Thursday, June 23, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready
to ride sans their intrepid hero



Belo News

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, struggled to get out of bed for the 6th morning in a row.

Still sore and hurting from his monumental crash, he slowly moved to the porch with a kup of Shark coffee and pondered a morning without cycling with his beloved Shark Minion Nation.

He and Lava Girl decided they would head over to the Koffee Klutch to check in with his beloved Shark Minions and have breakfast, letting his mighty Shark Minion Nation know that he was up and taking nourishment. After all, he does have an iron shark reputation to defend! 🦈🥴

It was great to see the crowd at the Klutch and someone, though we are not sure who, had bought the koffee and the place was rocking! It was Galesburg Days and the town was on fire with activity and later, a parade past the Klutch that Sharkman and Lava Girl stuck around to watch.

Pure Americana! 

Later they went to see the famous Wildman with his new group, Triple Root perform at Galesburg Days! They were terrific and they were joined by Gazelle Girl and Toesetter!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Sharkman was able thank all those Shark Minions who helped him get through the worst crash of his entire cycling career and since he has been around since the invention of the bicycle that is a very, very long career!!! 😜

He and Lava Girl ordered the "Galesburg Sandwich" and are pleased to report, it was OUTSTANDING!!!

There was a big turn out for the ride, close to 20 riders on the day, and it was reported that it had been a great, fast ride around that field of dreams known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

An attempt by Reb to get a photo
of the Klutch action.
And we thought Sharkman was bad....

Sharkman reports that though he is feeling better, it is like his body was on a "numb" mode for the first week and reports that this week there seems to be more individual spots of pain. Fabio had reported to him that if he sneezed or coughed and could do so without swearing, he was probably clear of a broken or fractured rib. When he finally sneezed the day before, he confirmed that at least one rib on his left front side is probably fractured. Later this week, an araea on his back and the right side of his neck started to ache and he has had to ice the neck. A huge bruise finally appeared on his left thigh from his knee to his butt. He was pleased he had enough fat there to save him from a broken hip!!!

Additionally, Sharkman took his now untrued front wheel into Mike's Team Active and Woodie convinced him to have them check the fork. Sharkman had done the preliminary "quarter strike" test, but thought it might be better to have the pros check it out.

He has also ordered new buckles for his Sidi's, as he grounded the left buckle down to a nub and could not release them when he took them off after the crash.

Due to the soreness and the fact his bike is in the shop for a week, and that he is heading out to see Sharklets over the 4th weeked, he will be out of action for the next two weeks. 

Oh, the humanity!!!

But the ride goes on!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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