Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Mass of Minion humanity read to ride!





Belo News
June 27, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi.- As dawn broke, yet again, sunny and cool over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was trying to shake off another short night. Sharkman had played with Banjovi for a private party the night before, making for the short night......
Dave Duggan, now "Cuz!"
Welcome the Nation, Cuz!

As he crawled from his Shark Bed to the kitchen, he clicked on the Shark koffee maker and checked his text messages. Nope, nothing there from the missing Mad Dog....what the...???

As our hero launched from the Cove, he wondered it anyone else would be making the trip over.

Before exiting the Cove, there was Reb circling in the street, followed by Yeti Boy! Game on!

But where was Nikeboy? A test the previous evening had given our hero concerning the bridge in Galesburg had left the impression he would be riding. However, the Sharkman had actually launched a couple minutes late and NB is never late.

As the three riders got to Helmer, there was new Minion X-Rod ready for back to back Saturday's, but when he didn't see Nikeboy, he wondered if he should head back. Sharkman assured him that Nikeboy was never late, but some times baled if it was too cold, too wet, or some other reason.

As the four made their way to Galesburg, it wasn't long before Nikeboy caught on stating he was just a couple minutes late! Sorry Nikeboy, and this was just the start of the sorries to come on missing Minions!
Flash Gordon was back!

The riders were able to get through the bridge into Galesburg and waved at the early morning koffee group as they rode to the start.

The start looked empty from a distance, but it was quickly realized that the parking lot was closed, probably for re-surfacing, and the Nation was gathering in the big parking lot to the east of the school.

Once again, it was a mass of Minions, just waiting to get started.

There were beer jersey's everywhere and Sharkman could not decide who had the best jersey, so he declared them all winners and they will all get an opportunity to buy a kup of koffee for Sharkman! Don't worry, there are plenty of weeks left in the season to buy our hero a koffee, you lucky winner you!

Virgin Minion Dave Duggan was on board and when the Sharkman introduced himself to him and realized they shared the same last name, he began getting started on his family history from Ireland. You never want to get Sharkman started on that as your eyes will glaze over and you might find yourself in a time warp that you can't get out of.
The Cheetah returns!

After realizing they were not related, and that Dave did not have a Minion name, they thought of calling him Cuz (cousin) as a shirt tail relative of our intrepid hero, the Sharkman. The other name considered was coach, as he is a coach for the Western Michigan Bronco's, but that was just too obvious. So Cuz it is! Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Cuz!

The Cheetah and Flash Gordon were back after a hiatus, and there were probably more, but Sharkman couldn't get to them all! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman took a count of 25 riders at the start and then asked for A and C Group riders. Since Cheetah and Skittles were in the mix, he knew there was an A Group, and Nikeboy again, volunteered to lead a C Group at the cut off.

More riders continued to pour in at the start and the number of riders was not determined but it was estimated at more than 35!

Which brings to mind.....the Commissioner of Cycling has concerns about the ever growing number of riders so please remember.
Bro-Man was back after his flat tire
debacle at the Tour de Taylor!

1. Please do not invite riders. We will certainly NOT turn riders away, but if this continues we will have a hard time managing the number and wear out our welcome in the community around Gull Lake.

2. If you do invite someone (which we discourage you from doing), YOU need to be there when they ride and you are responsible for them. Please do not expect the Nation to take care of riders you have invited. They are your responsibility.

3.  Make sure all riders understand the ride and it's traditions! The Nation tries to make sure we don't leave Minions behind and some riders do not like that. Conversely, the Nation does not want to wait long times for riders to catch back on.

4.  And while Belo News is at it, the A and B group must also maintain these rules and not leave Minions behind!

Nuff said....

As the riders went by the Klutch, our Barista was counting with a look of fright in her eyes, figuring how much koffee she was going to have to have ready on their return down the Champs le Galesburg!

As the Nation headed north, the A Group opened up a gap before turning off.

Gazelle Girl! And, of course, Toesetter!
This is another no-no!  Riders must stay together until the A Group splits off, otherwise riders at the back of the pack may miss the cut off or are some way's back and cannot catch a wheel as the A Group heads out. Stay together until the turn off!

The B Group continued on and Sasquatch and B-Rod pulled our hero to his ceremonial first sprint!
Brewman might have won with
this simple "Beer Jersey" but
Sharkman declared all winners!
He can taste the free koffee

The B Group and C Group stayed together until just after the Rt. 89 light, where Nikeboy told riders to follow him on the C Group cut off before heading back to pick up Dragonfly.

Unfortunately, two Minions missed the turn, then went back to find Nikeboy, who had already made the turn with Dragonfly and was out of site. We apologize for not realizing those two Minions were off the back and then took a wrong turn and didn't get to the Klutch until well after the ride. It is getting very difficult with the number of riders to keep track of everyone, so please make sure you communicate if you are heading back for someone or leaving the ride while on course.

The pace was pretty fast, but steady as the Nation moved around the lake.

At the Digital Divide, the B and C Groups were together and were expecting to see the A Group any minutes. There were so many riders, the train had to cross the Digital Divide in two waves.

Sharkman, Gazelle Girl and Toesetter went to the front to lead the pace line as the speed picked up. It was a pretty good pace line the Nation moved towards getting Gazelle Girl to her coveted GGG Spot Sprint.
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As Gazelle Girl got into position, Zyckmann made a move from out of now where that caused the Nation to get concerned that he was going to do the unthinkable! However, as B-Rod was quoted as saying later, "he pulled off a the exact right moment" and Gazelle Girl reached! It was another victory for America.

And the pace line didn't stop there!

There was still no A Group as the Nation headed south! What the....?

For whatever reason, Sharkman went to the front with Toesetter and others on his wheel. The pace, though quick, was not the usual frenzy to the finish.

The riders went through there rotations and at the bottom of the final hill to the finish, Stryker Guy found himself at the front. As the rider in front of him mentioned that Stryker Guy was getting the hill, he immediately pulled off, leaving our intrepid hero, the Sharkman in the lead.

Sharkman dug deep and attacked the hill, but found he was out of gas at the top, though he did get a second wind later!

At the summit of the final hill, the Nation swooped by our hero and headed down hill to the finish.

Belo News has no idea who won, but B-Rod stated he was second by a half a wheel!
The Klutch was jumping!

B-Rod is back!

Actually, B-Rod was feeling so good, he rocketed past the paparazzi and tofosi on the Champs le Galesburg, ran into the Klutch and threw his credit card before Andrew and said, "I"m buying!"
Is this a great country or what!?! B-Rod is back!

Nikeboy came into the shop to report that their were two wayward Minions and they weren't responding to his texts.

They later got to the Klutch as Sharkman and Yeti Boy were leaving and Nikeboy was heading to the start to look for them.

Subsequent contact with Skittles later in the day, revealed that the A Group had a mechanical when Kiwi's tire flatted and none of them stopped for koffee.

Apologizes for losing a few Minions this past Saturday and Sharkman will work to make sure it does not happen again! We leave no Minion's behind is important to him!

You won't want to miss this Saturday's ride, for the start of the holiday weekend!

It will be a double header!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Tony the Tiger Jersey Day!  That's right, get out your Tony Jersey or Kellogg Jersey and let's start the Holiday weekend with some cereal!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Independence Day! Wear your Red, White & Blue for our Nations Birthday!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP! 

Depending on how many show up, the Nation may do the Southern Route for a change!

Be there!

Sean (Wishbones Mary Free Bed physical therapist)
George and Our Hero, Wishbone!

Belo News
June 24, 2017

Lansing, Mi. - Some of the Nation may have noticed that our own Wishbone was absent from this past Saturday's ride. The perennial Minion who has made almost every week this year, was not present because he was up hobnobbing with cycling's elite. NO, not Sharkman, he was riding with the Nation, remember?

No, Wishbone was up at the MSU Grand Fondo hanging out with George Hincapie!

Though, we here at Belo News think it was George Hincapie hanging out with our Wishbone!

Congratulations Wishbone on one fantastic recovery from your injuries.

It was just a year ago that the Nation was in the Richland 4th of July Parade to honor Wishbone who was in a full body cast and riding in a golf cart at the time!

You've done the Nation proud, Wishbone!

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