Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The Nation ready to rock the South Route!




Three generations of Minion Jerseys!
Is this a great Nation or what?!?





Belo News
August 3, 2019

Shark Cove, Michigan - As dawn broke cool but bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was excited to be donning his beloved Shark Minion Jersey to make the trip over to the start. On this day, it would be the South Route, where the Tour de Bill's started 31 years ago and the most thrilling down hill finish in all of cycling! It was Shermanator Day and that means alternate route! It was a great day to be the Sharkman, though our hero feels that way almost every morning!
The sun was out and
Rainman was back in action!

As the Cove garage door lifted, Sharkman noticed someone preparing a bike in Rainman's driveway. Could it be? Could it possibly be, the Rainman? Oh, the humanity!

Yes, it was Rainman and he was ready to ride with the Nation! Oh, double the humanity! This was going to be a great day! Welcome back, Rainman!!!

As the pair launched from the Shark Cove, the Sharkman could feel the cool and wondered if he should have put on some arm warmers? But as soon as the cold blooded shark worked up the pedals, the warmth began to return to his dorsal and all was well in the realm!

As they passed the open fields on Watkins Road, Sharkman saw a deer in the fog next to a tree and thought to himself how beautiful Michigan is in the summer. Ya gotta love summer in Michigan.....its a law! Look it up!

Up ahead, they saw the lights of Reb and Fire approaching and the old Shark knew the he had an entourage to the start on this fine morning! Fire was just back from riding the RAGBREI and was chomping at the bit to ride some more. It was later learned the Wishbone was also back from riding RAGBREI! Congratulations to both riders! You made the Nation proud!

Meanwhile, Reb was again complaining about the speed, the temperature and trying to hang on, while talking to the entire group at the same time. Must be a slow starter, as he rode great later, or just a complainer......or both.......
Reb, trying to take a photo, photo bombed
himself! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman stopped at the Klutch to relieve himself and Andrew commented on how much he liked last week's edition of Belo News, which always makes the old Shark feel good. It was turning out to be a very special day!

At the start, the riders started piling in and Sharkman knew early that he would not be needing to remember names for this weeks edition! Everyone welcomed Rainman back into the fold, as the old Shark tried to get photos of all those in Minion Jerseys.

Zyckkmonne was back in Minion Kit and also mention how funny he thought the last edition of Belo News was but of course, he got major ink in last weeks edition! But it still made Sharkman's day. After all, most Minions read it.......!
Fire was back from RAGRAI!
Welcome home!

Gazelle Girl rode in with the sun on her shoulder and "other guy," Toesetter, on her arm to shouts of "Gazelle Girl!"

Actually, it was such a weak shout out, Sharkman made them do it a second time.

Gazelle Girl was wearing her BEU Jersey, while Toesetter had his 30th Anniversary Shark Jersey on, so Sharkman, in his original Shark Jersey, got a photo of all three after Reb took an accidental photo of himself........yep, slow starter.......Photobombed hizzelf!

As the riders grouped up for the photo, Skittles pulled in with about two minutes to spare. But Sharkman was allowing extra time for those riding to the start not realizing the Nation was heading south, so he went easy on the young sprinter.

After the start photo and some words from local celebrities and politicians, the Nation was ready to rock it! To sounds of pedals clicking in and whirring wheels, 17 Minions were ready to ride as Sharkman called out that all sights would be "$.50, no change." Hutch grabbed on as the Nation went through town.

The riders headed up Qman Hill in a very talkative, social mood, just enjoying the beautiful morning as the day began to warm.
Fabio fighting off the paparazzi!

After the first MN crossing, the pace picked up as Sharkman shouted out "Hawk Alley ahead, $.50, no change!" and the ride went on.

Down the next hill and on to the famous Waterfall, the Tiller's International Farm and Cook Cemetery! Sharkman was rattling off the sights as the Nation tried very hard not to look!

As the Nation moved on to the Rail Road House attraction, Sharkman noted that Skittles and Falcon were up front pushing the pace. Timing his attack perfectly, and coming up on their left, he commented that the Rail Road House was on the right and as they both looked, hurried ahead to take the sprint! "That'll be $.50 each and a win for me!" the old shark was hear to say!

At the stop sign, Sharkman made a point of mentioning the next attraction early as many had stated they had never seen it. It is, of course, the Troll House. Along this section of the ride, there is a tree with a troll door and trolls hanging out and Sharkman stated he would be pointing it out so all could see it AND he would be giving it a special rate of $.26, but no change!

As the Nation cranked up to ramming speed, Hermster made a move do the front like Claudio Ciapputche at in the old days at the Tour de France! Ripping past the pack like a Minion heading the fridge to get the last beer, Hermster apparently did not care to see the Troll House.
The Ironman of cycling continued
his streak!

Of course, the Nation can't stand to be left behind and Minions went after him like he had a six pack of beer and was giving it away. Sharkman could just see the quarters falling away as they past the Troll House and he pointed it out to what remained at the back of the peloton.

Zykkccmaann however, did comment that he saw it for the first time and was deeply moved. It may have been gas, as he has still not paid Sharkman for this phenomenal spiritual experience.

Of course, the Nation caught Hermster before the sprint and they all gathered up for the next turn as Rainman dropped off.

As the nation powered past the Indian Lakes Golf Course, there was a bus full of kids working in the farm field across from the course and they went wild waving to the fast moving train. The Nation was riding in an informal pace line and was looking good in their multitude of Minion kit!

That is when Sharkman took another flyer, and raced out from the informal pace line, taking, yet another sprint! Oh, the humanity! Is this a great country or what!?? The old Shark was on fire!

As the Nation made the turn at Scott's Mill, and as Sharkman tried to collect $.50 from each of the Nation that glanced at it, someone mentioned that there were riders off the back.

Sharkman told the Nation to move ahead as he went back to find Zyckkmannne and Reb, talking and riding like they were on a Sunday stroll in the park.
Gazelle and her "other guy," Toesetter,
with the sun on her shoulder!

Reb reported that his tool kit had fallen off and he had to go back to get it and Fabio had decided to ride back with him. They seemed in no hurry as the Nation waited before heading into the thriving metropolis known as Scotts.

As they headed into Scotts, Brewman mentioned the "Big Chair" at the store in Scotts and Sharkman shouted out a special deal for seeing Scotts, Scooters Ice Cream Parlor, Scott's Post Office AND the Big Chair for only $1.55, no change! This IS a great country as the Nation booed Brewman for mentioning the Big Chair!

As the Nation approached 38th Street, Sharkman informed them that it was not the final sprint, despite Reb questioning this revelation.

The pace picked up dramatically as the fast moving train barreled down to the MN Sprint.

As they got close to the finish, and Reb was still questioning whether this was the final sprint, they realized that the Stop Ahead sign was missing! Oh, the humanity!
Two generations of Shark Minion
Jersey's on Hoosier Boy and Wildman!

At the Stop sign (which thankfully was still there), Sharkman warned everyone about the speed on the "greatest downhill finish in all of cycling" and to make sure riders held their lines (which means if you are boxed in, too bad! You can't swerve in and out in a group ride, Bunkie!).

Immediately, Hermster bolted out to the front to lead the group out, but it turned out to be counter productive as simply Skittles latched on and got an early lead that was too much for the rest of the Nation to over come.  Meanwhile, Sharkman held on to Wildman's fast rear wheel, sitting in and hoping to grab a fast wheel going by as everyone fought for second place!

As the speed picked up (Sharkman clocked 36.3 mph for a high and hit 170 on his HR monitor and he was being passed - This is the greatest downhill finish in all of cycling!)!

Meanwhile, at the front, Falcon bridged the gap to Skittles while Hermster pulled to the side fully spent. "Good job Hermster, but you led out the wrong guy..." Sharkman thought as he sped by.

Sharkman saw Toesetter moving up and again, jumped on his wheel as Zyckmonne, Fabio hair flying in the wind, rocketed by and Sharkman tried to latch on to his wheel!

Minion riders everywhere as there was phenomenal down hill race for the third spot on the podium!

As the hill flattened out and the final turn loomed ahead, Sharkman was about to give up when riders started to gas out and return to our hero.  As they made the turn, he saw Reb on his left, starting to make a "dick move" and thought to hizzelf, "not this time....!"
Bissell Boy was not only ready to ride,
but ready to buy!

Sharkman was riding on the rivets but was NOT going to give Mr. Dick Move the chance this time.

The diminutive shark dug deep and put the pedals down to passed a couple of other riders to take the final spot on the podium behind Skittles and Falcon, leaving Reb in his wake!

It was a victory for America!!! Can it get more exciting?!?

As a mater of fact, Sharkman was so excited, that he did not hit his lap switch on his computer and was not able to determine the final speed, for the ride, but when he did get back to the Shark Cove he had a season high total average of 17.7 miles for the entire ride!

Oh, the humanity!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's rode in from the "Greatest down hill finish in all of cycling!"

At the Klutch, there was some confusion as to who bought, as Bissell Boy had ridden in early and threw down his plastic to buy for all!

Thanks Bissell Boy! You rock!

Sharkman was enjoying the ambiance of his koffee, peanut butter Pop Tart, and the company of his beloved Nation while the press conference went longer than normal. As he reminisced about his "dramatic" come from behind finish to take the podium and ward of, yet another, "dick move" he marveled at joy of Miniondom!
The Klutch was waiting!

Sharkman reported that the ride home was great and Fire kept up the torrid pace back to the Creek that she demonstrated on the way over, all while Reb complained about it.

Sharkman then pulled off a "dick move" as he barreled down Watkins at the Human Society and took advantage of the green light and did not stop to say goodbye to Reb and Fire.

He did text them later to apologize, and though he felt bad putting a "dick move" on Fire, he had no problem with doing it to Reb!

This week, the KK-TdG is suspended for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! The KK-TdG will resume on August 17, 2019!

See everyone at the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred this Saturday! More on that below.......

The Klutch was rocking!
Hutch was late for the start photo,
so here he is in his kit!


Belo News
August 6, 2019

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - This is it! The weekend for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred and all the information is above! If we are lucky, we'll get this edition out in time to get your RSVP's in!

Your RSVP needs to be in on Wednesday night, which will be tonight if all goes well!

It is looking like a good group, so you won't want to miss this annual ride, Bunkie!

So, what are you waiting for! Get Gazelle Girl on the line!

Be there!


You too, can follow the action!

Belo News
August 6, 2019
The man is on a role!

Hickory Corners, Mi. - Two legends of the peloton will be heading out west soon to do the Boarder to Boarder ride from the Canadian Border to Mexico. None other than Styker Guy and Easty will be heading out in the next week to do this 50 day ride along the Continental Divide.

No one knows what they were thinking, but Styker Guy is going to chronicle this ride in a blog that will be available to all!

Check out what Styrker Guy plans to do!

Entitled, Slow, Old and Stupid is back, 

from Stryker Guy, hizzelf:


For reasons I don’t really understand, there are people who read my blog postings three years ago when I rode my bike with three other brave souls from west to east (Portland to Portland). 
Katie getting Easty in shape for the ride!
Over a few beers, I thought maybe North to South (Canada to Mexico on the Continental Divide) sounded like a good idea and on August 14th I will learn just how good that idea is.

I am posting again and if you didn’t ask for this email or would rather watch bowling on TV, please delete this message and accept my apologies.  For those of you who have trouble sleeping, here is the website and the first post.  

You can respond, which is always appreciated, but make sure to not hurt my feelings too badly.  If I fly over a mountain or get eaten by a grizzly, please take care of Marsha.

Take care,


You go Stryker Guy and Easty! Make the Nation proud and we are behind you! Mostly from our comfortable chairs with a beer in hand, but we are behind you!


Belo News
The Lucky One's enjoying a post ride beverage!
August 5, 2019

Fort Custer, Michigan - Gazelle Girl was kind enough to put out a text to the Lucky Ones to announce a ride for Monday! Only Zyckmann and Sharkman were available, but what a ride it was!

Oh, and there was beer! If you want to be put on the distribution list for Lucky One texts, please let Gazelle Girl know. Rides are usually on Monday afternoons at the Fort if we can get our act together!

Viva bikes!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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