Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The mighty Shark Minion Nation
ready to rock!!!


"Rainman has long arms for selfies!!"
Says short armed Sharkman 🥴





Belo News

June 25, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and crisp over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was sleeping in and dreaming of sprints, climbs and crashes in his little Shark brain. 

Crashes? Yep, he is still sore from his brush with a Michigan pot hole but getting better each day. He will be gone one more week but hopes to return to his beloved Shark Minion Nation when he returns from a visit to see his sharklets out west. 

The Shark picked up his bike at Mike's Team Active, where Mike hizzelf, and Mark Cole did a great job getting everything back in shape. In additiona, Rainman dropped of extra Ksyrium wheel sets for the old Shark. God love the mighty Shark Minion Nation!!!

But we digress.....

The old shark got an early text from Dreamboat, who was back as a Celebrity Rider, as well as Rainman wondering if their intrepid hero would be joining them for koffee. But hey, he was, .....well, sleeping in!!! 💤

Speaking of koffee, Belo News has learned that the purchaser of koffee last week was none other than legendary rider, Toesetter!!! So thanks Toesetter!!!

Though there was no "official" report this week it was learned that Wishbone won the final sprint with Raptor on his wheel, but there was no report on who got the third spot on the podium. Belo News is sure that it wasn't Sharkman......

It was also reported that Raptor bought the koffee after this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

Thanks Raptor!!!

This week the mighty Shark Minion Nation celebrates the 4th of July and there are two opportunities to ride! 

This IS a great country!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Red, White & Blue Kit Day!!! That's right, Bunkie, break out those patriotic colors for the 4th!!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!!!

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Bonus Ride!!!

A special edition mountain bike ride led by the "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl and the "King of Dick Moves," Reb!!! 

Oh, the humanity!! What could go wrong with that duo in charge, eh?

The plan is to meet at the Timeout Lounge at 9:00 a.m. and go through the Back Door atthe Fort (very near the Timeout) for a trail ride.

It is planned that the ride will return to the Timeout Lounge by 11:00 a.m. when the Timeout Lounge opens and where the post ride will consist of a cold brew!! Those who don't ride mountain bike can still join for the beer!!!

Oh, the humanity!! 

What a way to start your 4th of July celebrations!!!

Since Sharkman will be gone until next week, there will not be an Edition of Belo News next week, but the Shark Minion Update will go out announcing the July 9, Saturdays ride launch time!!!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Thursday, June 23, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready
to ride sans their intrepid hero



Belo News

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, struggled to get out of bed for the 6th morning in a row.

Still sore and hurting from his monumental crash, he slowly moved to the porch with a kup of Shark coffee and pondered a morning without cycling with his beloved Shark Minion Nation.

He and Lava Girl decided they would head over to the Koffee Klutch to check in with his beloved Shark Minions and have breakfast, letting his mighty Shark Minion Nation know that he was up and taking nourishment. After all, he does have an iron shark reputation to defend! 🦈🥴

It was great to see the crowd at the Klutch and someone, though we are not sure who, had bought the koffee and the place was rocking! It was Galesburg Days and the town was on fire with activity and later, a parade past the Klutch that Sharkman and Lava Girl stuck around to watch.

Pure Americana! 

Later they went to see the famous Wildman with his new group, Triple Root perform at Galesburg Days! They were terrific and they were joined by Gazelle Girl and Toesetter!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Sharkman was able thank all those Shark Minions who helped him get through the worst crash of his entire cycling career and since he has been around since the invention of the bicycle that is a very, very long career!!! 😜

He and Lava Girl ordered the "Galesburg Sandwich" and are pleased to report, it was OUTSTANDING!!!

There was a big turn out for the ride, close to 20 riders on the day, and it was reported that it had been a great, fast ride around that field of dreams known as the Koffee Klutch Tour de Gull!

An attempt by Reb to get a photo
of the Klutch action.
And we thought Sharkman was bad....

Sharkman reports that though he is feeling better, it is like his body was on a "numb" mode for the first week and reports that this week there seems to be more individual spots of pain. Fabio had reported to him that if he sneezed or coughed and could do so without swearing, he was probably clear of a broken or fractured rib. When he finally sneezed the day before, he confirmed that at least one rib on his left front side is probably fractured. Later this week, an araea on his back and the right side of his neck started to ache and he has had to ice the neck. A huge bruise finally appeared on his left thigh from his knee to his butt. He was pleased he had enough fat there to save him from a broken hip!!!

Additionally, Sharkman took his now untrued front wheel into Mike's Team Active and Woodie convinced him to have them check the fork. Sharkman had done the preliminary "quarter strike" test, but thought it might be better to have the pros check it out.

He has also ordered new buckles for his Sidi's, as he grounded the left buckle down to a nub and could not release them when he took them off after the crash.

Due to the soreness and the fact his bike is in the shop for a week, and that he is heading out to see Sharklets over the 4th weeked, he will be out of action for the next two weeks. 

Oh, the humanity!!!

But the ride goes on!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022



13 Shark Minions ready to rock!
Note Raptor's home made Quaker Oats





Belo News

Shark Cove, MI. - As dawn broke cool and bright over the Shark Cove, our intepid hero was readly to ride!

Since Renton Road had finally been paved, the dimutive Shark was excited to ride his newly washed and clean steed that he had mounted his Kzyrium wheels on. He had not washed it or put his "special wheels" on, waiting for the road to be paved as it had been loaded with gravel, mud and sand.

Sharkman had to put his sunglasses on to look at the shiny Litespeed with well over 30K miles on it!!!

To his surprise, Reb was waiting in the cul de sac as the Shark Cove garage door slowly opened. Yeti Boy is gone for the next couple of weeks and Sharkman always loves an entourage that has been hard to develop the past few weeks.

Reb was only able to ride for half the ride over before having to head home to trade in his bike seat for a bleacher seat at his sons baseball game. Go Lakeview Spartans!!!

As the old Shark approached the Eaton Plant, he was excited to see the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" and her main squeeze, Toesetter there to great him.

As they rode into town, none other than Zyckmann, aka Fabio was seen near the Klutch, heading to the start.

Riders were riding into and unloading at the start line with a limited number of Tony the Tiger jerseys, but it was mentioned that it had been a long time since the Nation had glommed on to those "special jerseys."

Of special note, "Boxer" was making his season debut and it had been so long, Sharkman had to ask his Shark Minion name!!! Welcome back, Boxer! Great to have you back in the Nation!!

Boxer making his season
More riders began to pile in while Zyckmann held court with some of the mighty Shark Minion Nation talking about his exploites at the Dirty Donut and how he was able to ingest 3 donuts 🍩🍩🍩 at one time and pick up 15 minutes! The man, the myth, the legend was back in the Shark Nation where he belongs!

Fabio holding court teaching
the finer points of donut

Skittles was back in the mix!

Gazelle Girl on the subject of
donuts 🍩

Stroker was back, and lucky
for Sharkman!!!

The Senator was ready to rock!

We know this guy by his

The Legend known as
Bissell Boy was back!

Not bad, Sharkman, not bad!!!

As Sharkman took the count, he noted 13 riders and made the comment, "I hope another Shark Minion joins us on the road, 13 is unlucky....." It turned out to be a prophecy he would live into.....(play the dramatic music from Psycho!)

The Riders snaked there way through town and no other riders joined on.

As the Nation headed north, Toesetter, Skittles and Gazelle Girl went to the front and picked up the pace.

As the Sharkman was moving back up to the front, and just as he latched on to Toesetters wheel, he hit a small pothole and one of his water bottles came flying out! Perhaps the first of the mishaps that were to come (play the dramatic music from Psycho!)

As Shark Minions shouted out "Water bottle!" Sharkman had to turn back just before his sprint and saw Skittles retrieving it. Sharkman had given up the sprint for his water bottle and did not record who took it for him.

Sharkman did the offical count at the first sprint and it was still 13! (play the dramatic music from Psycho!).

The pace picked up as the riders moved through the col de Twin Lakes, past the Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner, traversing the Kountry Klub and after the "sit up" sprinted to the Rt. 43 stop ahead. 

From there the Shark train climbed the col de Norte as a group and headed through the Holy Rollers and on to the Feed Stop.

The Shark Minions took a collective breather there as riders pulled in, then headed out to the Inlet Sprint.

After a full stop it was on to the Digital Divide where Skittles and Sharkman led out the pace line, taking it up to around 23 mph when someone shouted out "Gap!" to which Skittles took the speed back until all were on.

Once all were back on Skittles picked up the pace again and speeds got north or 25 mph for a while........that is when it happened.

As the fast moving Shark Minion Train approached the curve to the finish, Sharkman was at the back of the lead pack and began to worry a gap had opened and he could not see Gazelle Girl, getting in position for an assault on her coveted GGG Spot Sprint. He slowed hoping the lead group would as well, to check on the peloton.

(play dramatic music from Psycho)

Sharkmans decided to look over his left shoulder to check on the peloton behind him and it was then his front wheel hit a humongus pothole as he was doing approximately 22 mph! Oh, the humanity!!! Turn up the dramatic music!!

The murderous pothole!!

The witnesses in the pelotons described seeing our diminutive hero rocket through the air as he tilted toward the left in mid air and augered into the pavement landing on his left shoulder, still hooked into his bike and clipped in!!! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman remembered in detail during and exclusive Belo News interview how it was like someone had put a leg out to trip him! He described how it happened very fast and all he could think of was "what happened?"

Sharkman hit the ground hard and his head snapped down on the pavement after his shoulder rolled under him.

The worst part was that the air had been knocked out of him and he had to force air out to get some in!

He reported that his first thought was that he had punctured or collapsed a lung, which also told him he didn't have a concussion.

The Shark Minion Nation flew into actioin and Sharkman wants all to know how grateful he is that that everyone took such great care of him!

Fabio, aka Dr. Zick was the first to him and asked if he could click out of this pedals, which he did. Then the Doc asked if he could move body parts, which he could also do.  Snow White, who is reported to be nurse asked about his head to which Sharkman gave her Yeti Boys garage door opener code (that is an inside joke between Sharkman and Yeti Boy as Sharkman only knows that because it is the test for Yeti if he hits his head. He had yet to pass that test! 😜)! Sharkman then gave Snow White his date of birth, to which onlookers gasped! 

"He's that old!" Oh, yes he is Bunkie!

As the Sharkman began to move his body parts, Doc Fabio was checking for broken bones and all seemed amazed he had not broken his collar bone or clavacle. With assistance, the old Shark moved to the side of the road where Doc Zyckhmann told him to put his leg up to which Sharkman responded, "Why? What to do you have in mind?"

Sharkman being well taken
care of by his beloved
Minion Nation!

Fortuantely for Sharkman, Stroker was on the ride and had driven over and more importantly, lives next door to the Shark Cove!!! Is this a great country or what?!?

Stroker, Bissell Boy and the Senator headed to the finish to get Strokers car.

It was reported by Stroker that Bissel Boy got the final sprint, with Stroker drafting to the finish to get the car!!

Back at the scene, Skittle and Raptor shot photos, as Minions picked up the Sharkmans rearview mirror, computer, iPhone and tail light, all amazingly intact! The only item he was missing was a nice, screw in bar end.

Skittle checked the bike and found his handle bar tape shredded on the left side and his beloved Zyrium front wheel out of true and needing a hub adjustment.

Sharkman's helmet had a skid mark on it but it did its job. Sharkman did not have any marks on his beautiful little shark head!!! 

This is a great country.

His Tony the Tiger jersey had marks of the crash with the colloar being ground down and his cycling glove had an unusual tear on the right glove, which was not really in contact with the pavement.

His left Sidi Shoe buckle was also ground down. Over all, not bad for hitting the pavement hard at high speed.

The Sharkmans blood on the scene,
some distance from the 

However, Sharkman's body felt like he'd had a cement truck run over him, then threw him in the mixer and turn it on high mix!

When Bissel Boy and Stroker had returned, they loaded the bike on Stroker scar and helped Sharkman get in the back seat. Fortunately, Stroker had a towel to try to soak up the blood.

Sharkman felt fortunate that Stroker was on the spot and only worried now about facing Lava Girl!

However, she was out grocery shopping when they returned to the Shark Cove and the old Shark had time to get out of his tatered kit, and take a shower. 

The hot shower never felt so good!!! Though he did have to get very innovative to get his kit off and actually texted Stroker to come over to help, but got it off before he arrived.

When Lava Girl got home, he got the obligatory lecture as she began patching up his road rash, which was not as extensive as he thought it would be.

Sharkman would also like to thank all those Shark Minions who helped during the crash and all those who have been checking in with him concerning his progress, which is slow.

At the time Belo News goes to press, Sharkman is still recovering and it might be a while. He seems to have a tear or pull in his left chest muscle (Yeah, right! Who knew he had any muscle?!?) and he is having difficulty putting his left arm up without a bit of pain there. He has become very intimate with his heating pad!!! ❤️

Meanwhile, back to the finish, written up by Belo News Reporter, Skittles! Take it away, Skittles!

Following Sharkman's exit, the heroes bore down on the finish with Toesetter taking it to the front at a blistering pace. Hermster rocketing around with Raptor in hot pursuit when Skittles made his move and pounced on the breakaway!

Skittles crossed the line with Raptor and Hermster just behind in a thrilling finish!

Throngs of teaming fans greeted our heroes on the Champs le Galesburg on their way to the Klutch and all of them wondering where there Sharkman was! Our heroes had to explain their tardiness by breaking the news that His Sharkness had crashed but was going to be fine!!!

The Klutch was rocking after
the ride!!!

Thanks Skittles, you did the Nation proud!

Zyckmann bought the coffee at the Klutch as they all raised their Bottomless to their intrepid hero, Sharkman! Thanks Fabio! 

You won't want to miss this weeks edition, sans Sharkman, though he may show up for Koffee and to sign autographs!!! Well, if he can move by then.......🥴

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be safe out there!


Belo News

Snow White on top of the podium!

June 4, 2022

Martin, Mi. - This news didn't make press time last week but we thank Reporter Raptor for getting it in this week!!

Take it away, Raptor!!!

Thought I would give you some blog stuff on the Dirty Donut Gravel Race! I should have sent it sooner after the race but I wanted to find the photographers race photos.

"Magic Mirror" on the wall, who is the fairest Donut racer of all?!"

Snow White raced the Donut 41 mi. Sprint finishing 2nd in the Woman's overall with an overall impressive time of 2:13 and pace of 18.5 mph!!

Snow White on her way
to the podium!

Congratulations to Snow White! 

Meanwhile, Raptor did not place as well with a 6th place finish in the 60-69 age division of the 41 mi. sprint with a time of 2.05 time and a pace of 19.6 mph! However, he was very pleased with his performance as he was only 1 minute and 12 seconds off the podium!!

Impressive performances Shark Minions! You did the mighty Shark Minion Nation proud!!!

Raptor in action!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Thursday, June 9, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation all set in their beer kit!!!


Yeti Boy captures the top
of the podium!!!

Zyckmann does the same in the 
Dirty Donut Division!




She came, she saw,
she conquered!
Fire at the summit!


WAIT, .....WHAT?



Belo News

June 4, 2022

Shark Cove, Mi. - It was a huge weekend for the mighty Shark Minion Nation!!!

However, it did not start so well for our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, as he had no entourage to ride over, he had a wardrobe malfunction that caused him to launch a bit late, then was not allowed to ride through the construction at Renton Road and Skyline by an overly zealous flag man who made him ride an extra 2-3 miles to get to Michigan Ave! Wildman had ridden over to meet Sharkman but thought he'd gone back home to drive his Sharkmobile over to the start.

So they missed each other! Oh, the humanity!

All Sharkman could think of was being late and not being at the start at 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

"He would never hear rhe end of it from Snow White" he thought as he rode ever quicker!

Our hero just put his head down and pedaled his little dorsal off, averaging 18.2 mph for the ride over and thinking it was a new record for the trip to the start, entourage or not!?!

With Shark Minions doing the Dirty Donut Race, Sharkman thought the numbers might be down, but there were still 14 Shark Minions in the mix. Making their season debut were Cricket and Maid Marian! Stryker Girl and Drug Czar were also back, sans Kia Pet who was doing the Dirty Donut, and just before the start, the Swede pulled in to make his season debut!!!

Yes, Sharkman was there.
Someone stop this guy!!
Brewman was back in his
St. Arnold Beer kit!

Stryker Girl in a Pedal Jerey!
Does Pedal sell beer?

Gazelle Girl in her BEU
Party Jersey!

The Swede was back!

Sasquatsh looking fit in his
beer kit!!

Hermster in his Dad's Root
Beer Jersey!

Wildman ready to rock Schlafly

Toesetter in his classic Oberon

KimPossible ready to go!!!

Sharkman, out of breath from his epic ride to the start, whispered at the top of his little shark lungs....

"Let's head out, Shark Minions!"

The Shark Minion Train snaked its way past the Koffee Kluth and on to the course as Cricket, Toesetter, Maid Marian and Gazelle Girl led the crew while Sharkman "pressed the flesh" in the peloton behind.

Sharkman worked his way forward as the crew got closer to his Honorary Sprint and he latched on to Toesetters wheel first, then moved to Crickets wheel as he moved forward. Sharkman cautioned the big sprinter to "go easy on the old Shark and don't go to soon...."

Cricket made his move and as they had not quite finished the last hill to the sprint, Sharkman had to fight to get back on his wheel, but Cricket got him to his sprint in fine fashion as he crossed the line at about 23 mph!

After the count of 14, the Nation made their first crossing of G Ave. and headed on to the col de Twin Lakes, past the col de No Name and Yorkville Church, flew by Kellogg Korner, which was remarkabley clear of gravel (Thanks Skipper) and on to the Kountry Klub. Toesetter and Cricket led through most of these sections, but did sit up at the turn as all latched back on before the Rt. 43 sprint.

As they approached the Rt. 43 sprint Hermster made his usual move, heading outside wide to go to the front. Cricket responded and the two had a very "spirited" sprint, which Cricket took.

At the top of the col de Norte, Hermster came up the hill last, feeling the effects of his sprint with Cricket. Oh, the humanity!!

The Nation moved on to the Holy Rollers and into the feed stop.

After a full stop after the Inlet Sprint, the Nation moved on to the Digital Divde and Toesetter and Cricket started a very strong pace line under the beautiful tunnel of trees and on to the coveted GGG Spot Sprint.

Notching speeds up to 24 mph, the pace line was a thing of beauty, well.....relatively speaking, as Sasquatch brought the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" up to the front as the Nation watched in awe as she quickly moved to pass the lead riders and easily took the tape!

It was a victory for America once again!!!

As the Nation headed south, Gazelle Girl and Sharkman started the pace line out, but were quickly caught at the top of the first, short hill as Toesetter, Cricket, Wildman and a cast of thousands came forward.

Hermster, seeming to have a second wind, moved out to the front with Cricket, Toesetter and Wildman responding.

The peloton seemed to all come together at the top of the hill to the finish, with all riders starting to jockey for position for the final ascent on victory.

Cricket and Wildman moved out quickly with everyone fighting for that last spot on the podium. Wildman seemed to make a move a bit too early and Cricket was able to fight him off and take the tape.

Meanwhile, Brewman went past Sharkman as they bore down on the finish but Sharkman noticed Maid Marian moving up on the outside and grabbed her wheel like reaching for the last kup of koffee at the Klutch on a Saturday morning! It proved to be a good move for the diminutive hero as he rode for free thinking he might still have a chance at the podium as they rifled by Brewman.

However, as he came out of Made Marians slip stream, she notched Sharkmans move and too it up another click and captured the third spot on the podium!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the heros zipped up their beer jersey's for the sponsors and they pulled up to the Klutch for the Press Conference. 

Sharkman did win the sprint to the Klutch, throwing down his credit card to buy!!!

Wait, Sharkman bought!!! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

Maid Marian at the Press Conference
and making her debut on the season
with a podium finish!

Cricket taking the tape, the koffee
and his season debut!

Yep, another Sharkman selfie!
Where is Sharkman?
Take that phone away from him, for
God's sake.......

"Stud" Mad Dog?
Oh, the humanity!!
The Klutch was rocking and everyone wondered who was at the Dirty Donut Race (see below) as Sharkman reported that Stud Mad Dog had filed a formal complaint against the mighty Minion Nation in protest over giving his name to another, female rider. In an effort to show his disapointment with this sad state of affairs, he entered evidence of his new name, "Stud Mad Dog" in the form of a photo of his new jersey.......

Stud Mad Dog's case was thrown out for "lack of evidence."

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

This Saturday will be Tony the Tiger (or any Kellogg Jersey) Jersey Day!

Saturday, June 11, 2022 - TONY THE TIGER (or any Kellogg Jersey) JERSEY Day!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!


Stryker Guy, Tom Garret and SG'S brother at
the start of the Dirt Donut! 


Belo News

Martin, Mi. - This was the week for the Dirty Donut Gravel Race and the mighty Shark Minion Nation showed up in force!!! The texts started coming into the News Room early as the Nation was ripping the competition to shreds, as well as a few donuts! It was learned during the race that our own Fabio is quite an animal when it comes to devouring donuts!!! 🍩🍩🍩

Yeti Boy checked in having won the 70 and over age group!!! Congratulations to Sharkman's Wingman who conquered the competition in the regular 22 mile gravel race and took the top of the podium, only disappointed there were no "Podium Girls" to crown him.....

Yeti giving a hand pump to the ones 
of fans in the audience. Note the
legend is wearing his Shark Minion
Jersey! You go Yeti!!!

Meanwhile, that legend known as Fabio, famous for riding with no seat on his mountain bike at the Iceman and riding the Iceman with beer in his Camel Back, was creating even more legends as he took the "Dirty Donut Gravel" 70 and over division by eating three donuts and picking up 5 minutes in time with each one!!!


There was no catching the phenom called Zyckmann!!!

Or Yeti Boy!!!

Meanwhile, Stryker Guy and his entourage put in an outstanding performance, however it could not be determined how many donuts they consumed as a team.......however, they are Shark Minions, so donuts were probably consumed...right?

Congratulations to all the Shark Minions who competed in the Dirty Donut! You did the mighty Shark Minion Nation proud!!!

Skylar Lee Klain!
Welcome to the mighty
Shark Minion Nation!


Belo News

June 4, 2022

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Big news in the mighty Shark Minion Nation!!!

We are very pleased to announce Sharklet number 2 in the Stryker Guy family! Skylar Lee Klain was born this past Saturday in Kalamazoo and the mighty Shark Minion Nation welcomes Sharklet number 2 to the peleton.

Congratulations to Styker Guy and Marsha and best wishes to the Klain family!!! We'll be holding a spot in the peloton for Skylar as soon as the training wheels come off!!!


Belo Ne

Fantastic mountain range!June 5, 2022

Pt. Cherokee, NC. - While the mighty Shark Minion Nation was riding the KK-TdG and some of the Shark Minions were turning in stellar performances a the Dirty Donut Race, and while Reb was sitting in the bleachers watching his son play baseball and hoping it wouldn't rain, our own Fire was down in North Carolina with her brother to ride the the Cherokee, NC to Mt. Pisgah Ride. An 80 mile climb up a mountain with no donuts involved!!! Oh, the humanity!

Belo News tried to get a report from the speedy rider, but only got photos, but what great photos!! Looks like a fantastic trip, complete with camping in tents (Sharkman is out! 😝)!

And water falls!

Congratulations Fire, it looks like a fanatastic ride!!!

They seem to be a Bianchi

Looks like a fantastic ride!!!


Yes, tents.....

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

Thursday, June 2, 2022


The mighty Shark Minion Nation on
Red, White & Blue Kit Day!


Fire, Tilly & Mad Dog ready to
rock the roads in their
Team Kit!!!






Belo News

Shark Cove, Mi. - With the weekend and all the activity, we here at Belo News, your source for all you cycling information, did not have the time to work on the blog!!! 

Well, actually, we wasted a lot of time trying to upload some great videos! But we digress....

Oh the humanity!.

Luckily, there a a lot of photos and even a couple of videos if we can get them upload (the Editors were overly opptimistic they could at this point in doing the blog)!

Sharkman had one of his largest entourages of the year as Fire brought her posse with her and Wildman rode over to meet the riders, trying to get miles in preparation for the WAM ride.

Twenty one riders made the call with virgin Shark Minion "Mad Dog" on her sleak Bianchi, (That's right, Bunkie, a female Mad Dog!). The Shark Minion Nation loves it when a virgin Shark Minion arrives and already has a Shark Minion name!) along with Celebrity Riders Paul (aka Tilly), as well as PJ's Brother (which is actually his Shark Minion name, and even PJ, making his season debut after a long absence. Actually, consideration was given to making him a Celebrity Rider, not only because it had been so long since he had been in the Nation, but because he showed up looking like he was taking part in a Jimmy Buffett concert, dressed like a "Parrot Head" complete with Hawaiian shirt, baggy shorts and huge smile (see photo). The man was in the zone!!! Is this a great country or what?!?

Parrot Head or Shark Minion?
Belo News reports,
you decide!

PJ's Brother, after a too
long a hiatus!!

Gazelle Girl decked out
in her R,W & B Kit 
was rocking it!!!

Gazelle Girls socks!!!
Is this a great country or what?!?

ScanMan was making his season debut

Luke Skywalker was back 
as well!!!

Three "Legends" of the peloton,
Toesetter, Stryker Guy & Bissell Boy,
sporting their R,W&B Kit!

Yeti Boy sporting his "Brooklyn"
Kit, as did Greyhound, giving them
the win on Kit Day!!!

In from Phoenix, our Celebrity
Shark Minion, Tilly!
Mad Dog (also Fire's Mom)
Ready to rock the KK-TdG!

Even Sharkman, hizzelf, was there!

After a few Memorial Day speeches from the Mayor, Governor and others, Sharkman made some introductions and welcomed some of the Celebrity Riders back to the Nation. Sharkman also declared that since it was Memorial Day Weekend, the Season was now officially open! 

Is this a great country or what?!?

To the cheers of the mass of one's of followers at the start, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, called for the start and the train headed out of the station at 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Sharkman loves it when a plan comes together!

As the Nation headed north, Wildman and Toesetter set the pace and led Sharkman out to his first "offical" Honorary sprint of the season.

After the offical count was taken, without anyone getting injured or falling off their bike, the Nation headed out to the Col de Twin Lakes.

The speed in the Kountry Klub section was intense as the pace picked up through Kellogg Korner, which had been sweeped by the Skipper hizzelf (thanks Skipper!), and on past the Kountry Klub.

After the "traditional sit up" after the turn to the final assault on the Rt. 43 sprint, a number of the riders gathered to lead the pace at the front. Sharkman was feeling frisky and thought it would be fun to throw in an attack and get a response out of Skittles. Amazingly, no one came after him and he took the unlikely win without contest. 

This is a great country!!!

Through the "neutral zone" and up the Col de Norte, that fast moving train known as the mighty Shark Minion Nation moved past the "Zykmann Estate" where that legend also known as "Fabio" was in quarentine, recovering from Covid!

Yet there he was, filming the mighty Shark Minion Nation as Shark Minion Nation shouted out to him!!!

At the Food Stop, the Shark Minion Nation gathered up and then took the high road, well all but PJ, who took the low road and got out ahead of the Nation in the Digital Divide, as they got through the Inlet and Bissell Boy, ScanMan and Luke Skywalkder dropped off to head home.

After the Digital Divide, Skittles came to the front with Sharkman and Gazelle Girl on his wheel and a very swift paceline ensued taking up the speed into the low 21+ mph zone.

Toesetter moved up to take over at the front and as they rounded the bend, Sharkman decided to try and lead out the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" to her desired GGG Spot Sprint.

Pedal his little fish tail off, Sharkman was able to break free from the pace line with Gazelle Girl behind him ready to pounce on the finish! 

Perfectly timed, Gazelle Girl made her move and easily captured her sprint!!!

As she crossed the line the Nation gave a collective shout of "It was a victory for America!"

The Nation gave up a collective sigh of pleasure as they headed to the final assualt on the finish.

Sharkman headed out early but by the small first hill, was caught when Reb took the front (getting his name in Belo News) and took over the pace line.

Hermster put in his usual attack that was quickly covered by Skittles and a cast of thousands as the fast moving, mighty Shark Minion Nation approached the final ascent to the finish.

The riders were grouped up and fighting for any wheel in front of them as Toesetter took a lead, then Skittles with the Shark Nation chomping on their wheels.

As the riders bore down on the finaal descent to the finish, Skittles made his final move while it was a race for second place in his wake. Sharkman broke out of the peloton, worried he went to soon, as he bore down thinking he had the second spot on the podium!!!

But it was not to be. For the second week in a row, Wishbone sprinted out of the pack and took the second spot, relegating our diminutive hero to the third rung on the peloton! However, it was still a victory for America as the tofosi and paparazzi on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as the riders approached the Klutch for the Press Conference.

Stryker Guy raced out ahead to pay for the koffee, and easily won the sprint to get his credit card out! This is a great country!!! Thanks Stryker Guy!

The only problem was that the Klutch was packed and there was no room at the Inn!!!

Wait, ........what????

For the first time in recorded mighty Shark Minion Nation history, the Klutch was packed and the Nation had to stand outside with their Koffee in hand! Oh, the humanity!

Koffee at the Klutch!!!

Beaver Mountain Cycling!!!

Our Koffee Hero, Stryker Guy
enjoying his curbside

Well, it was good for the Klutch! But not so good for the Shark Minions!

You won't want to miss this weeks Edition of the KK-TdG!!!

Good luck to all those Shark Minions doing the Donut Race, while we continue the Shark Minion KK-TdG minus an entry fee!!! Just come on out and ride! And don't forget your Beer Jersey!

Come on out and ride!

This Saturday, June 4, 2022  (can it be June already?) 

Beer Jersey Saturday!

That's right Bunkie!!! Break out your favorite Beer Jersey and come on out and ride!!!

Launch Time - 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Riders joining the Shark Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Shark Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.