Thursday, August 25, 2022

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.




The Queen of the Peloton 
and her court!!



Belo News

August 20, 2022

Zyckkhmanne Estate, Mi. - It was time for the 9th Annual Bloody 'Ell 'Undred with threats of rain and Toesetters famous Bloody Mary's, Gazelle Girls totally awesome Deviled Eggs, and Yeti Boys out of this world Crumble Cake! 

What could be better!! 


Oh, the humanity!

In addition, Bob the Builder, long time Shark Minion who the Nation has not seen in quite a while, stopped by to press the flesh and sign autographs before start!! 

Thanks for stopping in Bob the Builder!!! Hope you return to the Nation soon!

Of course the host in addition to Gazelle Girl, Fabio was there greeting all, giving tours of his "Surf Kayak" and generally "hosting' with the mosting.

Bob the Builder stops by
and get's his photo with fabio's
amazing "Surf Kayak!"

In addition to those previously mentioned, our intrepid hero, Sharkman was in attendance, as well as that legend of beer and fun, Brewman hizzelf!!

The mighty Shark Minion Nation with
Hosts Gazelle Girl and Fabio!

After knocking down a few Bloody Mary's and stuffing their faces with Deviled Eggs and Crumble 

Cake, the crew posed for the start photo noting that the

 entire Shark Minion Nation was decked out in ther BEU kit, looking pretty damn

 professional!!! This IS a great country!

Fabio explaining the details of buidling
a "Surf Kayak." 💤

The Nation get's ready to start!!

Toesetter caught by the paparazzi!!

Fabio lining the Shark Minions up
for the start photo!!!

The Shark Minions did start a bit late and were delayed further when Yeti Boy had trouble getting his Strava started and Sharkman was having an issue holding on to a Deviled Egg and a piece of Crumble Cake at the same time while holding the handlebars, but they were off!!!

The small peloton rode like a well oiled Swiss watch as they worked their way over the top of Gull Lake and east over to the start of the BEU course. 

All commented on how beautiful the day was and the fact that there wasn't much wind. They were a bit concerned that rain was scheduled to hit their lunch stop in Hastings when they arrived, but it did not deter them from the ride!

Yes, Sharkman was there and commented
the photo is easier with fewer riders!!🥴
The riders all spoke of how great the first part of the BEU route is and this day was no exception. Sunny sky's, low to no wind as the riders worked their way east and Toesetter set a nice pace at the front. They then headed north through scenic Pine lake, and on to the thriving metropolis of Orangeville where there was, what looked like, a very cool vintage car show going on with throngs of 20-30 people who thought there was some sort of bike race going on as the mighty Shark Minion Nation buzzed by in full BEU kit looking very professional. 

Or so they thought!🙄

Turning left at the creek that is considered the "Poorman's Riveria" and following said creek past some very cool log cabins with the creek running in front of them, they had just made a turn north when the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" shouted out, "MECHANICAL!"

Wait, what!!!???😱

An actual start photo with Sharkman
in it!

The Nation immediately responded by turning into a church parking lot where it was learned that Gazelle Girls rear derailleur was not shifting. At all!!!

Oh, the humanity!!!

Toesetter to the rescue!!! 

No one was exactly sure what he did, but after a few moments of tinkering with the shift lever and a couple of cuss words about Campy components, all was well once again and the Nation headed north to Bay Pointe and the west side of Gun Lake.

In the run up to Gun Lake,  there is that fantastic downhill and the mighty Shark Minion train took full liberties with kicking up the speed. Top speed on that downhill was 42 mph as the nation not only was fast, but sure looked good in all that BEU Kit!!! Oh, YES!!! Sharkman

 does love a good downhill!!

A shot from the back! Do those Shark
Minions look great or what?!?

Yeti Boy came forward to lead the Nation as they moved north along Gun Lake at a nice clip in single file again, feeling quite professional looking in their BEU Kit. 

As Sharkman is known to say, "If you can't be good, look good!" or words to that effect.....and the Shark Minion Nation was looking good on this very great day.

At the gas station just north of Gun Lake and where the route begins to head back East, Gazelle Girl called in the order of pizza to the Waldorf and let Fabio know we would be there close to 12:30 p.m. 

Due to his training for the Berlin Marathon, Fabio was only going to ride the second and more challenging part of the ride from Hastings back to the Fabio Estate. Only more challenging because though half the distance of the first leg, riders have to do it with beer and pizza sitting heavy on their stomachs!

The Walldorf was rocking!!!
The beer was flowing!!

When the Nation began to head towards the Yankee Springs recreational area, the average speed was running about 17.6 mph. Gazelle Girl had given orders there would be no "Dick Banging" and the Nation would stay together on the hills. With the smaller contingent, it was easy to maintain contact and amazingly, the 5 riders rode the infamous section of hill after hill after hill after hill at an average speed of 17.89 mph! 

All Belo News can say it sht the Shark Minions took full advantage of those freakin downhills!!!!

On the way into Hastings a couple of rain drops fell and the peloton thought they had been lucky to make it thus far without experiencing the predicted rain. Amazingly, it was the only rain experience on the day!!! OH, YES!

Here's looking at ya!!

Ah, a post ride relax with a beverage on the dock!!!

Fabio was waiting at the Walldorf where the beer was cold and the pizza was hot!! However, the pizza seemed to be a bit delayed allowing for more BEER!! This IS a great country!!

After the pizza was consumed and the beer was guzzled, the obligitory phote in front of the Walldorf was snapped by the hot dog truck lady who seemed to enjoy the experience. Well, the Shark Minions are pretty entertaining, particularly after some beer!

As all BEU veterans are aware, the hardest part of the BEU ride is the section from the Walldorf, with stomaches full of pizza and brains a bit fogged from the beer, the not so mighty, but determined Shark Minions were ready to power through it.

Feeling like he had loaded his legs with lactic acid, Sharkman put his head down and his dorsal up and started the slog back with his beloved Shark Minions to the Zychmanne Estate!

After the regular comfort stop in the woods near the church, the Shark Nation was close to home. Sharkman noticed the average speed on the day dropping as it hit 17.0 mph and he was thinking how he did not want it to drop below 17 mph! As they headed south through Hickory Corners the Shark Minions got in a pretty nice paceline going, particularly in light of all the consumption of beer, and took the pace up arriving back at the Fabio Compound with an overall average on the day of 17.1 mph! Despite an average speed of 16.24 mph on the return voyage from the Walldorf!

It was another fantastic adventure! 

Once back, Fabio gave tours of his woodworking shop, where he showed off the surf board (not to be confused with his "surf kayak" he is building along with his pretty darn cool Porche. 

Meanwhile, Yeti Boy and Sharkman headed to the dock to sit and relax while kwaufing another beer! Is this a great country or what!?!?

Huge thank you to Gazelle Girl for organizing the event and to Fabio and Marsha for opeing up the Zyckhkchmannne Estate to the mighty Shark Minion Nation!!! Everyone had a blast!!!

The Nation will be back on its Field of Dreams known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull this Saturday!

Be there!!!


Belo News

August 23, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - With the start of College Football this weekend the mighty Shark Minion Nation will celebrate with "College Game Day" kit to start the season off right!!!

Who will take it this weekend, MSU? Michigan? WMU? Who knows! Maybe there is another Badger out there somewhere?!? 

Come on out in your college kit and help your team win!

Saturday, August 27, 2022


Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!!


Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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