Thursday, September 1, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation!!!


Sharkman selfie!
Go Badgers!



Belo News

August 31, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - Short edition of Belo News this week, as our intrpid hero, the Sharkman has been extremely busy with some issues, out of town guests and a major power outage!

Brewman sporting MSU!

Last weeks ride was an interesting study in College Sports as riders turned out to show support for their favorite college Teams by wearing their teams kit.

Perenial favorites like MSU, Michigan and Western Michigan were expected to take top honors on the day, however several protests were filed, putting an asterick next to any team victory.

As it turned out, MSU took an early lead with Brewman and Reb arrived in MSU Kit. It looked like a slam dunk victory as only one Michigan jersey and zero Western Michigan Jersey's were there for the start. The one Michigan Jersey rider, Rule 24 Guy immediatly filed a protest in that one of the MSU jersey's, Reb, aka "Maximus Dickus," was actually wearing an MSU T shirt.

Wait, what? A T shirt in the peloton? 

After the 10 riders lined up for the start photo, and Sharkman started the ride, Michigan Jersey clad Greyhound appeared and MSU T shirt clad Reb filed a protest that since Greyhound was late for the start, MSU felt they should win because there were two MSU riders on time! that a T Shirt?

With all the protests, the Commissioner of Cycling awarded the winner to Wisconsin because they were the first Big Ten College Team over the finish. A protest was immediatly filed by both MSU and Michigan. Oh, the humanity.

Falcon also joined on, sans a College Jersey, just before Sharkman took his first, honorary Sprint, making it 12 riders on the day.

Sharkman also stole the second sprint when he rushed forward unexpectedly and unchallenged by Skittles, Wildman and Cricket who were discussing race strategy and with Falcon trying to catch him but starting too late. The old Shark was frisky on the day, as were Cricket, Wildman and Skittles who kept the pace up.

After a flat on Cricket's bike in the run up to the col de Twin Lakes, the mighty Shark Minion train continued its onslaught on the course.

Cricket and Wildman finished 1-2 but Belo News is unsure of who took the final spot on the podium. Sharkman was trying to reel in Skittles and thought he may have a chance catch him and working his tiny little heart out, only to learn he was pulling a cast of thousands on his wheel and just as they approached the Stop Ahead sign, Gazelle Girl, Maid Marianne, Fire, and a gazillion Shark Minions passed and though it looked like Skittle may have ecked out the win, there was no photo finish available. Skitlles is now free to file a protest, as is Sharkman for being abused like that in the final run up before koffee.

Speaking of koffee, Cricket was not only first on the score card, but first with the plastic as he threw it down his credit card to pick up koffee for everyone! Is this a great country or what!!!

During koffee, the protests flew, the shouting got louder and Sharkman took a photo of who he felt was the winner on the day. Then it really got loud!!!

Oh, the humanity!!

SCAD? Bee's?
Go Bee's!!!

Meanwhile, everyone was wondering about the SCAD kit by second place finisher, Wildman. Wildman explained it is the Savanna College of Art and Design and the team mascot is a Bee. Wait, what? 

Yes a Bee and Wildman proved that the bee stings!!!!😫

This week is the first Saturday in September!!! 

Oh, no! Say it ain't true!!! September arleady!???

Fire in her "Beaver University"

Gazelle Girl arrives, sans
Toestetter to cheers!

Maid Marianne & Cricket
U of Team Athletic Mentors!
Rule 24 Guy was back in
Michigan Kit!

Skittles! At least he
had a map of Michgan on
his jersey!!!

The Klutch was rocking!!!

The winner * 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

In recognition of the Labor Day Holiday, when people are enjoying rest from their labors with a cold beer, it will be BEER JERSEY DAY!!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!


* protest filed concerning team

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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