Thursday, July 25, 2019


The Nation ready to rock the dry Field of Dreams known as the KK-TdG!



That's right, Bunkie! Signed by
Bobke hizzelf!





Belo News
July 20, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke dark and moody over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman bound from his shark bed ready to rock. But then he noticed a text had come in over night from the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department advising of severe thunderstorms.

Greyhound in his green dot jersey!!!

He immediately checked the radar and found a big, green blob over his Field of Dreams known as the KK-TdG!

Oh, the humanity!

This "green blob" had some flashing red in the mix and extended from Galesburg to Lake Michigan!
Oh, double the humanity!

After checking out the Shark Portal, he did not see rain or wet pavement so he sent an urgent email to Gazelle Girl who's Triple Nasty Ranchero is near the ride start.

No reply.....probably too early for the Sweetheart of the Peloton! Right......

The Sharkman then turned on the Weather Channel and saw the rain, but it seemed to be slowly breaking up.

Gazelle Girl finally responded that she was "on the pot" and would check soon after! Oh, triple the humanity!

Sharkman was thinking that the rain was breaking up, the area was under a severe heat warning and he wanted to ride! Perhaps the rain would actually be refreshing?!?

Game on!
Well, it does commemorate 30 years,
so OK.....!

As he headed down Watkins, living the Sharkman's credo that "if you can't be good, look good!" in his retro jersey, he saw Reb's headlight approaching and all seemed to be right in the realm!

But as the two rode, they found sticks and limbs all over the roads. "It must have been on heck of a storm" they thought as Sharkman wondered how he had slept through it!

As they approached the Kalamazoo River, a tree had blown down in the road and had completely taken out the guard rail! Wow, what a storm!

As the riders gathered for the start, Sharkman noticed that Gecko was back! He also had brought a virgin Minion by the name of Grant, herein known as "Commuter" for the rear bike rack he was sporting on his bike. Welcome to the mighty Shark Minion Nation, Commuter!

Brewman was back, extending his record streak as well!

It appeared that there were 15 riders exactly at the start, so Sharkman would have to remember names, but that changed immediately after the start as other Minions jumped on.

There were a number of great retro jersey's on the day and a couple of 30th Anniversary Shark Minion Jersey's, which "may" qualify as retro simply because they are commemorative......uh? Ok?
Hermster commented that he is taking
stock of his jersey inventory for
next season!

After Gazelle Girl and her, what has become regular, "other guy," Toesetter, both sporting classic retro jerseys (hers an old Gazelle Sports Jersey and Toesetters a Schwinn jersey! Ah, remember Schwinn?.....)

Zykkcman was actually sporting a 7-11 Jersey, that had been autographed by THE Bob Roll, aka Bobke! Is this a great country or what!?? Zkymonne topped his attire off with a pair of U.S. Postal Service Socks! This man has style!

After a few words and the obligatory start photo, Sharkman led the Nation out on the road, two abreast, past the Klutch, where the tofosi was going crazy and Andrew was taking a count, and on to the Field of Dreams that seemed to be dry, but tree debris riddled......

Boatman jumped on reporting that he heard the sound of generators as he rode to the start (how did Sharkman sleep through that storm?).

More riders jumped on, including Skittles and Bissell Boy and memory prevents the naming of any others but the ride totaled approximately 18-19 riders.

Sharkman worked up and down the peloton pressing the flesh and welcoming Gecko back after a long hiatus, and introducing hizzelf to Commuter, who was named by Hoosier Boy.
Wildman was back and ready to rock!

Sharkman found hizzelf boxed in behind Doper and had trouble getting to the front where Boatman and Reb were pulling the social train known as the mighty Shark Minion Nation! However, he did eventually work his way to the front and didn't wait for a lead out before going for his honorary sprint, which he took at 23.9 mph!

After the count at the first G Ave. crossing, the pace picked up and the ride really began.

As the Nation moved towards the col de Twin Lakes, Sharkman grabbed Toesetters wheel as they headed down the hill, as Sharkman announced he needed momentum to get up the first hill on the course! Actually, he found hizzelf grabbing Toesetters wheel on several occasions! You go, Toesetter!

The pace through the Yorkville Church, past Kellogg Korner (which seemed to be swept - Thanks Skipper!) and on through the Kountry Klub section and finally on to a major battle between Hoosier Boy and Zcykhmann, for the RT. 43 sprint, with Hoosier Boy squeaking out the win!

At the Rt. 43 stop, Commuter reported he'd broken a spoke coming up the hill to Rt. 43. He wasn't sure if it just broke or if it was from all the branches and sticks on the road but after failing to get the spoke out, Super Wrench Skittles came up and wrapped it around another spoke and the Nation moved on up the col de Norte.
Gecko was back after a too
long hiatus! Welcome
back, Gecko!

Sharkman broke his own rule of not lallygagging at the top as he started a conversation with Bissell Boy and before he knew it, the fast moving Minion Train had pulled out of the station and he had to fight to get back on!

Through the Holy Rollers, the feed stop and the low road to the Inlet, the Nation moved in unison with the determination of a horse smelling the barn. The early morning storm/rain seemed to cool the weather down, but as the morning wore on, that began to change.

Sharkman asked Gazelle Girl to determine the direction of the pace line after the Digital Divide, but it was somewhat mute, as Skittles went to the front, took the speed up to about 25 mph and took the Nation on a wild ride through the Tunnel of Trees!

Toesetter led out his main squeeze, the Sweetheart of the Peloton for her GGG Spot Sprint and it was yet another victory for America!

The old guys were at it again in the run up to the finish! WHERE ARE THOSE YOUNG RIDERS!

Gazelle Girl and Toesetter started it out and Sharkman came up on the outside after the first hill along with Reb, who was giving a running commentary on the finish as though he was Phil Ligget and the late, Paul Sherwin!
Virgin Minion Grant, now known as
Commuter! Welcome to
the mighty Minion Nation!

Sharkman had it up to around 24 mph, listening to Reb's rambling, as Hermster came forward and took it up a notch to 26+ mph and held it really long!

Hermster pulled off at the base to the final ascent as Zyckmann came forward with a bunch of Minions latched on to his deep dish rimmed wheels!

As the Nation bore down on the final sprint it seemed as though everyone was in the mix until Skittles moved forward to take the tape with Hoosier Boy on his wheel!
Whoa, what is Hoosier Boy drinking!

The crowds on the Champs le Galesburg were amazing, considering the heat, as the Nation zipped up their retro kit for their sponsors, the paparazzi and the tofosi!

As they Nation sidled up to the Klutch, the Koffee was flowing but no one seemed to know who the mystery buyer was until Andrew came out to settle the bill and they learned it was Toast, who had come in and laid his credit card down before the Nation arrived!

Thanks Toast! Is this a great country or what?!?

The Klutch was rocking as a number of the Nation stuck around for koffee on what was becoming a hot day! The Koffee flowed as the press interviewed the riders and riders autographed printed editions of last weeks Belo News!
Gazelle Girl looking great
in her retro Gazelle Kit!

It was a good day to be a Shark Minion!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

As the Make A Wish Ride is coming up, this week the Shark Nation honors those who will be firing with both Team Taylor and with the Eaton Team!

So it is Make A Wish Kit (WAM) Day! Wear your present or former WAM kit and come out and ride with the Nation!

Launch Time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Bissell Boy appeared on the road
as the heat was climbing!

Towsetter sporting his retro
Schwinn Jersey!

Bissel Boy rocking the Klutch in
his Discovery Team Kit!

It was a great day to be in the Shark Minion Nation!
This IS a great country!!!


Belo News
July 23, 2019

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It is that time of year that each Shark Minion awaits! Time for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! All the information anyone would need is in this attached invitation and yes, even you are invited! Don't forget to RSVP and to wear your BEU jersey for this annual "tour" not race!

Don't miss this years edition!

Be there!


Belo News
July 23, 2019

Shark Cove, Mi. - Super Trooper recently shared a story about assisting another rider during a ride and the importance of having emergency contact information in the event a rider goes down and cannot communicate. In this case the rider did not have a road I.D. and Super Trooper ran into difficulty getting a hold of a loved one. This re-enforces the importance of always wearing or having identification with you when you ride.

It has been noted that a number of the Shark Minions wear a Road I.D. but just in case, Super Trooper has shared the attached for a $5 discount it you purchase a Road I.D. so don't wait! Get one now so a loved one can be contacted in the event of a road emergency!

Ride safe!

Here is a link for Minions to get $5.00 off a Road ID. 

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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