Tuesday, September 1, 2009

College Game Day Big Success!

MSU Wins!

Ironman, Un-Named Rider, Kid Doster on the Podium!

Who Bought the Koffee?

Belo News Update
Galesburg, MI.
August 29, 2009

Galesburg, Mi. – The Mighty Minion Nation had one of the best turn outs of the season on Saturday, when 24 Minions, many decked out in College Kit, showed up for the KK-TdG start.

UCLA, Wisconsin, Cincinnati, Illinois, three Michigan States and Two Michigan Jerseys were represented in the peloton. Falcon, showing up late once again, failed to make the photo op (see photo). After autographs, the Minions began to get anxious for the start.

Two new riders joined the group and they came equipped with their own nick names! Guess word has gotten out that getting named by the Minions might not be a good thing!

Welcome to new riders Dutch and Chumly! Chumly was actually equipped with a neck brace! Had he heard about this group and just come prepared?

No, he had actually suffered a broken neck in a mountain bike accident and was in recovery. What?!? That’s right! One tough Minion! He will fit right in with this group! He certainly get’s “Stud of the Week” honors!

The Skipper, decked out in his University of Oberon jersey, got the bunch of coeds started off as the sound of pedals “clicking in” could be heard through out the crisp autumn like air.

As the large group worked its way past the Klutch, Luann gave a wave to our intrepid hero’s from the window as they talked and socialized like a bunch of kids on the first day of school.

Once again, Gazelle Girl met the peloton on the way north of the city. Sharkman commented that he realized that she had figured a way to get her name in the Update each week by arriving at the start in this fashion and she stated that it also gave her more time to sleep!

Danimal and Falcon lead out our hero, the Sharkman, as he took the ceremonial first sprint.

The group stayed bunched as everyone enjoyed watching, what has now become known as, the Rose Bowl of Cycling. Falcon, decked out in his Michigan Jersey, and Zickman, attired in his UCLA Kit, fought it out in a neck and neck battles around the course, with intermittent interruptions by Bissell Boy, Brewman and Dr. Dave in their MSU kit, and others, joining in the fun. Even Wolf King in his Illinois kit took a jump on the Col de Norte and nearly took the climb before being caught by the Pirate, looking quite dapper in his Cincinnati kit as he too, made a run at the Big Ten!

Some of the riders split off after the inlet and the remainder of the Minions moved on to the Rt. 89 crossing where the usual double pace line picked up the speed. Again, the college kit ruled, as the Un-Named Rider, in his Michigan jersey took the G Ave. sprint.

New rider, Dutch, and the Sharkman, led the Minions after the G Ave. crossing. However, no one seemed to want to play as they looked back and no one would come through. The Minions just left them both out front to do all the work. All Black later joined in along with a few other riders as the peloton approached the hill to the finish.

As the Mighty Minion Nation crested the final climb, the riders began to make their move.

Sharkman later commented that he was concerned about the bunch finish, but everyone held their lines and it was a clean shot to the stop ahead.

As the sun began to break out of the clouds and over the blessed Minions, they bore down on the finish like a colorful viper snake ready to strike on the stop ahead sign!

Not wanting to give the college guys a win, Ironman took the lead, with the Un-Named Rider and none other than Kid Doster on his wheel.

The Update can’t remember, but we think this is the Un-Named Riders first podium appearance, but not Kid Dosters, who’s name might change to “Podium Boy” for his third place finish.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as our hero’s zipped up their jerseys for the sponsors and colleges and then waved to the paparazzi as the photo’s were taken.

What happened next, however, will need careful clarification.

Sharkman, not wanting to be behind anyone in line ordering a foo foo Koffee in the Klutch, ran the light (shame on him) attempting to be first in line. He could not, however, beat another Minion in getting to Luann first. However, Bissell Boy jumped in with a $20 bill and told Luann, “I’m buying until the $20 runs out!” Whoa, big time thanks to Bissell Boy (and he mentioned that Zickman had done it the previous week – Whoa, big time thanks to Zickman and don’t ever do that again unless Sharkman is in attendance!).

However, for some reason, the Minions began thanking the Sharkman for buying the Koffee because he was at the front of the line! Heck, we don’t think Sharkman has bought koffee all year! He has milked this “Sharkman” thing the whole season!

So, to set the record strait, Bissell Boy bought the first $20 worth of koffee!

Sharkman will again be absent next week, as he is heading out to Crested Butte, Colorado to mountain bike with his Shark Son-in-Laws and play with his Grandsharklets! So someone will have to report in to the Update on next weeks activities…..and what are those activities?

Next week is Labor Day Weekend and what do people do on Labor Day Weekend you ask? They drink beer! Yes, Beer! Is this a great country or what? Lager, Bitter, Lite, Wheat, you name it, we love beer after a hard days work!

So, in honor of Labor Day, Saturday’s ride has been declared, “Beer Jersey Day.”

Minions are asked to wear their favorite Beer Jersey for the ride.

Will Oberon get knocked from the top of the favorite beer podium spot? Be there Saturday to find out!

Saturday – Launch Time 8:00 A.M. – SHARP!

There are just so many weekends left!

1 comment:

Shark Minions said...


Sharkman heads to Crusty Butt for a MTB race with the outlaws! Is this high altitude training? Is he doping for the Cross Season??

We want answers! Someone call USADA!

Safe travels Sharkman :-P See the rest of you Saturday.