Wednesday, June 7, 2017









Belo News
June 4, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and cool over the Shark Cove (has this been a fantastic Spring or what?!?) our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, bound from bed, excited to again, ride with his Nation after being gone for two weeks!!!
Iceman and Bounty Hunter in their
commemorative Team Taylor Jersey's
and photo bombed by Kia Pet!

Our hero was unsure who would be riding over, as he had not heard from Mad Dog and only Reb was a sure thing.

The morning was cool enough for arm warmers as the old Shark mounted his trusty steed and headed out. No sign of Mad Dog......was it something he's said?

On the road, he found Reb with an actual cycling jersey on! Reb commented that it was the only one he has, which explains a lot......

The duo had only one minor instance as Sharkman looked left, thinking a rider was coming up, and drifted to the right as Reb blew his nose to the right and drifted left, causing the two to use diversionary tactics to avoid hitting each other. Reb commented he wasn't sure whose fault it was, giving Sharkman the opportunity to blame it on him.

As the two rode past the Klutch, the Early Morning Koffee Group was there to wave their hero on.

At the start, it was a sea of Shark Minion Jerserydom! There were so many riders, our hero had a hard time counting the riders, but someone confirmed a count of 43 on the morning!
Nickhead was back!

There were a couple of returning riders, but to be honest, so many riders it was hard to identify who was who (well that, and Sharkman's ability to remember names.....nuff said....).

One thing that was noted was the Style Man himself, Squeaky, who rode in dressed like he was heading out on a Nordic Expedition. Stocking cap, gloves, jacket, which he shed at the start. He was one warm dude!

Sharkman was able to get a shot of the new, 5 year Team Taylor Commemorative Jersey on Iceman and Bounty Hunter, kindly photo bombed by Kia Pet.

After the group photo, with the Shark Minion Jersey riders up front, Sharkman did not have to ask about an A Group because he knew there would be one!

Sharkman tried to do another count, but it seemed impossible as the long, brightly colored train, began to roll to the Klutch and out to the "Field of Dreams" known as the KK-TdG!

The Klutch Barista was at the window to count riders, with a look of fear in her eyes, as riders just kept passing the window. Sharkman was working the crowd like he was running for office, as the Nation began to build speed, heading north towards the A Group cut off.
Name this Minion! He had a name, but damn
if we can remember it!?!

Approximately 10-12 riders turned right the A Group cut off.

Gazelle Girl, Toesetter and Sasquatch lead our hero out like a well tuned race team. First, Gazelle Girl pealed off, then Toesetter, than, on a downhill, Sharkman went around led out man, Sasquatch and motored on to the first sprint win on the day.

Some riders started to fall off, and there were a couple of minor mechanicals as the Nation crossed Rt. 89.

Sharkman shouted out to the riders at the back that he was going to lead a "C" Group on the short cut that comes up right after the turn after Rt. 89 and before the col de No Name.

Dot Dot Dash, Dragonfly, Rosie and Gadget Guy, along with Hoosier Boy, who was riding as rear guard on the day, followed the old Shark.

When popped out, just short of the Kountry Klub, Sharkman told them to keep riding while he waited at the Rt. 43 stop to let the Nation know the "C" group was up ahead.

When they arrived, several riders asked how he had gotten out in front when he stated he had now one a sprint on the B Group (the first and honorary official sprint) and now the C Group. He was on a roll!
Stingray was back sporting a new
"Stingray" tatoo on his leg! 

The Nation quickly got back on track and caught the "C" Group in the Holy Rollers and they came back together at the Feed Zone at Frona's.

As the Nation went through the Inlet and sat up a bit, Dragonfly mentioned some riders were off the back, so Sharkman let the Nation know and went back to look for riders. Fortunately, Hoosier Boy was on post making sure riders were not left behind, which is getting more difficult with as many as 43 riders on the day!

Sharkman shot ahead to the Digital Divide and saw the Nation going around the curve at the Bermuda Triangle of Flat Tires, thinking he wouldn't see them until the Press Conference at the Klutch!

As he waited for riders at the crossing, the A Group pulled up, so, he announced he had beaten them to the Digital Divide, giving him the "Triple Crown" of sprinting, winning a sprint in each of the three groups! Is this a great country or what?!?

Well, it is in Sharkman's head!

Sharkman saw his opportunity and jumped on with Iceman, Bounty Hunter, and a few others, with Falcon on his wheel. The A Riders rode like the wind and Sharkman held on like someone trying to take a dram of a 20 year old bourbon! He was riding on the rivets as he saw the speedometer getting to around 30 mph! Sharkman felt like he was flying when Iceman asked, "where is Gazelle Girl?"
PJ's Bro! We need a better name for
this distinguished Minion!

This caused Falcon to lose his head, and come out from behind Sharkman's wheel and head to the front! Meanwhile. Toesetter was leading out his main squeeze and the Sweetheart of the Peloton, to her coveted GGG Spot Sprint! It was a victory for America!

The A and B Groups were now together, with the C Group not to far back, as the Nation started to head south. This part of the ride was a blur to our intrepid hero, as he spent most of his energy shouting out safety instructions like a mother hen gathering her flock.

The old Shark always worries when he sees that many riders bunched together for the final sprint and this one was loaded.

The speed picked up, and up, and up as the very fast moving train headed into the final ascent to the finish. At the top, thinking the speed couldn't get any higher, the Nation broke lose like someone had thrown some meat out to a school of sharks as they descended on the finish!

Unfortunately, Sharkman did not see who took the final sprint (not that it is important on a fine, sunny day, like this) but rumor had it that J-Dog had repeated, but that is purely speculation.
Padre was back in the mix!

It was indeed a fantastic day!

Big thanks to Hoosier Boy for riding he sweeper position! Sharkman couldn't do it without you!

The Nation zipped up their Shark Minion Jersey's for the ride down the Champs le Galesburg as the tofosi and paparazzi went wild!

Of the 43 riders, only 12 stayed for koffee and the riders were pleased to find out it had been paid for by someone with a "Chain Gang" jersey! Is this a great country or what?!?

Gadget Guy had a Chain Gang Jersey but was late getting in after the indignity of flatting on the Champs le Galesburg. He can take solice in knowing that was the first flat we know of that happened on the Champs le Galesburg!

Gazelle Girl!
and Other Guy!
Wait, THE Guy!


Those who did come in to the Klutch signed a Shark Minion Get Well Card for Ox. Gazelle Girl lovingly creates these cards and the Nation is grateful for her creativity!

Some may remember that Ox and his son Oxicito had been regular Shark Minions until Ox began his battle with Cancer two years ago. Though he had been doing well, he has had a recent set back and is in the fight of his life, so please keep Ox (Stan Hurn) in your hearts, thoughts and prayers. 

The Nation leaves no Minion behind!

If you would like to send Ox (Stan Hurn) a card, it would be great! We would love to see his mailbox filled with cards from the Nation!

Send it to his home address at:

Stan Hurn
3808 Heights Dr.
Hickory Corners, Mi.   49060

Sharkman rode solo home, happy in a great morning of riding and a fantastic tail wind!

The Squeakman, getting ready to
take of the first of 13 layers
of clothes.


This week, the Nation will launch from the TdT Start at 7:30 A.M. - SHARP! Be there!

Signing the card! Don't those jerseys
look great! Oh, the humanity!

Where is Wildman's Jersey?
Isn't he reading Belo News?

Gadget Guy bought the koffee!



Belo News
June 7, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - For those Minions who didn't read the above, the Nation is riding the Tour de Taylor this Saturday so no KK-TdG! (We can't tell the Nation enough KK-TdG this week!)

Sharkman wants to see a "sea of Shark Minion Jersey's at the TdT, so get'em out for the second week in a row!

The Nation will launch from the start of the TdT at 7:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there early for a group photo!

We will try to stay together, but the pace may be at a B+ level for much of the ride, so keep that in mind!

See you all there and again, WEAR YOUR SHARK MINION JERSEY!


Belo News
June 7, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - Since Sharkman "started" a C Group on the fly this past weekend, the Commissioner of Cycling is now looking for 2-3 Minions who will lead the group, at least until all of the C Group riders learn the "short cuts." This may or may not work, but we want to provide, yet another venue, for those who are coming back from injury, are getting to a point where they do not want to go as fast, or are like the Sharkman, getting old!

The plan would be that the Nation would wait, as before, until the first short cut after Rt. 89, after Gull Lake High School. The C Group will take the short cut and keep going once they get back tot he course. This way, the C group shouldn't be caught until somewhere in the Holy Roller Section and should be able to get into the Klutch within 15 minutes of the peloton(s).

Once the short cut is known, a leader will not be essential. Sharkman will continue to do this until the C group riders know the course.

Also, we are getting to a crucial stage in the number of riders, so you are encouraged to not invite more riders. If the number of riders increases anymore we may need to apply for a parade permit!



Belo News
June 7, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - With the large number of riders, the Commissioner of Cycling wanted to go over safety AGAIN.

1. If you hear someone shout "Car Back!" move to the right and no more than two abreast. This should be done immediately and not after you finish telling your story or joke! Just do it!

2. Communicate! Let riders know if you are on the inside coming up on them. Let them know if you are standing in the pack. Signal or look back if you want back into the pace line, etc.

3. When the Nation is in a tight group, you cannot make sudden swerves. This means if a pot hole hasn't been identified and you come up on it fast, you may have to man up and hit it rather than swerve and take out several riders with you.

4. Do not cross the yellow lines!

5. Do not turn left early and drive against traffic!

6. In the final sprint, if you are boxed in, you are boxed in. Stay on you line as you move to the finish. Sudden swerving can cause a chain reaction in the peloton when the riders are bunched up so straight ahead unless you know you are clear. Hold your lines!

7. Do not circle in intersections, particularly at the top of the Col de Norte while we wait for riders to catch back on.

8. Be safe! This is fun, club racing and not a Cat 2 race. The objective is fun and being with great people and of course, having the honor of riding with the Sharkman, hizzelf!

Is this a great country or what?!?

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