Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sweetheart of the Peloton
under investigation?




Belo News
April 8, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke cool and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman could hardly wait to bound out of his Shark bed! As the world of cycling knows, the old Shark missed Opening Day for the first time in his cycling career, which is a pretty damn long time!
Reb goes the distance!

The Sharkman quickly clicked on the coffee, padded down to the Shark basement to choose his wardrobe for the day, while checking the outside temperature, which was at 30 degrees. Whew, a bit chilly....

When he came up with his choice of kit, he looked again and the temp was down to a chilling 28 degrees!

Wait, what?

Back down to the Shark basement to choose another layer. It was one of those days where the old Shark was concerned he would be warm at the start and sweating on the way home. But none the less, he was ready to ride.

Maybe not as ready as Yeti Boy, who showed up 10 minutes early, while Mad Dog texted something about racoon sex waking up his dogs and he couldn't wait and he'd meet everyone on the road. Ah, Saturday mornings at the Shark Cove.
Yeti Boy deep in thought
before start!

The Sharkman and Yeti Boy headed out about 5 minutes early with the Sharkman telling Yeti to take it slow so they didn't build up a sweat before getting to the start. At 28 degrees, there wasn't too much of a chance of that, but Sharkman mentioned it anyway.

As the riders hit Watkins Road, the light of Mad Dog's headlight could be seen up the road, but Sharkman was worried they might miss Reb, who had stated he might make the ride to the start.

Before they got to Helmer, Reb came riding up and then they were four!

The ride to the start was uneventful, as the small peloton discussed what they did over the winter, while Sharkman shared how he had spent his Opening Day the previous week despite the fact they had all read it in Belo News!

As they arrived at the start, riders were already beginning to gather.

Paperboy and the Great Dane were unloading their bikes as Brewman rode in. Skittles, Dragonfly, Bissell Boy and finally Gazelle Girl rode in. Eleven riders in all were ready to help Sharkman celebrate HIS Opening Day!
Mad Dog administering pre-
ride advise.

Gazelle Girl then gave a blistering, but effective commentary on Bike Safety, which included stopping at Stop Signs, riding two abreast, getting over to the right when anyone shouted out “cars back,” etc. Way to go Gazelle Girl!

Sharkman led the train out of the station and downtown. He asked Reb if he was going to drop off, but he stated that he had decided to do the ride as they went past the Klutch, waving at their adoring fans.

Skittles and Gazelle Girl pulled Sharkman to his honorary sprint, that even included him throwing his bike across the line to take the sprint as a roar went up in the peloton.

Yes, the season was now officially underway! Is this a great country or what!?!

Being Spring Season, there are no reports on sprints, but the ride was spirited despite the fact it was at a B level pace.

At the Northville Church, Sharkman and Yeti Boy went back for stragglers and also slowed as Bissell Boy, who was heading north for the day, dropped off at his house.
Bissell Boy was in attendance.

As the sun began to warm the course, the riders revelled in the early Spring weather and the chatter level elevated as the riders hit the Holy Rollers.

The group stayed together through the inlet and after the Digital Divide, Yeti Boy started out a very nice pace line as the group was able to play nice, which is unusual this early in the season.

As the fast moving train headed towards the GGG Spot Sprint, riders started shouting out “where is she!”

Soon, Gazelle Girl got the message and began to make her move to the goal!

However, unbeknownst to her, Skittles, who was in the led, had a rear camera on his bike and filmed the “Sweetheart of the Peloton,” as well as Mad Dog, cross the double yellow lines as Gazelle Girl made her “shot out of a cannon” move! 

Oh, the humanity!

An investigation was immediately launched into this egregious violation and the Commissioner of Cycling is reviewing the tape. Subsequent investigative efforts by Belo News resulted in getting a copy of the tape. In this, “never before seen video” the evidence does seem to be pretty clear. (where else can you get hard hitting, behind the scenes, investigative cycling news?! Is this a great country or what?!?).

The Commissioner is looking at possible penalties, up to and including purchasing koffee for the Sharkman!

Belo News reports, YOU decide!
Skittles "selling it!"

As the peloton moved into the final sprint, Paperboy, Gazelle Girl and Sharkman went to the front to pull the train. As the fast moving nation moved towards the final ascent, Mad Dog came up and took the lead. As he began to pull away, Skittles came up to cover any breakaway, while Sharkman went up ahead to spell Gazelle Girl, who had taken over for Paperboy.

After a while, Yeti Boy came up to give Sharkman a spell, while Mad Dog, Skittles and then Brewman opened up a lead.

The Nation was split into small groups all over the finish as they moved to the final tape.

Average speed for the ride was only 17 mph (actually, 16.9), but not bad for early season and waiting for some riders.

The fans went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation zipped up their jersey's and rode past the tofosi, paparazzi and woman throwing flowers, loaves of bread and bottles of wine to them!

Ah, it was good to be back after a long winter.

As they arrived at the Klutch, Andrew welcomed the Nation back as he had missed Opening Day AND stated he was some how dropped, off the distribution list for Belo News! Wait, what?!? 

 That will be fixed immediately!

It was a great to be back at the Klutch as the riders quaffed down their Bottomless Kups of Koffee and talked about what a great ride they had all been on.

Sharkman, Mad Dog and Yeti Boy enjoyed a nice tail wind on the way home and all was well in the Shark Realm once again!

You won't want to miss this week's edition of the KK-TdG!

The weather looks to be warmer, but there is a chance of rain, so if it is raining, watch for information here at Belo News!

Since it is warmer, Launch Time will be moved up!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Launch Time – 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
Stryker Guy and we hope he is
on a Stryker Bed!
April 9, 2017

Somewhere, Ga. - Belo News regrets to report, that Legend of the Peloton, that rider who rode across the entire United States last year, without injury, crashed the past weekend as he descended a mountain somewhere in Georgia.

As Stryker Guy reported, he “felt the need to visit the hospitals in our great country as a patient.”

Descending down a technical, very steep switchback, he over cooked a turn and was too low to hit the next switchback. He hit his disc brakes and reported that “for the record, they do grab!” The back wheel locked up and he baled into a small clearing. Though his bike came out of the crash without a scratch (is this a great country or what?!?) he did not.....(Oh, the humanity)! 

Stryker Guy suffered a broken clavicle, six broken ribs and a small puncture in his lung. 


The Nation is in mourning, but will be with the legend in their thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

The Nation will be holding a spot in the peloton for Stryker Guy and hope he is back soon!


Belo News
April 12, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - The date for the Tour de Taylor 2017 has been announced and here is the information you will need to enter. This has been a great annual event for the Nation and helps our Team Taylor Minions earn even more dollars for their Make A Wish ride in July! So let's all get entered to ride! Here are the details:

Hey Tour de Taylor Riders!
Tour de Taylor 2017 registration is now OPEN! Click Here to register.
Saturday, June 10th.
As always, we're working hard on creating an even better event this year. With your feedback and support, we've been able improve on an already great event. With your help, ALL net proceeds will be donated.
Below are highlights and details.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date: Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location: Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.
Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.



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