Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Tony the Tiger/Kellogg Jersey Day!






Belo News
June 29, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke warm and humid over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, jumped from his Shark Bed and padded down to the Shark Locker Room next to the Shark Bike Repair Shop (you really should see this guys basement) to put on his Tony the Tiger Jersey. Yes, it was Tony the Tiger/Kellogg Jersey Day and our hero was itching to ride. He even had Kellogg socks!

Sans arm warmers and more concerned about heat than cold, the Sharkman was ready to rock it!
Doper was early and got named!

There was quite a few exchanges of texts the night before, concerning attendance in the Shark entourage, but suffice it to say, Yeti Boy was on time sporting his Tony the Tiger kit.

As the two headed west they picked up Fire en route, sans the legendary writer and sometimes rider, Reb.

Apparently Reb had "Dad Duties" and as the three riders crossed Helmer, they stopped for a moment in silence to remember Reb, then had a teary eyed group hug, and said a prayer before rolling on.....(at least that is Fire's story).

Fire again pushed the pace and the three found themselves at the start a bit early, but not as early as Doper. Yes, Doper..... Minion Lance has been riding with the Nation on and off and was warned that he should pick a Minion name before the Nation did, but alas, he dallied too long and Gazelle Girl has given him the name "Doper."

Sorry doper, you gotta move faster on this stuff!

Riders started piling in as Sharkman was doing the count he realized he may have to actually remember names as the number peaked out at 14!

Hoosier Boy was back, as well as Rocketman, Boatman, Mr. Retired guy Brewman (who was extending his "Consecutive Start Record), PJ, Hermster, Hutch, Wildman and to shouts of "Gazelle Girl," the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" and Toesetter filled out the roster.
Hutch, the winner on the day!

Tony the Tiger and other Kellogg Jersey's (specifically Boatman, looking good in a Corn Pops jersey) filled the sky with color and the mighty Minion Nation pulled out of the station as the sound of pedals "clicking in" could be heard throughout the realm!

As the Nation rode two abreast to the Klutch, Andrew could be seen waving to the Nation and taking a count while the early morning group joined in with enthusiasm.

Yeti Boy and Wildman took the lead at an easy pace as they headed north, but a vocal Nation seemed happy to just float until Sharkman came up from pressing the flesh in back and took his honorary sprint at 24.6 mph!

Oh, the humanity.

The Nation moved on through the cul de Twin Lakes, past the cul de No Name, the Yorkville Church and through Kellogg Korner.

As the Nation was navigating the hills in the run up to the Kountry Klub, Sharkman moved to his right just a bit, thinking it was clear and apparently cut off Toesetter! Toesettter went off the road but maintained his upright position and made a quick recovery back to the road! Later in the ride, Sharkman apologized profusely to the legendary Toesetter, just as the Toe headed off the road again, to which Sharkman said, "that wasn't me!!!"

Hermster, again attacked in the run up to the Rt. 43 sprint and was immediately joined for a massive move on the flag! Sharkman mentioned to Hermster that he may have gone too soon, to which he replied, "I couldn't help myself...." A great Minion response!
The "Start Streak" continues!

The Nation moved through col de Norte and into the Holy Rollers where Yeti Boy threw in an attack in the hills that could not be countered and rested the Food Stop Sprint from a wild Nation itching to get that flag!

Again, the Nation took the low road to the inlet, where Gazelle Girl came to the front with Sharkman and told him she would block his attack on the sprint, which no one seemed to care about, well except for Gazelle Girl and Sharkman who the sprint uncontested. Thanks Gazelle Girl, you kept them off the old Sharks dorsal!

After a lengthy wait at the Digital Divide (they need a traffic light there!) Yeti Boy took the Nation out on a pace line that seemed to be working, albeit weakly, when Gazelle Girl declared that the Nation was, once again, going in the wrong direction. Sharkman pointed out there wasn't any wind to which the Sweetheart of the Peloton told him it was coming from the west. Uh?

As everyone knows, it is hard enough to get the Nation in a pace line, but to ask them to change the direction of the pace line in the middle of an attempt is something that has to be seen to believed!

Minions were moving in and out of the pace line in all directions!

"Riders to the left of me, riders to the right, back in the middle with who?!?" Confusion reigned!
Hoosier Boy was back after obtaining
a loan to pay off his koffee purchase...

Always a genius in arranging her position in the pace line to capture her coveted GGG Spot Sprint, despite the confusion, Toesetter brought his sweetheart out along with an entourage of riders, to capture the sprint.

Hermster, a pretty new Minion, didn't realize that this sprint belongs to Gazelle Girl and attacked! Oh, the humanity! "What would happen?!?!" everyone thought........

Either Hermster got the message, simply realized what was happening, or lost the wheel, but Gazelle Girl again, reached her GGG Spot Sprint finished and was not denied the pleasure of a great finish.

Sharkman told everyone to be careful as they crossed to the final sprint. Though our hero realizes it doesn't make a difference, it does make him feel better like it use to make his Mom Shark feel better when he was heading out the door and she said those very words.........

Again, the nation seemed slow to move to the front and Sharkman started to get nervous as to how bunched up the mighty train was as they crested the first hill.

Where was Hossman???
The "Sweetheart of the Peloton"
arrives with the sun on
her shoulder!

Yeti Boy came up and took over, then Sharkman and then the two pushed like crazy.  Hermster also made a move that was covered by Sharkman with Yeti Boy still on his wheel.

As Hermster started to fade, Sharkman came around and took over again as he and Yeti Boy, again took turns pulling with all they had right up to the crest of the last ascent!

Who are these old guys?!?

All Sharkman could think about was "where is Hossman!?!??"

As the Nation barreled down on the finish, the Nation busted loose like when someone offers to buy koffee and the Nation can't get in line fast enough! Oh, the humanity!!!

Hutch, freshly returned from his totally awesome tour out west, edged out Rocketman and Mr. Newly Retiree, Brewman in a great finish! It was a victory for America!!!

The paparazzi and tofosi went wild on the champs le Galesburg as the riders waved to their adoring, and sweating fans.

Fire was first in line and threw down for the first 5 Minions. Sharkman overhearing the transaction, immediately elbowed his way into the pace line for koffee like he does in the peloton when he wants "in." Nothing keeps the Shark from his Bottomless when it is free!

The Klutch rocked with discussion of the upcoming, special edition 4th of July tour of Central Kalamazoo County and the greatest downhill finish in the world of cycling!

Apologies to Wildman, who only got his
arm in the shot.
You heard that right, Bunkie!

This Thursday, July 4, 2019! Independence Day!

Break out that Red, White and Blue kit and ride with the Nation!

The Nation will head out on the South Route and Sharkman will be pointing out all the sites at a reduced cost of $.95! No change!

And don't forget the greatest downhill finish in cycling! Oh, the humanity!

This will be followed up with the regular Saturday Ride on the KK-TdG route!

Can it get any better!??

Oh, the humanity!

A double header coming up!

This IS a great country!

The Klutch will be closed for the 4th, so the Minions will be stopping for their cup of McCoffee or maybe, ICE CREAM! After all, it is a free country, right?!? You decide!

July 4, 2019 Red, White and Blue Kit Day Southern Route - Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

July 6, 2019 KK-TdG Ride - Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be There!

Unless the weather sucks! The forecast is for isolated showers, so if either of these rides are called off, an email and the blog will report it by 7 a.m. So when in doubt, check your email or check Belo News. 

And remember, the Nation will ride in the rain, but not start in the rain......particularly lightening!

See everyone Thursday AND/OR Saturday!


Belo News
July 1, 2019
Yes, we thought we had stopped Sharkman
from doing selfies too. 

Ft. Custer, Mi. - As the Nation is well aware, it has been one wet spring! However, as is usually the case in Michigan, summer arrives fast and furious! The wet, cool, spring seems to be behind us and really held off the start of the Lucky One's Monday mountain bike rides.

But this past Monday, Yeti Boy got the group together at the last minute and three Lucky One's were able to turn out for the call!

Gazelle Girl and Sharkman joined Yeti Boy for a great, muggy ride at the Fort this past Monday, riding the combination red to blue to red with the Sharkman loop added on at the end.
Yes, Yeti filled the Yeti!

This was all finished with a round of adult beverages and a lot of talk about how this ride needed to be repeated next week!

If you are interested in riding with the Lucky One's (and you don't need to be retired to ride with the Lucky One's, but it helps!) just let Sharkman know and he will put you on the distribution.

Is this a great country or what?!?


Belo News
July 2, 2019

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - Speaking of Lucky One's, the first lunch ride is schedule for July 9, which is next Tuesday!

You do not need to be retired to ride with the Lucky One's but as has been pointed out, it helps!

This will be a special lunch as Brewman will be joining this ride for the first time as an official Lucky One as he has just been retired a week! Oh, the humanity! Welcome to the club, Brewman!

Help the Nation celebrate Brewman's retirement on this fun ride! All the details are listed below, so BE THERE!

All are welcome!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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