Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Sharkman mulling the call.....
Oh, the humanity!





Belo News
July 21, 2018

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke wet and wild over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, lay wondering what awaited him outside his dark shark bedroom window. 

The forecast had been dismal on the previous day and the Shark Cove had registered .6 inches of rain on the Shark Rain Gage on Friday.

Our hero immediately ran to the Shark Radar and fired up the Weather Channel on TV only to see one of those "iffy" mornings facing him. Rain all around him, coming and going, but none at the Cove at the moment.......The Sharkman then went to his weather app and noticed that it said no rain for the next few hours but chance of isolated thunderstorms.

Just then the old Shark got a text message from Nikeboy. Nikeboy had texted him earlier in the week to report as the "Real Style Guy" of the mighty Shark Minion Nation, he did not even own any ugly jersey or kit and that alone might put the ride in jeopardy for the veteran rider.

However, he was now reporting that in addition to not having ugly kit of any kind he was turning into Rainman II!

The text read, "In addition to not being able to find an ugly jersey, I don’t really want to ride in the slop that would mess up my perfectly coordinated kit, so I’m out this morning."

To which Sharkman replied, "Sorry to hear, but thanks for letting me know. Another one of those mornings that make it tough to call. My Weather Bug App says no rain other than light stuff for a while, so I'm probably donning my ugly jersey and heading out. We'll see how good my app is!"

The Shark sent the text along with the screen grab from his weather bug app.
So much for the weather bug! It had
actually been pretty accurate
this year......

Nikeboy responded with, "In addition to being Nike Boy and The Real Style Guy, I’ve become Rainman II!

But alas,  Sharkman headed out to the garage to get his bike ready and when he opened the garage door, it was raining pretty hard. He sent the following text to Nikeboy......"Actually, I just went out to get my bike ready and it is raining, so I may call it or drive to the start. Damn, this has been a tough year......"

In addition to this text exchange, Sharkman was emailing with Gazelle Girl and she was reporting rain from the Triple Nasty Ranchero in Galesburg and radar was now showing rain there as well.

Sharkman also got a text from Wildman, who after being told that the ride would be cancelled, stated he would go back to bed. Sharkman, on his second cup of coffee at that point, knew that wasn't in the cards for him and just sulked......

As our intrepid hero sulked, he got another report from Gazelle Girl that at Launch Time (8:00 A.M. - SHARP!) it was raining pretty good in Galesburg.........another cup of coffee and a bit more sulking.....

It has not been a good year with the weather and many of the calls were hard to make, though ended up being the best call. Sharkman does not want anyone to get hurt and does worry about Thunderstorms developing and the possibility of lightening.

Oh, the humanity!

But the Nation will ride!

This weekend is the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred Tour (not race) and the invitation is attached! Don't forget to wear your BEU Jersey's and get ready for Bloody Mary's, a special treat from Yeti Boy and of course, Walldorf Beer! 

The beer was tested on the Retiree Ride (see next story) and it is READY!

See you all out at the Zyckmann Estate on Saturday morning!


Belo News
July 25, 2018

Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - This Saturday is the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred and attached it the invitation. Gazelle Girl needs to get your RSVP no later than Thursday Night, July 26, 2018 so the Walldorf can be warned.....we mean, notified......whatever! 

You might also want to pack a little post ride refreshment in a cooler as Zyckmann has to attend a wedding but has graciously offered that the Nation can tail gate post ride!

Don't forget to wear your BEU Jersey!


Belo News
July 24, 2018
Zyckmann, Sharkman, Gazelle Girl and
Celebrity Guest, Caty!

Zyckmann Estate, Mi. - It was again time for the Retiree's Lunch Ride yesterday!

Though you do not have to be retired to take part in this ride, it helps! Actually, Zyckhmmaann and Gazelle Girl aren't fully retired!

This year, Zychkkman's daughter, Caty, joined the group for lunch as our celebrity !

It was a fantastic day to ride and the pace was brisk but very comfortable!

Sharkman was able to find a nice Tangerine Cream Ale that was on nitrogen and only had 4.8 % alcohol! Sharkman found it refreshing, yet had a nice "nose with slight citrus after tones and yet full bodied!"..........Is this a great country or what!?!

Of course, the trip back to the Zyckmann Estate was all up hill, or seemed that way after a couple of beers! However, Sharkmans Tangerine Cream Ale being only 4.8% made the ride home a bit less up hill for our hero! This is a great country!

Big thanks to Gazelle Girl and Zyckmann for putting this great ride together and thanks in advance for this Saturday! Double, this is a great country!!!

Dad and daughter Caty!
Thanks for joining us Caty!
Gazelle Girls photo bomb!

Just looking at these pics makes the Editors thirsty!

Is this a great country or what?!?

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