Wednesday, September 6, 2017






Belo News,
September 2, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cold and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was having a difficult time prying his little shark body out of his nice warm bed. The old Shark wasn't even supposed to be riding on this cool morning, but got a pass as the famous Durango Kid was in town for a wedding and he just had to ride with him! Actually, our hero had partied a bit too hard the night before, making the escape from bed even more difficult. Our hero had been "over served," though in all candor, he was the one doing the serving.
Celebrity Rider, Durango Kid with
the Sharkman!

Sharkman quietly slid out of bed, as there were house guests at the Cove he did not want to wake, and sucked down his coffee like he did the bourbon on the previous evening, in hopes of feeling better.

What to wear, what to wear.......again, it was cold and the Shark Thermometer read 45 degrees!

Again, in the Shark Basement the Sharkman rifled through his bike clothes locker like Wolf King looking for that last bag of Doritos's.

Once fully clothed (the way he felt he needed to check in the mirror to make sure) our intrepid hero opened the Shark Cove Garage door to see Yeti Boy and the Durango Kid pull up.

The Durango Kid, long time Shark Minion and President of the Mountain States Chapter of the Shark Minions, was in town for a wedding and ready to ride! Always great to have this veteran of the Iron Horse in the mix!

As the three made their way towards the start, Reb jumped on along Watkins Road and begged to hear the story of the trio's conquering the Iron Horse in 2010, a story the Sharkman never tires of hearing or telling.....actually, he just likes to hear himself tell the story......
Geko was dressed so bright, Reb had to shield his eyes!

With the bridge now open again, the trio slid into town, past the Klutch with a wave, and headed to the start where riders began to gather.

Another Virgin Minion was in the mix! New Minion Kevin (MNTBD) brought Jackie (MNTBD)! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Jackie (MNTBD).

Also, new Minion Brian was back and was named Rocket Man! Good thing he came up with the name as the Minion name "Specimen" was still in the hopper. Better hurry up, Kevin!

And of course, the Durango Kid was in the mix, signing autograph's and posing for photo's between making adjustment to his pedals and making sure he had a clean water bottle!

Gecko arrived on his pink colored Land Shark (maybe his name should have been Chameleon?) and wearing quite an "outfit." Does the Nation have yet another Style Guy?

Actually, he was dressed so brightly, Reb had to shield his eyes from the glare!
Virgin Minion Jackie!

After interviews and photos for the press, Skittles came rocketing in, dismounted like they do at the Little 5, and began to disrobe his heavy, cold weather gear for the ride, which was all caught on camera.

To the sound of pedals clicking in and Sharkman shouts of "Two abreast!!" the Nation pulled out of the station, passed the Klutch and rode on to their Field of Dreams known as the Koffee Klutch - Tour de Gull!

As the Nation approached the A Group turn, no one lined up and the old Shark knew it would be another B+ ride! They way he was feeling, this was not good news.....

Tan Man was pulling Sharkman to the opening sprint, which he took easily at a blistering 18.2 mph!

The mighty Minion Nation proceeded through the next couple of sprints, with Sharkman working his little dorsal off to get up the col de Twin Lakes. Not that he is normally good at climbing, but on this day it was like his feet were mired in sand.

The Nation got the unusual pass at the light on Rt. 89 and buzzed right through as the Sharkman checked to make sure all had crossed. Speeds picked up as the Nation went past the Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and on to the Rt. 43 Sprint as Sharkman pointed out the land marks to the Durango Kid. Durango reads about the ride, but only get's to ride the course about once a year and looks at the course on the back of his Minion jersey. However, on this cold day, all the jersey's were covered with jackets and vest due to the cold!
Skittles doing his Superman impression
without a phone booth!

At the top of the Col de Norte, Sharkman was smart enough to shout "Moving!" after he got moving and went to the front. But it was short lived as the Nation sped around him into the Holy Rollers where they left their intrepid hero at the back, looking for some Alka Seltzer!

After the Feed Zone, the Nation got ready for the Digital Divide and the GGG Spot Sprint.

A nice pace line formed up, as did the speed, and the Nation was rocking to get Gazelle Girl into position for her sprint.

Skittles moved up very early and signaled for the Sweetheart of the Peloton to grab on to his wheel so he could lead her out, but Gazelle Girl knew it was way to early to lay it down! She was waiting for that sweet spot and knew exactly when she would make her move.

Timing it perfectly, and with about 100 meters (Editors are not sure on this as they don't understand the metric system) to go, Gazelle Girl took Skittles wheel, then shot out like a sling shot to secure the GGG Spot Spring! All was well in the kingdom!

As the Nation headed south, it was again a slow grouping as everyone jockeyed for position.

Sharkman, of course, was still feeling drinkified (is that a word?) - (It is now!) and was at the back and missed most of the action as Kiwi timed his escape perfectly and beat out Skittles and Tan Man for the tape.
Lava Girl with house guests Terry and Tom Mohl!
Welcome to the Klutch and the Nationon!

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg to see their hero's, as well as celebrity rider, Durango Kid, as they zipped up their jersey's for the sponsors, paparazzi and tofosi!

Greyhound shot ahead and bought koffee for the Nation! Thanks Greyhound!

Lava Girl and their house guests, along with the lovely Toni, Mrs. Durango Kid, were waiting at the Klutch and were enjoying what they describe as an excellent breakfast!

They were also there to give Sharkman, Yeti Boy and Durango Kid a ride back, but Yeti and the Kid decided to ride back with Reb, but our "couldn't get enough koffee intrepid hero, Sharkman, took the ride!

Durango Kid taking questions and checking his phone
during the Press Conference!
You won't want to miss this weeks edition!

It is College Game Day! It is the Start of the College Football Season so get your favorite College Kit out and show your support! Who will win? Michigan, Michigan State or Western Michigan? Maybe Wisconsin? How about Purdue? Oh, the humanity!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!



Belo News
September 6, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - Have you put your RSVP in yet? What are you waiting for Bunkie!

Do you like Gazelle Sports? Do you like getting a deal? Well this is for you, Bunkie!

Gazelle Sports is planning a Shark Minion Night on Thursday, September 28 from 5-8 at Gazelle Sports on Burdick in Kalamazoo. There will be food and drink (beer, hard cider, wine, pop and some appetizers). Minions will receive a discount on anything they purchase that evening.  Our own Nikeboy has been working with Gazelle Sports on the event and he will be inviting others.  

Previously, RSVP's were supposed to go only to Nikeboy who had to set a date of 9/1 due to his travel. 

However, Gazelle Girl has volunteered to take reservations up until 9/25! Is this a great country or what?!?

But don't wait! Sharkman and Lava Girl will be there to sign autographs! Consider this Sharkmans RSVP, Gazelle Girl! There may be some post Gazelle Sports drinking at a local establishment! Oh, the humanity! This is a great country!

Get your reservations in to Gazelle Girl ASAP at 

So get those RSVP's in to Gazelle Girl ASAP, Bunkie!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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