Thursday, July 5, 2018



Heat? What heat?





Belo News
July 5, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - Another quick turn around for Belo News, but it is all part of the job!

As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero was pretty darn excited to get back to his beloved Shark Minion Nation.

With the bad weather AND his Social Director, Lava Girls making plans this summer, he has missed a lot of rides and today was Red, White & Blue Kit Day! Always fun on a holiday and it is usually feast or famine as to attendance.

Sharkman was pleased to see Stroker up and about and stating he was driving to the start as he had to be back by 10:30 a.m. for a family function.

Then the Shark Entourage pulled up with Yeti Boy, Nikeboy and long lost Minion, X-Rod!

Rainman also joined in and the riders headed out to Galesburg.
Balloons! Is this a great country or what?!?
Photo by Rainman

They riders were treated to a great view of the balloons from the Balloon Festival coming across I-94 and Watkins, with just enough mist to make the shot, and the view, fantastic!

Thanks for the photo Rainman!

With all the Holiday excitement, the pace was a bit swift to the start, giving the Shark Entourage some time to press the flesh before the official start.

Sharkman counted off 16 riders, meaning that Belo News didn't need to remember all the names, but here is an attempt anyway of those who haven't been named yet.

Gazelle Girl and Toesetter came riding in to shouts of "Gazelle Girl," just as Brewman tried to ride from his car to the group shouting "Brewman!"

Sharkman was the only one who heard him.......

Boatman, Sasquatch, Mad Dog, who drove, as he too, had a commitment in Kazoo after the ride. High Yield, Skittles and none other than that legend of the Peloton, Bissell Boy, making his season debut!

Another rider, who claimed to have ridden with the Nation before, was declared a Virgin Minion anyway (Welcome Tim!) and given a name of I.O.Beer at the Klutch later.

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, I.O.Beer!

After another poor attempt by our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, to take a start selfie, he got another start shot of this good looking group (see start photo), all decked out out in their Red, White & Blue kit! Living the  Minion Credo that, "if you can't be good, look good!"

And the Shark Minion Nation was looking good!

Sharkman also announced that there would be no charges for any of the fascinating sites that he would be pointing out on the ride. That is correct, Bunkie, you heard that right!  Water falls, Tillers Farm, railroad house, cemeteries, and who can forget the "Elf House Tree?"

Yes, it was that kind of morning!

A beautiful morning!
Pure Michigan!
As the Nation headed out of town, Sharkman was going up and down the peloton pressing the flesh and giving instructions as he is wont to do........

The Nation headed up Qman Hill and all marveled at the color and the amount of  wildflowers along the side of the road, which Gazelle Girl was able to name! (As all know, Sharkman can only identify flowers by their color.....)

There was new pavement in Hawk Ally as Sharkman shouted out sites and turns. The day was heating up fast and the pace along with it.

This Nation seemed ready to ride!

Sharkman had some fear that he would not be able to find the "Elf House Tree" as the county doesn't seem to be cutting back the weeds as they once did.

But there was the "Elf Tree House" and a mighty roar came from the peloton as Sharkman pointed it out on the side of the road! It was still there!

Though some small groups broke off and got ahead at times, the Nation gathered on at the stops and made sure that no Minion was left behind.

As the Nation went past Scotts Mill and through Scotts, Sharkman was feeling the heat and could only wonder what the final sprint would be like.

As the fast moving train got onto the final stretch, several Minions asked if it was the final sprint as some Minions moved to the front to pull. However, the Nation had not even gotten to the MN crossing and the speed kept building like it was the final sprint!

With the newly paved road, the Nation was able to fly down the runway on their mission to get to MN and to the final descent to the finish.
Virgin Minion I.O.Beer!
Welcome to the mighty
Shark Minion Nation!

With the heat continuing to climb, the old Shark used every trick in his bag to just hang on to the Nation!

The fast moving train did let up as they approached MN and the final sprint down the greatest downhill finish in all of cycling!

Sharkman warned everyone to be safe and hold their lines as they all began the greatest finishing descent in the cycling world! Have we mentioned how great this descent is? We digress........Oh, the humanity!

Immediately, a small group broke away led by Skittles and Rainman, followed by Sasquatch, Boatman, Mad Dog, High Yield and a cast of thousands! Is this exciting or what?!?

The speed picked up from the get go and it was hard to determine who was out front (particularly when you are way in back!). Even in the second group, riders went back and forth in the smaller peloton to the finish.

It was a wild ride to the finish and from what has been learned, Skittles edged out Rainman and it was not determined who got the third spot on the podium, so Sharkman awarded it to the entire Shark Minion Nation for making the 4th of July so special on this hot, muggy, beautiful Michigan morning! These are the mornings all cyclists dream of!

This is a great country!

Skittles stated he would write up the finish for Belo News, but the turn around on this edition was too tough to make or he forgot or both!

Sharkman was complaining that his legs were fried as the Nation moved along the Champs le Galesburg to the cheers of those who braved the heat to come out to see their hero's ride to the Klutch for the Press Conference!
Bissell Boy made his debut and
was looking good!

Brewman lined up early for koffee and threw down a $20 and told Andrew to keep it coming till the $20 ran out. Sharkman stepped up to get the rest! This is a great country!

Gazelle Girl had brought in the 30th Anniversary Jersey samples and several of the riders wondered if they could purchase the very cool looking samples as well? The answer was no........

The Nation was all complaining about going back out in the heat, but they did.

Rainman, Yeti Boy and Sharkman headed back up the hill to the Eaton plant in the heat as they reminisced about what a great morning it had been on the southern route.

Never fear, the trio made it home, dragging their hero, the Sharkman back to the Shark Cove!

What a fantastic morning it was!

You won't want to miss this Saturday, which has been designated as Bissell Kit Day! It might be the only way to get Bissell Boy back two weeks in a row!

Sharkman will be in Chicago with his Sharklet's getting ready to go see his beloved Cubs at Wrigely Field this Saturday! Oh, the humanity!

But he will be back the following week with some family celebrity riders!

Hopefully, someone will take photos and get them to Sharkman early enough to make the deadline next Tuesday!
Yeti Boy asking, "are there any 'tiny' sizes?

This Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bissell Kit Day!

Launch time - 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!

Brewman buys! Hoping that koffee
opened those peepers!

High Yield in her USA T!

Gazelle Girl holding court!
Brewman had his eyes open!
The koffee worked!

Belo News
July 5, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - Mark you calendars for these special dates! The summer is half over, so get your dorsals out there and ride! More information in future editions of Belo News!

You won't want to miss the annual Bloody 'Ell 'Undred! Mark your calendar, send you BEU jersey to the cleaners and come ready to ride!

And you don't need to be retired to ride this great event! Just need the afternoon off and we all know a bad day on the bike is better than a good day in the office, eh Bunkie!

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