Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wildman sporting his new cast!
Oh, the humanity!






Belo News
July 8, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - It was a morning like no other!

As dawn broke warm and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman was excited because his daughter and son in law would be riding with the Nation that day.
The Nation with Celebrity Riders, the Great Moultini and Tricky Nicki!

However, neither had been on the bike in a while and thought  53+ miles would be a bit much so they would drive to the start, while Sharkman rode over with Yeti Boy, who needed to return quickly, Nikeboy and X-Rod.
Sharkman does a selfie.
Yes, we know, he stinks at it!

As they arrived at the start, the area was loaded with riders getting their steeds ready to ride. Soon, the Great Moultini and Tricky Nicki arrived and got their bikes off the car. There were several returning riders, PT included and it would turn out that providence put young PT back in the peloton for this fateful mornings ride. Cheddarhead also returned for his first Minion ride in quite some time, another fateful return to the Nation.

After  a series of photos, even more riders rode in, one of whom drove in just as the Nation was getting ready to launch. The rider was told he had one minute to be ready, a time limit he met (good Minion material) and then introduced himself as Mark. He was asked how he found the ride and he stated that he had seen the "peloton" riding around the lake and he asked someone who told him about the ride. MMMmmmm.....I guess he didn't want to reveal his source......remember, we don't turn riders away, but we should not be inviting more!
The Great Moultini, Sharkman and Tricky Nicki!

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Mark, MNTBD (Minion Name to Be Determined)!

Also, Belo News finally got a photo of "Clark" who will now be known as Bulldog.  Bulldog had also heard of the ride around the lake and had actually been  joining on as the Nation circumvented the course, making it difficult to get a photo. Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Bulldog!

Sharkman asked if there were any A Group Riders and since Skittles was on board, he knew there could be.

As the Nation went past the Klutch, the barista and early morning group were taking the count. The tail end of the Nation had a hard time making the turn before the light change but they were all on board.
Former Minion virgin, now veteran,

Sharkman thought there were upwards of 30 riders at the start and a few more joined on as the ride headed north.

Skittles turned off at the A Group split, but no one followed so he returned to the B Group for the remainder of the ride and most were glad as he did a far amount of pulling at the front.

B-Rod, then the Great Moultini, pulled our hero to the first sprint, which he took in a blaze of speed!

Sharkman again, tried to take a count but lost the number after about 33 riders.....

The Shark was feeling good and was "pressing the flesh" at the back of the Nation as he talked about his Sharklets being at the Cove for a whole 10 days!

The Nation gathered up at the summit of the col de Twin Lakes, crossed Rt. 89 and then it happened.

As the disclaimer says at the end of each Belo News (or most) "Cycling is an inherently dangerous sport" and today proved that....
Virgin Minion Mark!
Might be called "Minute Man" for his
quick response to being ready!

As the Nation turned on to DE, and riders bunched up a bit, Stryker Guy inadvertently touched his wheel with the rider's wheel in front of him and went down, which caused a chain reaction in the peloton that took down several riders.

Normally, Belo News would not name names when there is an issue, however, being the class act that he is, Stryker Guy asked that we do. He was very apologetic and actually called and/or emailed people involved, including Sharkman.

Let Belo news start by saying.......

There is no need for an apology to the Nation! 

We have all been there! 

We have all either touched a wheel and saved it, or we've come close and had a big sigh of relief that we didn't touch the wheel ahead of us and crash or take anyone down. It only takes a second to lose concentration and it happens. Stryker Guy said he had looked up for a second and when he looked back down, he was touching the wheel in front of his. 


Anyone who has done any group riding long enough has experienced this.

Man of the day, PT!
That is why communications is so important!

That is why it is also important to shout out "SLOWING" when there is a slow down, or "STANDING" when we stand as we tend to push the bike back when we do. That we signal when we want back into the pace line. 

Lately there has been a lack of pointing out pot holes and road debris and other issues. The Nation needs to communicate!

Communication is key in the peloton and the Nation has been very fortunate that there have not been more instances of these types. When you are in the peloton, you need to communicate and also be watchful for those who do not communicate and point out their error. 

This is the first major incident since a rider got hit by a deer several years ago. That is a credit to the Nation and the way we ride. The Sharkman worries about sprint finishes, but quite interestingly, this occurred as the nation was sitting up after a turn. It can happen in a split second.

All the more reason that we need to ALWAYS be watching out for one another!

Sharkman describes the crash, "I didn't know what hit me. Someone on my left skidded into me and my bike was out from under me immediately. I went over the handle bars and sort of "tucked and rolled" on my right side. When I got up my first comment was sort of stupid as I blurted out, "What just happened?" As I laid on the road, two riders actually rode over me as I ducked to protect my head and face. I was sort of dazed as everything seemed confusing at first."
It was "Wear Any Jersey You Want Day"
and Brewman did not disappoint!

The Shark had road rash on his chest where he had hit his handlebars, on his side, knees and also bruised his previously bruised shin and had a cut on his back. His bike was sort of a mess, and Zyckmann and Rosie came back to help him to correct some of the issues. His handle bars were at a 90 degree angle with his wheel and his seat had twisted. The Shark needed to use his Alien tool to fix them with Rosie's assistance.

Meanwhile, Wildman took the biggest hit as he went down right behind the Sharkman and sustained a broken radius (arm) near the wrist, along with major road rash and bruised ribs. Belo News followed up with Wildman today and has learned that he will have surgery on the arm on Thursday, July 13 and should have complete range of motion within days!

That was great news for the guitar playing rider and his band, Banjovi, will be out at Bowmans on July 21 and the intrepid Wildman is planning on playing his guitar!

Is this a great country or what?!?

Luckily, Zyckmann was on the case and diagnosed that it was probably broken and that he would need to get medical attention. As luck would have it, PT (Luke) lived two doors from the crash and Nike Boy and Hoosier Boy both volunteered, along with PT, to get him to the house as Wildman called his wife to come and get him.

Hoosier Boy at the start after a brief
Season hiatus. Good thing too!

Big shout out to PT (Luke) and his wife Laura who took care of Wildman while he waited for his wife to arrive. Wildman shared his gratitude and apologizes for messing up the multiple towels offered to stem the bleeding. He had a lot of blood from his road rash and arm.....

Cheddarhead also took a hard fall and went to the Emergency Room after he got home. Though loaded with road rash, fortunately, nothing was broken.

Other riders went down, and Sharkman tried to follow up with those who did, later in the day. However, Sharkman was a "bit out of sorts" and wasn't sure of all those who had gone down.

The ride continued after Wildman was safely at PT's house.

The Nation headed up to the Yorkville Church, past Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Klub and up the col de Norte. The ride was quick with a lot of talk about the crash.

Dr. Dave joined on, wearing a wild Spartan Jersey and kit, as the Nation went through the Holy Rollers.

Also, Nike Boy and Hoosier Boy met the Nation as they headed south after helping Wildman.
Don't know what Yeti Boy was telling Zyckmann,
but he looked serious!

It took two waves to get the Nation across the Digital Divide, where a nice pace line got going with Skittles doing yeoman pulls at the front.

Right on schedule, Zyckmann and Skittles took Gazelle Girl to the front to capture her GGG Spot Sprint.

As the Nation headed south, another pace line was formed with Skittles at the front.

Again, he pulled for a looooong time before relinquishing the lead to the Great Moultini.

As the Nation crested the final hill, Skittles came back to challenge at the front after B-Rod made his winning move to the lead with a cast of thousands on his wheel.

Zyckmann led the Nation down the Champs le Galesburg waving to the fans who were wild wanting to know more about the crash!

The Klutch was rocking as a lot of riders stopped to discuss the day's ride and the crash.
Tricky Nicki loved spending time with the Nation!

The Celebrity riders on the day loved the KK-TdG!

Our wounded hero took a ride home with the Celebrity Riders!

You won't want to miss this week's edition when everyone will be riding safely!

Sharkman with the Great Moultini!

The Klutch was rocking!

Dr. Dave in his Spartan Kit!

Sharkman, Tricky Nicki and the Great Moultini!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bissell Kit Day! That's right, break out the Bissell Kit for Bissell Kit Day!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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