Thursday, June 2, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation on
Red, White & Blue Kit Day!


Fire, Tilly & Mad Dog ready to
rock the roads in their
Team Kit!!!






Belo News

Shark Cove, Mi. - With the weekend and all the activity, we here at Belo News, your source for all you cycling information, did not have the time to work on the blog!!! 

Well, actually, we wasted a lot of time trying to upload some great videos! But we digress....

Oh the humanity!.

Luckily, there a a lot of photos and even a couple of videos if we can get them upload (the Editors were overly opptimistic they could at this point in doing the blog)!

Sharkman had one of his largest entourages of the year as Fire brought her posse with her and Wildman rode over to meet the riders, trying to get miles in preparation for the WAM ride.

Twenty one riders made the call with virgin Shark Minion "Mad Dog" on her sleak Bianchi, (That's right, Bunkie, a female Mad Dog!). The Shark Minion Nation loves it when a virgin Shark Minion arrives and already has a Shark Minion name!) along with Celebrity Riders Paul (aka Tilly), as well as PJ's Brother (which is actually his Shark Minion name, and even PJ, making his season debut after a long absence. Actually, consideration was given to making him a Celebrity Rider, not only because it had been so long since he had been in the Nation, but because he showed up looking like he was taking part in a Jimmy Buffett concert, dressed like a "Parrot Head" complete with Hawaiian shirt, baggy shorts and huge smile (see photo). The man was in the zone!!! Is this a great country or what?!?

Parrot Head or Shark Minion?
Belo News reports,
you decide!

PJ's Brother, after a too
long a hiatus!!

Gazelle Girl decked out
in her R,W & B Kit 
was rocking it!!!

Gazelle Girls socks!!!
Is this a great country or what?!?

ScanMan was making his season debut

Luke Skywalker was back 
as well!!!

Three "Legends" of the peloton,
Toesetter, Stryker Guy & Bissell Boy,
sporting their R,W&B Kit!

Yeti Boy sporting his "Brooklyn"
Kit, as did Greyhound, giving them
the win on Kit Day!!!

In from Phoenix, our Celebrity
Shark Minion, Tilly!
Mad Dog (also Fire's Mom)
Ready to rock the KK-TdG!

Even Sharkman, hizzelf, was there!

After a few Memorial Day speeches from the Mayor, Governor and others, Sharkman made some introductions and welcomed some of the Celebrity Riders back to the Nation. Sharkman also declared that since it was Memorial Day Weekend, the Season was now officially open! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

To the cheers of the mass of one's of followers at the start, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, called for the start and the train headed out of the station at 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Sharkman loves it when a plan comes together!

As the Nation headed north, Wildman and Toesetter set the pace and led Sharkman out to his first "offical" Honorary sprint of the season.

After the offical count was taken, without anyone getting injured or falling off their bike, the Nation headed out to the Col de Twin Lakes.

The speed in the Kountry Klub section was intense as the pace picked up through Kellogg Korner, which had been sweeped by the Skipper hizzelf (thanks Skipper!), and on past the Kountry Klub.

After the "traditional sit up" after the turn to the final assault on the Rt. 43 sprint, a number of the riders gathered to lead the pace at the front. Sharkman was feeling frisky and thought it would be fun to throw in an attack and get a response out of Skittles. Amazingly, no one came after him and he took the unlikely win without contest. 

This is a great country!!!

Through the "neutral zone" and up the Col de Norte, that fast moving train known as the mighty Shark Minion Nation moved past the "Zykmann Estate" where that legend also known as "Fabio" was in quarentine, recovering from Covid!

Yet there he was, filming the mighty Shark Minion Nation as Shark Minion Nation shouted out to him!!!

At the Food Stop, the Shark Minion Nation gathered up and then took the high road, well all but PJ, who took the low road and got out ahead of the Nation in the Digital Divide, as they got through the Inlet and Bissell Boy, ScanMan and Luke Skywalkder dropped off to head home.

After the Digital Divide, Skittles came to the front with Sharkman and Gazelle Girl on his wheel and a very swift paceline ensued taking up the speed into the low 21+ mph zone.

Toesetter moved up to take over at the front and as they rounded the bend, Sharkman decided to try and lead out the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" to her desired GGG Spot Sprint.

Pedal his little fish tail off, Sharkman was able to break free from the pace line with Gazelle Girl behind him ready to pounce on the finish! 

Perfectly timed, Gazelle Girl made her move and easily captured her sprint!!!

As she crossed the line the Nation gave a collective shout of "It was a victory for America!"

The Nation gave up a collective sigh of pleasure as they headed to the final assualt on the finish.

Sharkman headed out early but by the small first hill, was caught when Reb took the front (getting his name in Belo News) and took over the pace line.

Hermster put in his usual attack that was quickly covered by Skittles and a cast of thousands as the fast moving, mighty Shark Minion Nation approached the final ascent to the finish.

The riders were grouped up and fighting for any wheel in front of them as Toesetter took a lead, then Skittles with the Shark Nation chomping on their wheels.

As the riders bore down on the finaal descent to the finish, Skittles made his final move while it was a race for second place in his wake. Sharkman broke out of the peloton, worried he went to soon, as he bore down thinking he had the second spot on the podium!!!

But it was not to be. For the second week in a row, Wishbone sprinted out of the pack and took the second spot, relegating our diminutive hero to the third rung on the peloton! However, it was still a victory for America as the tofosi and paparazzi on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as the riders approached the Klutch for the Press Conference.

Stryker Guy raced out ahead to pay for the koffee, and easily won the sprint to get his credit card out! This is a great country!!! Thanks Stryker Guy!

The only problem was that the Klutch was packed and there was no room at the Inn!!!

Wait, ........what????

For the first time in recorded mighty Shark Minion Nation history, the Klutch was packed and the Nation had to stand outside with their Koffee in hand! Oh, the humanity!

Koffee at the Klutch!!!

Beaver Mountain Cycling!!!

Our Koffee Hero, Stryker Guy
enjoying his curbside

Well, it was good for the Klutch! But not so good for the Shark Minions!

You won't want to miss this weeks Edition of the KK-TdG!!!

Good luck to all those Shark Minions doing the Donut Race, while we continue the Shark Minion KK-TdG minus an entry fee!!! Just come on out and ride! And don't forget your Beer Jersey!

Come on out and ride!

This Saturday, June 4, 2022  (can it be June already?) 

Beer Jersey Saturday!

That's right Bunkie!!! Break out your favorite Beer Jersey and come on out and ride!!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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