Wednesday, August 30, 2017


So, do you see Zyckmann? We don't see Zyckmann......






Belo News
August 26, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke, AGAIN, cold and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was happy to be going back to his beloved Nation but was wishing it was a bit warmer on an August morning. Normally, Sharkman loves cooler weather, but 46 degrees at launch time made it seem more like late October!
Style Guy Easty had
a career day and looked great!
Love those knee warmers!

Padding his way down to the Shark Basement/Bike Workshop/Locker Room, our intrepid hero started to dig out his arm warmers, leg warmers, shoe covers, gloves, jacket. Clothes were flying everywhere as our hero looked for warmth!

As he glanced at the Shark Thermometer as he headed out to the garage, it showed 46.8 degrees with the arrow indicating the temp was still dropping. Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman knew that Yeti Boy was out of town and he had not heard from Nikeboy or Reb, but still held out hope that Mad Dog would finally return to the Nation.......but no Mad Dog......

For the first time in a long time, the Sharkman was riding solo to the start! Though he had done this for years in the early days, since Mad Dog had entered the fold, it had been some time!

As Sharkman passed Helmer, no Reb. As he passed the Human Society, no Skittles, as he passed Stone Jug, no X-Rod......

But as he turned on to Renton Road and head towards the railroad tracks, he saw a blinking light in the distance. Who could it be?
Virgin Minion Chad.

As he got to Michigan, he caught up with Echo!

Echo told the old Shark that Skittles was with his daughter at a Triathlon and so the two rode to the start together, crossing over the Kalamazoo River on the new bridge that hadn't officially opened, but looked to be done.

At the start, riders were already starting to form up for the start.

Two Virgin Minions were in attendance. Chad and Brian had found out about the ride from Bulldog and did not bring their own Minion Names, but stand by, Virgin Minions! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Chad and Brian!

As Sharkman was taking photos, Gazelle Girl rode in to only one shout of "Gazelle Girl" because, well, she came in when Sharkman wasn't looking!

Easty was prepping and looooking goooood! The man, apparently trying to keep up with Nikeboy, was decked out in his Rapha Kit with day glow colors, and with white lace shoes! This was topped of with his new, iridescent neon yellow knee warmers that he wouldn't quit talking about! Get ready Bike Merchant's! There will be a run on knee warmers!
Virgin Minion Chad.

Not to be out done, Squeaky rode in with most of his winter gear on his upper body, but in shorts. This seemed to be a first for the diminutive rider, though he did have on two different gloves, which is standard for the anti-style guy!

As the old Shark chided Tan Man, who was taking forever to get his bike ready, to get over for the start photo Tan Man simply signaled to "go ahead!"

At 8:00 a.m. - SHARP! The mighty Minion Nation, 18 strong, pulled out of the station to the sound of shoes clicking into pedals and a hush from adoring fans!

As the Nation passed the Klutch, the early morning group waved and Mary, who worked with Sharkman at Kellogg, was in the street to say hello to the cyclists as they rode by.

As the Nation headed north and Sharkman pointed out the right turn for the A Group, there were no takers, which meant the pace for the B Group might be a bit more "frisky."

Tan Man was at the front, leading out our hero and as Sharkman passed him to take the sprint he was heard to murmur, "you're making me work way too hard!"

The Nation cruised through the col de Twin Lakes, and as they headed towards the Yorkville Church, PJ reported he had broken a shifter cable and was pulling out at the turn.
Sharkman photo bombing his photo!

Other riders were joining on as the ride continued through Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to route 43. The group was spread out, but came together at the turn after the Kountry Klub as riders sat up for that brief moment after the turn.

The riders were grouped up at the front as Easty began to tell a joke. At the punch line, he made a sudden move as the Nation laughed and he took his first sprint! Whoa! Must be the Rapha kit, the shoes or the knee warmers! Or the joke....... Oh, the humanity!

As they stopped after the Rt. 43 Sprint, Sharkman noticed Zyckmann in the mix. Where did he come from? He claimed he had been on the ride the whole time, but could not be found in the start photo. After this, Sharkman seemed to notice Zyckmann everywhere! Maybe it was his wild jersey, maybe his personality, maybe something else, but the man, the myth, the legend seemed to be all over the place!

At the top of the col de Norte, Sharkman had pulled over to the opposite side of the road to take his count and as Bulldog crested the hill he seemed to be looking back and saying, "I have to pee, I have to pee!" or words to that effect. As he was looking right and shouting, he turned to look ahead and realized he was crashing into the rear wheel of Virgin Minion Brian!

As their wheels collided, Bulldog pulled off one of the most memorable somersaults in cycling history! Realizing he was going to make contact, he went over the bars, did a somersault and stuck the landing by standing up immediately after the headlong roll, as if to say, "I meant to do that!" It was hard not to applaud the move and Sharkman gave him a sold score of 10 on form! Thankfully no one was hurt, but it did take a few minutes to take the two bikes apart.
The only thing bigger than the piece
of pie B-Rod ate, was.....

On with the ride!

Sharkman announced to the Nation to move ahead, then had to scramble to catch back on.

Sharkman grabbed the wheel of Stroker and rode him like a red headed step son on through the Holy Rollers and into the feed stop. Thanks Stroker!

As the ride went on, some of the leaders, with Tan Man in the lead, missed the turn as Sharkman and Easty caught it and moved ahead, giggling as they did......

After the Digital Divide a very nice pace line formed up as the speed moved up as well.

Gazelle Girl once again took the GGG Spot Sprint, though there was a bit of a "ghost" of last weeks debacle, but it was a victory for America and all was well in the Kingdom once again as the "Sweetheart of the Peloton" was back and justice was serviced.

As the Nation made the turns to get to the final stretch, Sharkman and Stryker Guy found themselves at the front doing an easy 19 mph. The two questioned each other as to why they were in front and pondered why no one was coming around them.
Was B-Rods mouth!
Oh, the humanity!

Reflecting on it, Stryker Guy stated he thought it meant they were all lining up to get in position for the final sprint and that always scares our intrepid hero, the Sharkman.

At the foot of the final ascent, riders began to make their moves as they streaked past the two riders. Stryker Guy took a wheel and went, while Sharkman worked on getting a second wind.

As the mass of riders descended to the finish like a run away train, they jockeyed for positions and seemed to hold their lines well! Sharkman worked his way back up, but no where near the leaders.

Tan Man moved on to take the win, with B-Rod on his wheel, and Easty taking the third spot on the podium!

Easty's first podium finish! This prompted Sharkman to ride ahead to buy koffee! It was another victory for America!

You go Easty!

There was a festive mood at the Klutch as the riders reflected on the mornings jaunt through the kountry side and a certain reverence for another season starting to wind down.

Is that Zyckmann?
But there is still plenty of time to get out and ride.

Sharkman is doubtful for this Saturday but the ride goes on! Sharkman might be able to sneak it in, but we'll see.......

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Shark Minion Jersey Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
August 16, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Do you like Gazelle Sports? Do you like getting a deal? Well this is for you, Bunkie!

Gazelle Sports is planning a Shark Minion Night on Thursday, September 28 from 5-8 at Gazelle Sports on Burdick in Kalamazoo. There will be food and drink (beer, hard cider, wine, pop and some appetizers). Minions will receive a discount on anything they purchase that evening.  Our own Nikeboy has been working with Gazelle Sports on the event and he will be inviting others.  

Previously, RSVP's were supposed to go only to Nikeboy who had to set a date of 9/1 due to his travel. 

However, Gazelle Girl has volunteered to take reservations up until 9/25! Is this a great country or what?!?

But don't wait! Sharkman and Lava Girl will be there to sign autographs! Consider this Sharkmans RSVP, Gazelle Girl!

Get your reservations in to Gazelle Girl ASAP at 

So get those RSVP's in to Gazelle Girl ASAP, Bunkie!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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