Thursday, September 22, 2022



Sharkless Shark Minions!
Ready to rock the KK-TdG!


Belo News

September 17, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, recovered from a nasty bought of Covid (strain unkown), Skittles (story) and Fire (photos) came to the rescue.

Though the young Skittles sent the story around midnight last night, so Belo News had to scrabble to get it out on time, and since he sent it by Facebook Messenger, there seems to be a shadow that got picked up in pasting and copying, here is the story, none the less!!! 

Sharkman is feeling better and hopes to be back this Saturday, though his rides this week have indicated a complete loss of fitness, well if he ever had any fitness to begin with, he does hope to make the ride!

So, big thanks to Skittles and Fire for taking care of business while our hero was battling Covid!!

Take it away Skittles!!!

See, it is hard to do!!!
But a much better looking photographer!

As dawn broke warm and humid over Skittle’s house, a brightly colored rainbow themed bouncy house castle, your handsome replacement editor was stepping out for the 8:30 AM start (SHARP!!) Deciding to drive in he hit the road in hopes of a good turn out in Sharkman’s absence. *All positive thoughts and well wishes for his recovery from a bout of COVID* Thankfully seven riders showed up including Fire, Snow White, The Swede, Spartan, The Senator, et al. Conspicuous by their absence was the normally omnipresent Gazelle Girl and Toesetter. And His Sharkness. Start Line photos were snapped and our group of heroes took off in to the cool humidity of a beautiful early fall morning. Skittles and The Swede took to the front and pulled our casual conversational pace along until the M43 sprint where Fire took the win in a brilliant tactical move of utter bravery and perfectly precise timing! OH THE HUMANITY! Then at the top the hill at M43, appearing as if from a mirage, our very own superhero FABIO appeared riding his famous Termite Express!! The Swede took off with Skittles on the trip down M43. Eventually our hero’s superhuman sense of spacial awareness alerted them to the void of Minion Spirit behind them and they looked back to see absolutely no one!! Tumbleweeds!! The riders reversed course on the assumption someone had a mechanical. They coasted in to find Fire had gotten a flat! OH THE HUMANITY! But once again it was FABIO to the rescue with a CO2. IS THIS A GREAT COUNTRY OR WHAT??!! Eventually the GGG Spot Sprint drew near and was uncontested out of respect for the Sweetheart of the Peloton, with all riders standing in salute at the stop. The Swede and FABIO pulled out before the M89 crossing, all wished them well. After which Skittles drove a fast pace down to the finish where Spartan lept ahead in a blinding display of robotic fluidity with Fire and Snow White hot on his heels!! Cycling fans watching at home in their PJ’s where in awe, teetering on the edge of their seats, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife!! Fire caught up just a bit more and earned herself second place after Spartan with Snow White a close third! That’s right Bunkie! Not one but TWO women on the Podium today! No conversation could be heard over the ear-splitting, headache-inducing riotous roar of the Tifosi as our heroes made their parade down the Champs le Galesburg toward the post race meeting at the Coffee Klutch where the press would only talk to the cool people: The Klutch was rocking! Be there Saturday September 24th, 2022 to hear Sharkman’s tales of kicking COVID right square in the face! Launch Time 8:30 AM SSSSHHHAARRRRPPP!!

This Saturday, September 24, 2022!

There are only a few Saturday's left in the season!!! So come on out and ride!!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!!!


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