Wednesday, April 26, 2017






Belo News
April 22, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and very cool over the Shark Cove, our intrepid Hero, the Sharkman was wondering it was something he had said......

The night before he received, yet another absence excuse from Mad Dog.

Sharkman Photobombing the Nation.
And not very well!
Two weeks in a row? What is going on?

However, he did know that he had some Minions to escort him to the start, but would head back.

Thought the temperature on the Shark Cove thermometer showed 40 degrees when the Shark got out of bed at 6 a.m., it was 38 when it was time to launch, making it difficult to pick out the kit for the day. Warm at the start usually meant too warm for the return trip back to the Cove.

Yeti Boy, planning to do the Yankee Springs Time Trail on Sunday morning, only wanted to ride over and back, but was still, about 10 minutes early to the Cove. As Sharkman was killing time to make sure he didn't launch before Nikeboy had a chance to ride on the scene, was pleased to see his show up at 7:30 a.m. - SHARP!

The three riders picked up Reb on the road, and then there were four!

Nikeboy and Sharkman took the lead as it was obvious that Reb and Yeti Boy did not want to leave their legs on the training road!

Actually, as Sharkman headed straight to the bathroom when he got to the start and when he came back out front, the three riders (Nikeboy had to head to a wedding up north) were already gone and heading back to Battle Creek.
Greyhound made his season debut
by buying the koffee! YES!

Sharkman found that 20-25 degrees difference in temperature makes a big difference in attendance, as one would guess.

Sharkman took a count of 14 (17 if you count Yeti Boy, Reb and Nikeboy) at the start, with 10-4, Sasquatch, and Greyhound were making their season debuts. Bounty Hunter, Padre (formerly John on his second Minion ride) and Kia Pet from Team Taylor were back, and Gazelle Girl and Toesetter were in the mix. Other riders included Wishbone, who is riding strong, Dragonfly, Wildman, High Yield and Toast.

After Toast warned everyone of a soccer tournament at the high school and to be mindful of traffic at the finish and it was determined there was no A group today, Sharkman lead the Nation out, looking back to make sure no one else had joined on.

As the Nation passed the Klutch, one of the Barista could be seen at the window counting the riders. After last week's numbers they wanted to be ready!

Sharkman worked the crowd as the Nation headed north out of town. Moving back and forth like he was running for office, he was feeling good!
Sasquash was back in the Nation!

Wildman pulled our hero out early, at the hill after HL, but emotions got the better of Sharkman and he steamed out front to take his honorary first sprint!

Since the Nation is still in Spring Season, and sprints aren't reported, fewer Minions jumped in for wins, but there were still sprints!

The Nation headed through the col de Twin Lakes, Yorkville Church, Kellogg Korner, the Kountry Club and on to Rt. 43 and pretty much stayed together and as riders are starting to get their legs back, there weren't any stragglers!

The Nation headed south after the ascent of the col de Norte, as Sharkman handed out sage advice to a couple of Minions, on retirement. Sharkman shared that it is the one job he turned out to be born for! Who knew! The old Shark went on to say his only complaint was that time was going way too fast, unlike his bike speeds!

The Nation had to cross the Digital Divide in two waves due to major traffic and as everyone was lamenting the fact that there was no light at his busy intersection.

Interestingly, the Nation formed up a dual pace line on the way to putting Gazelle Girl into position for her GGG Spot Sprint. With no shifts at the front, and a mild south wind in their faces, the Nation moved smoothly in this section leading up to the last sprint before the finish.
The joint was rocking and even Chia Pet and Padre
stuck around to be social!

Gazelle Girl worked her way to the front, despite pressure from Toesetter and Kia Pet, and put them and the peloton easily. It was a victory for America!

As the Nation headed down to the final sprint, a small group went to the front and stayed out there right up to the final ascent. The traffic at the finish turned out to not be a problem as the Nation started pouring past the final tape! It was a great ride with an average speed of 17.6 mph.

Those of you wanting to come out to ride, this is the time of year to get back into shape with the Nation. The speeds are picking up, so come on out now!

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg and our hero's headed to the Klutch.

The Nation was treated to Koffee from Greyhound and even Kia Pet and Padre stopped in.
High Yield and Wildman signing
a get well card for Stryker Guy!

Thanks Greyhound!

The discussion was lively, as the paparazzi and tofosi mobbed the riders for autographs.

For those keeping score, the Sharkman did ride home solo FOR THE SECOND WEEK IN A ROW! Where in the world is Mad Dog?!?

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

Saturday, April 29, 2017
Greyhound signing autographs for
the paparazzi and tofosi!

There is a 60% chance of rain on Saturday, so watch at Belo News or an email if it is raining.

Remember, Minions ride in the rain, but do not start in the rain!

Launch time – 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!

Gazelle Girl (file photo)

Belo news
April 25, 2017

Hasting, Mi. - The Lucky Ones (those designated as retired or having the ability to take some time off from work) descended on their favorite gravel road extravaganza this past Tuesday afternoon for some sand, hills and sunshine!

Gazelle Girl organized a very nice ride that included Tow Truck, Brewman, Sharkman, Nut Job, who came down from Lansing where he is a professor at MSU.
Nut Job (file photo)

All 5 riders showed up on gravel/cross bikes and Sharkman was sporting a new rear cassette installed by Danimal at Custer Cyclery and he was very pleased with the results!

The Minions launched around 2:45 p.m. and the weather could not have been more perfect for the ride!

Tow Truck had a dinner that he had to attend, so could not stick around, but the remaining riders went to the Waldorf for some adult beverages and dinner. The double Coban was selling well, but Sharkman stuck with the Mocha Porter!

Unfortunately, no one thought to take photos! Oh, the humanity!

Big thanks to Gazelle Girl for organizing a great ride and organizing such great weather!

Viva bikes!


Belo News
Rainman! (file photo)
April 25, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - It was learned this week that another legend of the peloton, Rainman, had been put on the disabled list for the next 4-6 weeks! Oh, no, not another Minion!

Appears that while mountain bike riding out in Santa Cruz, California, the Rainman crashed and cut open his knee. The young rider described the injury as a cut that went down to the knee cap and it required 11 stitches to close.

Unfortunately, the wound may not have been properly cleaned at the med center that he went to in California and he has aquired a very bad infection. When he returned to Battle Creek and sought further medical attention there was a concern that they would have to re-open the wound. However, the antibodics kicked in, in the nick of time and he will not need further surgery. However, the knee is still swollen and he is being told it could be 4-6 weeks before he can ride again!

The mighty Minion Nation wishes Rainman a quick recover and they will be holding a spot in the peloton for him when he returns!

Unless it is raining, of course!


Belo News
April 19, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - The date for the Tour de Taylor 2017 has been announced and here is the information you will need to enter. This has been a great annual event for the Nation and helps our Team Taylor Minions earn even more dollars for their Make A Wish ride in July! So let's all get entered to ride! Here are the details:

Hey Tour de Taylor Riders!
Tour de Taylor 2017 registration is now OPEN! Click Here to register.
Saturday, June 10th.
As always, we're working hard on creating an even better event this year. With your feedback and support, we've been able improve on an already great event. With your help, ALL net proceeds will be donated.
Below are highlights and details.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date: Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location: Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.


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