square tournament in the driveway or took them to meet his dog.

I will miss getting the daily texts or phone calls reporting on the day's events and his familiar laughing phrase: "no worries". But more importantly, I will miss the opportunity my boys had to be in the care of such a great guy -- as a mother, finding that person you can trust with your children is priceless and we will never be able to replace Aaron.

I am comforted some by my belief that Aaron will send us someone wonderful and will work through all of our lives, including those he has helped give life to.

In Aaron's Memory,

Hadley Hindmarsh
Rogers, Arkansas

Anonymous said...

hey this is kala ray and i new aaron he was my camp counsular at the rac and he was awsome. when a child was hurt phisicaly or emotionaly he would be the first person to be there and help. he really was an outgoing person he made me smile every time i was sad.i had something bad and yet he still like me and i really liked him
i was looking forward to next summer #1 because i was going to volonteer there for a job. #2 because i was hoping aaron was going to be there next year. he was a really good friend.
- kalea Ray