Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The early photo, before more hoards
of riders showed up!





Belo News
April 15, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool, but bright, over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, was troubled. The day before the old Shark had received a text from Mad Dog stating he was going to make the ride in the morning!

What the......?!?
Yes, Sharkman was there.......

Sharkman responded to the text that Mad Dog would be behind on the attendance streak to his arch attendance title enemy, Gazelle Girl, but he replied, “she knows already.” Mad Dog sounded defeated and with only three weeks into the young season.

Sharkman could not remember the last time he had made the ride to the start without Mad Dog and with Yeti Boy out of town, wasn't sure he would have an escort the following day.

However, later on Friday, Nikeboy and Reb texted that they would be joining in for the ride over!

It was actually warm enough to ride, sans tights and actually, the arm warmers came off pretty quickly as the day was warming up quite nicely.

As the three riders rode the thriving metropolis known as Galesburg, Kia Pet from Team Taylor road up. That could mean only one thing......there would be more Team Taylor riders at the start! Yes! Always good to have the Team Taylor riders in the mix!
Virgin Minion John (name TBD)
arrived with Team Taylor.

Ready for a few extra riders, Sharkman was pleasantly surprised when he saw the mass of riders gathering for the ride! In addition to approximately 6 Team Taylor riders, the count went to 28 rather quickly! Some riders hadn't been seen this year yet, like Tow Truck, Dreamboat, Catfish, LL Cool J, Nickhead, Mighty Monk, Easty and Toesetter! It was great to see them all gathering at the start!

Wishbone was back sporting his new Trek, built by our own Skittles from Trek Bicycles in Battle Creek! This bike is a beauty and Wishbone said he could tell who was more excited, Wishbone for getting a great new bike or Skittle for getting to build it! A very special bike for a very special rider! So good to have Wishbone back in the Nation!

As readers of Belo News are aware, when the crowd gets over 15, memory does not allow for the Editors to report every rider name and only leading out hero out to the first sprint, buying him koffee or doing something funny will get a Minions name in this publication.
Nickhead made his season debut!

Besides, there were some riders there who hadn't ridden in so long, Sharkman was forgetting their names!

It's hell getting old!

Sharkman counted 26 riders at the start and after a group photo and another safety talk, where the Shark explained the A and B groups, and also got Dreamboat to volunteer getting the A group on the correct course, even more riders rode in.

With the sound of riders clicking into their pedals, and the squeal of the crowd, Sharkman led the group out but looked back and saw another 10 riders join on to the group! No one seemed to be sure who they were as the long train rode past the Klutch. As a matter of fact, the peloton was so large, they all could not get through on one light change and the Nation had to wait for the second wave. With the added 10, and with Kid Doster joining on after the first sprint and heading to the A group, the final count on the morning was 39 riders.
LL Cool J. "Where is "the Promise?"

Luckily, there were enough riders for an A group and while 18 riders stayed on for the B, the remainder headed out on the A route at HJ Ave.

Gazelle Girl, Toesetter and then Wildman led our intrepid hero out to his honorary first sprint where he again, threw his Litespeed steed over the tape for the win!

As the train moved north, Kid Doster jumped in and wanted to know if it was the A or B group. When he learned it was the B Group, he decided to keep going and jump on with the A Group when they came north. Uh, go figure......

The riders spread out on the col de Twin Lakes and as they approached the light on Rt. 89 it was green, but the group was so spread out, the lead riders decide to play nice and wait. However, as the light was taking a very long time to turn, and the large group was blocking a car from activating the light, and argument ensued about going through the red light. In the middle of the heated discussion, one Minion took the initiative to go and away the Nation went! Oh, the humanity!
Toast was back, sporting his Shark
Minion Kit!

The speed picked, as usual, after the Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner, past the Kountry Klub riders scattered. But they all came back together at Rt. 43 and headed to the col de Norte.

At the base of the col de Norte, Zyckmann, riding his now famous, “Woodie,” had a flat tire. Most of the Nation had already climbed to the top of the col de Norte, but waited. Reb volunteered to go back to check and shortly after, the A Group came barrelling by with no signs of slowing down. LL Cool J did stop to look for another rider from the A Group who he hadn't seen since the Koffee Klutch.

When Zyckmann got to the top of the col de Norte, he was asked if anyone from the A group had stopped to help and stated they asked if they could help as the blew by, but no one stopped! Hee hee.

As the group headed towards the Holy Rollers, some riders fell off the back, but luckily, Nikeboy and Reb were on duty to make sure very Minion was accounted for. Big thanks to both riders for maintaining our motto of "we leave no Minion behind!"
Dragonfly was also in  his
Shark Minion Kit!

Sharkman worries when the group gets as large as this one, that he will miss someone getting shot out the back. Also, larger crowds tend to take the speed up, making it more likely that rideres will drop off the back.

After the Frona stop, Zyckmann had problems with his tire again and decided to head back home and change bikes. He wanted to get to the Klutch as rumors had spread that the legendary rider, that hero of the peloton, that rider who is known far and wide, Stryker Guy, was going to be at the Klutch after his surgery on his shoulder!

At the Digital Divide, there was some confusion as the Shark wasn't sure who had dropped off and who was just behind. Some said that some riders had gone back with Zyckmann. So the peloton moved ahead after a short wait.
Dot Dot Dash and Wishbone on his new Trek!
Hey, did Sharkman miss the memo on
Shark Jersey Day?

The speed steadied out and yet another nice pace line started up, which again, is unusual this early in the season and with the large number of riders.

Gazelle Girl, once again took the GGG Spot Sprint as a cheer went up in the crowd.

In the final assault on the finish, Wildman went to the front, with Gazelle Girl and Sharkman on his wheel and a cast of thousands in line behind them.

As the peloton crested the final ascent, Wildman backed off and Sharkman went to the front, to quickly be pasted by several riders and Wildman! Wildman was on fire on this bright morning!

The crowd on the Champs le Galesburg went wild as their hero's rode to the Klutch where even more cyclist from the A group were waiting.

True to his word, Stryker Guy was not only waiting, but was buying everyone the koffee! Is this a great country or what!?!
Toesetter was back in the Nation,
making his season debut!

The Klutch was rocking and the two lady Barrister's were running their legs off trying to keep up with demand as thirsty Minions ordered their Bottomless Joe's!

Lucky, Mad Dog wasn't there, as ordering his foo foo koffee would have slowed things down and it was a thirsty crowd! Oh, the humanity!

Everyone seemed to hang out a bit longer, listening to Stryker Guy sharing his story of “the crash” and the ensuing surgery to repair his clavicle.

So, what will happen this Saturday? Come on out and find out!

It is supposed to be dry, but cool so the start time will stay the same!
The man of the hour, and buyer of
the Koffee, Stryker Guy was
holding court at the klutch!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Launch Time – 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
April 19, 2017
Triple Nasty Ranchero, Mi. - Are you retired? Unemployed? Willing to play hooky? Or just a general work-a-day slacker?

Then join a handful of Minions for a Barry-Roubaix ride on Tuesday April 25, 2017. We'll depart at 2:30 p.m. From the K-Mart Parking lot on M-43/West State St. in Hastings. Fellowship to follow at The Waldorf. I

Questions: contact Gazelle Girl at


Belo News
April 19, 2017

Climax, Mi. - Feeling like you need the 3 B's? 

B's you say?

Yes, Beer, Barbecue and Banjovi!  The boys are back this Friday night at Bowman's BBQ in Climax, Michigan, this Friday night, April 21, 2017. Things kick off at 6:30 p.m. so don't be late!

Banjovi has some new songs and some new jokes so come on out and enjoy the fantastic BBQ and the sounds of the three Minion Musicians! 

Come on, have you ever heard Crocodile Rock on a kazoo? Or, "Don't Pet the Dog?" Then you need to "B" there!

Oh, the humanity!  Is the a great country or what?!? "B" there!


Belo News

April 19, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - The date for the Tour de Taylor 2017 has been announced and here is the information you will need to enter. This has been a great annual event for the Nation and helps our Team Taylor Minions earn even more dollars for their Make A Wish ride in July! So let's all get entered to ride! Here are the details:

Hey Tour de Taylor Riders!
Tour de Taylor 2017 registration is now OPEN! Click Here to register.
Saturday, June 10th.
As always, we're working hard on creating an even better event this year. With your feedback and support, we've been able improve on an already great event. With your help, ALL net proceeds will be donated.
Below are highlights and details.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date: Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location: Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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