Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Nation was ready to ride!





Belo News
July 4, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - It was a wild weekend and it is going to be a wild week for the Editors of Belo News!

So welcome to the July 4 shortened issue of Belo News!
"Remember me?"
Welcome back Mad Dog!

We are leaving with Sharkman in the morning to head over to Wisconsin with him, hopefully returning in time for the next edition of the KK-TdG on Saturday. So here is a shortened report from this past weekends endeavors on the Nation's Field of Dreams known as the KK-TdG AND the Tour of South/Central Kalamazoo County with free sites for the Nation to enjoy!

July 1, 2017

Saturdays ride was once again, well attended. The count was around 35 with about 7 in the A Group and 1 in the C Group, who took a wrong turn, but found his way back to the Klutch in time for koffee.

Mad Dog and Chico have been gone so much that when they returned on Saturday, Sharkman named them both "Celebrity Riders." Welcome back, gentlemen! It was also Chico's first appearance of the season and he is reminded, it is July! Mean while, Mad Dog actually wore his Mad Dog Jersey so the Nation would know who he was! Oh, the humanity!

There was also a virgin Minion in the mix, by the name of Ben, Minion Name TBD. Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Ben, MNTBD!
"And remember me?
Welcome back Chico!

It was Tony the Tiger Jersey Day, as well as Kellogg Jersey Day and the "Pop Brothers" were in attendance. Zyckmann and Boatman were looking good in their "Pops" jerseys!

After photos of both the Tony/Kellogg Jersey's and the entire Nation, Sharkman gave some safety instructions and asked if there would be and A group, to which the response was a resounding YES!

There were somewhere north of 30 riders that pulled out of the Station and some riders jumped on during the ride, making it once again difficult to get an accurate count, however, it was guesstimated to be around 35 riders.

The A Team split off and Sharkman took his honorary first sprint.

The Nation headed up the col de Norte and one rider turned off to take the C Group cut off and as previously mentioned, took a wrong turn but made it back to the Klutch.

The A Group caught  back on to the B Group at the Digital Divide stop and again, the Nation had to cross in shifts.
A train?!? First time the BC Minions had
this happen in the morning! Also had to climb
over barriers at the bridge and still made
the start on time!

A very nice pace line developed and the speeds moved up accordingly.

Gazelle Girl took the coveted GGG Spot Sprint going away!

As the Nation turned south on the last leg, Sharkman could hear riders negotiating deals to lead each other out and generally teaming up to make moves to take the much loved final sprint in hopes of getting their turn at a later date.

The large, fast moving train headed south and was pretty bunched up as they approached the final hill to the descent to the finish.

As the Nation crested the hill, Minions began making their moves to the front at the pace picked up dramatically.

J-Dog again took the final sprint, but it was Yeti Boy who won the sprint to the Koffee Klutch to buy koffee! Thanks Yeti Boy!
Virgin Minion Ben!
Welcome to the Nation!

The banter in the Klutch was about the ride on the 4th and Sharkman was still deciding whether to do the south route. Also, the bridge into Galesburg, though not out, was blocked so that the Battle Creek contingent had to climb over fences, causing them to decide to take the longer ride home.

It was a great Saturday to ride!

Tony/Kellogg Jersey Day!

Stroker making his season debut!

The "Pops Brothers!"

The Nation after Sharkman took the first sprint.

The Nation rocked the Klutch!

The "Man of the Hour," Yeti Boy
who bought the koffee! YES!

July 4, 2017

Yeti Boy and Sharkman had been out the previous evening, making it difficult for our intrepid hero to get out of his nice, cozy Shark Bed, but he did and Yeti Boy was their to greet him as he came out of the Cove garage ready to ride.
Virgin Minion Cathy with Dragonfly, Sharkman and
Gazelle Girl!

Nikeboy and Reb joined on for the ride over.

It is always curious as to how many will show for a holiday ride but the Nation did not dissapoint!

17 riders showed up, many in their Red, White and Blues, for the 4th of July tour of south/central Kalamazoo County. Sharkman had offered to do the site for free on this ride and he was sure that is what brought out the crowd!

There was another virgin Minion on this holiday ride! Cathy, Minion Name to be determined and guest of Minion Stroker, was in the mix! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Cathy, MNTBD.

Sharkman led the group out to 35th then over to Qman Hill for the start.
The Nation enjoying $1 coffee at Mickey D's!

After the hill, this route gets very flat and the scenery on this beautiful morning was stunning as Sharkman pointed out Hawk Road, the Water Fall, the Tiller's Farm, Cook Cemetery, the Rail Road house, etc.

At the Railroad house, where the Nation has been turning since the road had gotten so bad further on, there was a Road Closed sign, so the Nation moved to the old route only to learn the road had been recently re-paved! Yes, is this a great country or what!

A very nice double pace line formed up and speeds around 25 mph were maintained for the the length of this road, which was just not long enough!

After doing the loop near Indian Lake Golf Course, the Nation found yet another Road Closed sign and had to go back to the newly paved road, which was fine with them!
Yeti Boy rocking the Red, White
& Blue look!

The Nation couldn't go by the Old Mill in Scotts because that road was recently chipped and sealed, so they went down the main road into Scotts, past the Post Office and up to 38th street where the final ascent to the finish awaited them. As the Nation knows, the Qman Hill finish is one of he greatest downhill finishes in all of cycling and the Nation was drooling at the prospect of attacking this legendary road to glory!

Skittles pulled a major shift at the front to the Nation to MN, where a cyclist was waiting. Sharkman immediately recognized the silhouette of legendary Minion Zyckmann in his Red, White & Blues, patiently waiting for that legendary finish!

With all on, the Nation headed down the hill. With no one making a move and Sharkman getting worried, he decided to attack to try to spread out the peloton and it actually worked! Yes, really! Belo News is just as surprised as you readers. The Nation immediately responded and the attacks from the back began. Sharkman saw his computer report a 38 mph speed as they approached the Galesburg Speedway!
Brewman and Cheese sporting their
Red, White & Blue!

The Nation tends to forget that though the hill is fantastic, riders need to save some energy for that flat turn to the finish with a long stop ahead sign run at the end.

In the turn, B-Rod made his move and after complaining of cramps all morning, turned on his after burners and took the finish!

The riders headed to McDonalds, over Gazelle Girls objections (she wanted to go to Andrea's across from the Klutch but Yeti Boy and Sharkman weren't looking for more miles) and enjoyed $1 coffee, and egg McMuffin's on the lawn in front of the Golden Arches.

Sharkman was in demand and a number of riders wanted photos with the intrepid hero.

It was a fantastic weekend of riding!
Skittles in his Skittles Red, White
& Blue! Wow, Skittles kit!

You won't want to miss this Saturday's ride when it is:

Wear any jersey you want Day! Yes, you heard that right! Where any Jersey you want!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Cathy (MNTBD) and our intrepid hero!

Great day on the roads! (photo by Nikeboy)

Boatman rocking his "Lips"
Red, White and Blue!
It's a tradition!

Our road photographer, Nikeboy!

Gazelle Girl and her Minion badge,
Red, White and Blue hair ribbon
and her blues on!

Just a beautiful day on the roads!
This is a great country!


Belo News
July 4, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - This just in from Stryker Guy and we apologize for the photo of a photo, but here you go!

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