Thursday, September 15, 2022


They Mighty Minion Nation 
ready to rock it!!







Belo News

September 10, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - The emails and texts started coming into Belo News  on Friday morning... 

"Hey, is there a ride tomorrow?"

"What happened to Belo News?"

"Where is my Shark Minion Update?"

With the Holiday Weekend, and a trip to visit some friends in Kentucky, it had been a busy week and, well, that sometimes happens. At least once or twice a season, a Belo News just doesn't get done......

Additionally, since Sharkman was out of town and though he did send out a very detailed Shark Minion Update, it apparently did not send. He suspects it is because he sent it out from his iPad and with 118 people on the distribution, it just may not have been able to handle it. 

Sharkman Selfie!

Sharkman is blaming the error on a "loose nut behind the keyboard" or thoughts to that effect and amazingly could not find it in his sent or outbox files. This will go in his "God Questions" for when he dies and goes to Shark Heaven. He has an entire list of questions, things like, "how does a Coleman Lantern really work?" He has had it explained to him but still doesn't know how it is possible to light a small silk mantel filled with kerosene and not blow yourself up!

Be that as it may, he went on to finish his trip, returning Thursday evening, thinking everyone knew there was a ride on Saturday and also, feeling bad that he did not get Belo News out, particularly as it  had been a great day with 15 riders, Rainman coming over to ride with Sharkman and his entourage, Virgin Minion Shawn Aimesbury aka, Spartan joining the mix, Skittles big win and buying koffee, the return of Fixit after breaking his collar bone, to the peloton and a huge win by Oberon/Bells brewing, etc.

The Senator was back
after a short hiatus!

Though Belo News does ocassionally miss one or two editions a season, missing the Shark Minion Update caused quite a bit of abuse for the old Shark on Saturday morning.

After getting all the emails, he immediatly put out a Shark Minion Update for the ride, declaring it Bissell Kit Day, but ended up being the only rider in Bissell Kit indicating his advanced age in that it has been a while since the mighty Shark Minion Nation was able to get Bissell Team kit at cost!

Yeti Boy arrived at the Shark Cove on time as the two made their way over to the start sans Reb and Fire.

The two had a pretty brisk ride over to the start and were the first to arrive. The Senator was one of the first on the scene, having been gone on vacation for a couple weeks, he was ready to ride. Next in was Hermster who explained that work, i.e., cutting wood, had kept him from extending his "iron man" streak and claiming he had not ridden in some time. Falcon arrived, along with Sasquatch to round out the riders to 6 riders on the day!

As previously mentioned, Sharkman was the only one in Bissell Kit......😏 He thus awarded hizzelf winner on the theme jersey day.....😎

Hermster returns with his
"silent wheels!"

Sharkman started the ride off and the group was very "chatty" as they approached the Klutch, giving waves to the ones of people along the route before heading north.

Falcon went to the front and lead out Sharkman to his honorary sprint, which he took at 23.2 mph!!! 

Thank you, Falcon!

Yeti Boy, having not been on the bike in two weeks, managed to snag climb up the col de Twin Lakes proving again to be the one hell of a climber.

After passing through Kellogg Korner, where the road has still not been repaved, the riders headed on to the Rt. 43 sprint and on to the col de Norte.

The small group of riders stayed pretty close through the Holy Rollers, on to the Inlet and past the Digital Divide.

After the crosssing, Sharkman started up the pace line and at the first hill turned it over to Falcon and a series of riders went though a great cycle of leads at a comfortable speed of around 22 mph. 

It was at this point the former Shark Minion, Bob the Builder joined on to ride into the Koffee Klutch with the mighty Shark Minion Nation! 

Welcome back, Bob the Builder!!!

Falcon, who spent his day
leading out Sharkman!
Thanks Falcon!

After giving the GGG Spot sprint to Gazelle Girl in abstentia, (it was a victory for America!) the riders headed south to the finish.

The mighty Shark Minion Nation took it up to warp speed as trees began to blurr as they rode by!!!

As the Nation moved to the foot of the final ascent to the finish, Hermster made a very silent move to the front. It turns out Hermster had put on his "winter wheels" and he had ditched that hollow, carbon fiber sound as he would go by and that sounds like a car sneaking up behind you!

Falcon took the lead at the top of the hill with a cast of thousands on his wheel, then backed off for a bit. Sasquatsh came forward to lead as Falcon got a second wind and came back to challenge him.

The two rode side by side with Sharkman on Falcons wheel and Yeti Boy on Sasquatch's.

As the mighty Shark Minion train bored down on the final Stop Ahead, Sharkman tried to time his move at the right moment, while having Yeti Boy boxed in it was a matter of if/which rider ahead would make a move.

The two younger riders seemed to be pulling the duo forward and as Sharkman made his final assault, Yeti Boy went with him on his wheel and the two riders finished one, two to take the top two spots on the podium.

Sasquatch was on fire all

Sharkman is not used to being up front, and either is Yeti Boy so neither knew who took third, but Sharkman decided to award that spot on the podium to both Falcon and Sasquatsh for the great lead outs for the two old guys of the peloton!

It was a victory for America!!!

Bob the Builder came up and rode with Sharkman down the Champs le Galesburg as throngs of one's greeted the hero's as they zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors and the paparazzi and tofosi crowed around the riders on their way to the Koffee Klutch.

In celebration, Bob the Builder bought Koffee for all 4 riders who stopped!!! 

Good morning to buy too!!!

Thanks Bob the Builder!!!

Another great day in the saddle!

Yeti Boy and Sharkman had a great time riding home after picking up a bottle of champagne to celebrate their win........🥴🍾🥂

Unfortunately, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman wasn't feeling too well on Sunday morning and because he had some church duties tested himself for Covid. His test was negative.

Bob the Builder buys!!!

It is reported that he felt worse as the week went on and tested again on Wednesday, when he tested positive for Covid.

So he will be out this Saturday but the ride goes on and hopefully, someone can send in a report with photographs.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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