Wednesday, August 21, 2019


The mighty Shark Minion Nation ready to rock!
Sans the "Sweetheart of the peloton







Belo News
August 17, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was excited that he would be back on his beloved "Field of Dreams," known as the KK-TdG!

After a fantastic foray into debauchery known as the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred, he was looking forward to being back on his home course.
Reb, in his cycling "gear...."

The old shark was a bit concerned about the fog he faced as the Shark Garage Door Opened and his wing man, Yeti Boy was waiting, sunglasses fogged over and lights flashing.

The air was thick and damp as the two riders took off with their, lights flashing in the fog like beacons on Lake Michigan signaling ships to safety.

The two did not see any lights riding towards them and wondered if they were there and couldn't see them, or if Reb and Fire were running late.....

No Reb or Fire......

The pair crossed Helmer and waited, as the sound of Canada Geese honking in the sky was heard, but the geese were only occasionally visible in the fog as they flew overhead. The two wondered it the geese were instrument rated......?

After pondering this question for a few moments, Reb's headlight was seen flashing over I-94, and with Fire in tow, the two tried to blame their tardiness on the fog.

Yeah, right.....

The fog seemed to get even more dense as the foursome made their way to the start and they determined there had been a lot of rain the previous evening with all the puddles they tried to ride around in vain.
Zyckmann and Yeti Boy riding
back from the "restroom."
It is all on tape now......

On the way down the hill into Galesburg they saw Hermster heading towards them doing his warm up lap, as the four made their way to the start, where riders were getting their steads ready for action.

"I Owe Beer" was back after a short hiatus and a young rider named Ryan drove in. As he got his bike ready Sharkman asked him if he had ridden before with the Shark Minions, to which he responded, "a long time ago....." Sharkman inquired further as to, "a long time ago, like last season?" to which the young, former Minion responded, ".....more like years......"

Ryan stated he had gotten "fat and out of shape" to which Sharkman commented that the Nation were all the best riders in that category! The Shark Minion Nation is made up of the best riders who actually have, or had jobs, families and other duties that caused them to not be able to ride often and thus, were just down right phenomenal for riders who rode so seldom! The best in their class, actually!

Welcome back Ryan, Minion name to be determined!

Vlad the Impaler was also in the mix for his first ride with the Shark Minion Nation! Though a perennial BEU rider, this was his first KK-TdG!

Welcome to our Field of Dreams, Vlad!

As the riders were lining up, Zyckmann commented, "Wait, no Brewman?"

The veteran Minion was correct.

Brewman was missing the start for the first time this season and his record stopped at the BEU. For those keeping score, the actual record is held by none other than the "Sweetheart of the Peloton," Gazelle Girl herzzelf!

The Nation bows their heads as Brewman's streak ends.....
Wait, is that Gazelle Girl getting the last laugh?
But wait again, was she there?!?

Belo News went back into the archives here at the News Room and it was learned that ,just last season, Gazelle Girl made every ride until September 15 and she only missed one ride all of last year and therefore retains the crown.

Gazelle Girl still holds the "Ironman" record for attendance!

She beat Brewman by FOUR rides!

Oh, the humanity!

Congratulations to Gazelle Girl AND to Brewman on their efforts!

Well done!
Wildman looking sharp in
his Bissell Kit!

Speaking of Gazelle Girl, with a minute on the clock, she was not yet in attendance! Where was the Sweetheart of the Peloton?

Two photos were taken, one at the announcement of Brewman not making the call, with heads hung low.....and one for the official start, sans Gazelle Girl!

As the Nation headed out towards the urban center known as Galesburg, a shout of "Gazelle Girl" went out from the peloton as they saw the Ironman of the Nation, Gazelle Girl approaching. She claimed that she was brushing her dog and lost track of time, but since Toesetter was out of town the consensus seemed to be that she slept in!

There were 17 riders on the train, however Kid Doster, coming off an injury, would join on later in the ride.

Falcon led our hero, the Sharkman, out to the first sprint as the fog seemed get more dense on the first leg of the ride.

As the Nation worked their way up the col de Twin Lakes, the sun started to burn off the fog and it was quite amazing how fast it seemed to dissipate.

It was turning out to be a beautiful morning as the fast moving train headed through Yorkville, Kellogg Korner and past the Kountry Klub sections.

After the turn and a brief "sit up," the train got moving again and this week, Hermster waited to make his move instead of leaping out too soon. As he put the hammer down, it was theorized that many of the riders thought Hermster would fade early again and only a couple riders like Doper, Falcon and Zykkccmann responded to the attack.

But this week, Hermster was able to hold on and take his first sprint! Congratulations and well played, Hermster!
Fabio, the winner on the day!

After a head count at the Rt. 43 finish, Sasquatch and Doper led the Nation up the col de Norte and with no one lagging, moved right past the top of the climb, where Falcon took over and managed a humongous pull all the way to the Holy Rollers with Sharkman holding on to his wheel like it was the last Oberon in the case!

Nice job, Falcon!

As the Sharkman led his Shark Minions into the Holy Rollers, the train moved forward to contest the Food Stop Sprint! Yeti Boy was at the front and opened up a gap, but Hoosier Boy was on fire and after closing the gap, rode Yeti's wheel until he made a last second move around Yeti to take the sprint.

The Nation again took the low road, and it looks like it may be the permanent route now, to the Inlet and on to the Digital Divide where Sharkman announced a pace line, counter clockwise, after they crossed over.

However, and again, the Nation struggled to put a solid pace line together!!!

Wait, .....what?

How does this happen???
Welcome, Vlad the Impaler!!!

Just a few comments from Belo News on pace lines.....

1. Follow the leader....(OK, hopefully we are not moving too fast here....)

2. When the lead rider moves right OR left, depending on the announced direction, take the lead but keep the pace. Do not "sprint" out of the pace line,  just keep the same pace.

3. Riders that peel off slow down and work their way back to the end of the pace line, where they back on.

4. Riders only stay at the front until it is clear to move aside. If a rider wants to stay on longer, that is fine as well, but you do not NEED to stay at the front for long periods of time.

5. Riders who have moved off the line can, as a matter of etiquette, announce "clear" when the lead rider is clear to move over.

6. Riders can also declare that they are "last rider" so the slower line knows when to join back on.

Got it, Bunkies?

Now, back to the "riveting reading!"

Despite the terrible pace line, Sasquatch and Zyckemaane brought Gazelle Girl to the front as they bore down on the GGG Spot Sprint, where Falcon made some noise but got blown off the wheel of the speedy Gazelle Girl, and was thus, not personna non grata again, and she took her sprint easily!

It was a victor for America!
Welcome Ryan, Minion Name to
be determined!

As the Nation made the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman again shouted out for riders to be careful, watch their lines, and stay within the yellow lines.

Wildman immediately went to the front until Hermster made his move and again, fell on his sword to take the Nation out. Thanks Hermster!

The pace picked up as the runaway train reached the foot of the last climb. Hermster peeled off and riders, hungry for the tape, moved forward like wolves on a kill!

Even Bob the Builder joined on from no where!?!

There was a brief bunching of riders at the top of the hill as Sasquatch and Doper moved forward, along with a cast of thousands!

Zyckmann came to the front so fast, there was no grabbing his wheel, but others responded immediately to try to cover the attack!

However, Fabio took the lead and never let go as Doper and Sasquatch followed with Sharkman right behind them!

It was a victory for America!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the riders made their way to the Klutch for the Press conference.
I Owe Beer was back in the mix
and threw down for koffee!

Riders began to throw money down to pay it forward. It was noted that I Owe Beer was one of them, but it could not be determined who was the other!

Thanks Minions!

The koffee and talk flowed as the Nation shared their stories of glory in the peloton!

It was again, a great morning to be in the mighty Shark Minion Nation!

This week, in recognition of back to school and summer coming to an end, it will be Beer Jersey Day!

That is right, get that beer kit out and ride, Bunkie!

Saturday, August 24, 2019 - Beer Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

The Nation at the first G crossing
as the fog began to lift....

The Klutch was rocking!


Belo News
August 21, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As the Shark Minion Nation is aware, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, is always concerned about safety on the ride.  Additionally, the Sharkman feels that we are "guests" around Gull Lake, where the residents seem to be pretty patient with the ride, no matter how large it gets. There have been weeks when the Nation is at 50 riders, but more normally the number is 20-25.

This is a very large number of riders most week and the Nation owes it to the residents to ride respectfully and within the law.

Gazelle Girl shared a document that was put out by Steve Johnson, who runs the Tuesday Night Chain Gang Ride, concerning ride safety and the document was attached to the Shark Minion Update.

Please remember that we should be no more than two abreast AND as far the the left as is practical.

Also, please do not cross the center line of the road. If you are boxed in, you are boxed in and will have to wait to make a move. Getting a sprint is not as important as the safety of your fellow Minions. Please read the document and ride safe!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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