Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Ironman presents Mad Dog with
a "Mad Dog Cycle" jersey!




Belo News
April 29, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - As another cool dawn broke over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero bound from his Shark Bed to check the weather. Rain had been forecasted, and the old Shark wanted to make sure he was on top of things!
The Nation was ready to ride!

As he clicked on the Shark Radar and settled in with his coffee, he notice a large green/rain area to the south but it didn't seem to be moving very quickly! YES! Game on!

The problem know was figuring out what to wear on the day. The Sharkman's code seems to be if the temp is over 45 degrees, he does not wear tights. So he decided on shorts, a long sleeve jersey and his rain jacket just in case.

7:25 a.m. - SHARP, Yeti Boy was in the drive waiting and was wearing tights. Then Nikeboy and Mad Dog rode up, wearing nickers. Sharkman didn't check, but apparently the temp was 48 but the “feels like” temp was 41! Too late. Time to launch and they were off.

As the group hit Watkins Lane, Reb joined on and then there were 5!
Sharkman photo bombs himself!

The start was jumping with Minions!

Ironman, Gazelle Girl, Sasquatch, Squeaky, Wildman, Skittles, PJ, and Brewman were all lining up!
Making their season debuts were Tan Man and Hoosier Boy! Welcome back, Minions!

Dreamboat brought a virgin Minion with him by the name of Gena, who may need to be named Classic Gena as she had a classic Tommasini bike with Campy Record components! Pretty sweet ride!

Squeaky, always “stylin,” was sporting his usual Nordic gear, complete with winter gloves. In addition, the Squeakmiester had added some red and white tape to his handlebar for
Tan Man made his season debut!
reasons yet unknown, but Belo News is sure everyone will be looking to get some of that tape for their handlebars! The man cannot help himself!

Just before the start, Ironman presented a very special jersey to Mad Dog! Not because he had been gone, but Ironman, who will be leaving us to take a job transfer to Provo, Utah, had found a bike shop named Mad Dog Cycles and just had to get the jersey for our own Mad Dog! Is this a great country or what?!?

Let the bromance begin! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman led the train out of the station to the sweet sound of pedals clicking in and the smell of spring in the air.

As the Nation pulled up to the light by the Klutch, Jamie, our former Barista who had served the Nation for so long but had moved away, was at the Klutch for a visit and came out to wave at everyone!
Ironman was back after a
brief hiatus.

Hello Jamie!

Nikeboy and Reb pulled off at that point as they need to get back to the Creek.

As the Nation headed north, there was still some uncertainty if there would be an A Group, but as the turn off loomed, the A Group started to form. At the split, 6 riders cut off for the A route, while the remaining 11 headed north.

Wildman led our hero out before Squeaky came up, red and white tape flapping off the left side of his handlebar, to take over. As the first sprint loomed, the old Shark broke from Squeaky's well, and with a brief slap in the face from the red and white tape, he was off to take his honorary finish!

After crossing G Ave. Kid Doster arrived and said he was going back to the A Group.
Squeaky dressed for a blizzard!

The B group continues through the col de Twin Lakes, across Rt. 89, past the Yorkville Church, through Kellogg Korner (where in the world is the Skipper?), flew by the Kountry Klub and as they approached the Rt. 43 Stop Ahead Sprint, Sharkman made a dramatic move to the front, but just before the finish, Wishbone flew by to take him at the tape! What the ….......who was that rider!

Wishbone was on fire and was first up the col de Norte and went on to take the Holy Rollers Stop Ahead at the Feed Zone! Whoa, way to go Wishbone!

With no stragglers in the peloton this week, the Nation was moving at a good clip and had still not seen the A Group as they crossed the Digital Divide and again, formed up a fairly nice, yet informal pace line.

The train was moving when everyone starting shouting “Gazelle Girl, Gazelle Girl”
Squeaky can't seem to ride without
handlebar tape hanging from his bars!
wondering when she was going to make her move on the coveted GGG Spot Sprint!

Like a fine tuned watch, Gazelle Girl began ramping up the speed from the back and led out by a cast of thousands, the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” took the tape going away! It was a victory for America!

As the leaders waiting at G Ave. Ironman showed up from the A Group. Gazelle Girl asked where the rest of the riders were and Ironman, right behind me but sort of broken up. Gazelle Girl responded, “then it is just an A Group ride and not a “Miniion Ride!”

Way to go, Gazelle Girl!
Hoosier Boy was making his
season debut!

As the Nation headed into the final sprint, Sharkman, for reasons unknown, went to the front and the sadistic Nation let him lead all the way to the final ascent to the finish! Sharkman was gassed as Wildman, Tan Man, Ironman, Mad Dog, Brewman and what seemed like, everyone else went by him!

Our hero did get a second wind and was able to claw his way back to finish 7th in the Nation. So our hero was happy with that comeback!

Belo News will begin reporting the finishing sprint now that May has arrived!

The finish was really spread out and the Sharkman would like to remind everyone that after crossing the railroad tracks across from the finish, riders should “sit up” and wait for the other finishers. The Paparazzi and Tofosi on the Champs le Galesburg want to see all the riders come in together!

Average speed for the B Group was 17.5 mph.
Virgin Minion Gena!
Welcome Gena!

The crowds were huge along the Champs le Galesburg and a pretty good group of riders stopped for Koffee and the Press Conference at the Klutch.

Andrew was wearing his Shark Minion Kit, and Ironman bought the koffee! Whoa, wait? Jersey for Mad Dog AND bought koffee!?

Thanks Ironman!

That is when he informed the Nation he was headed to Provo, Utah for Duncan Aviation.

The Nation will miss Ironman, who only has a few rides left before he leaves.

The press wanted a photo of Mad Dog in the new jersey and he was more than willing to model the red Mad Dog Cycles kit for the paparazzi!
Gena's very cool Tommasini with
Campy Record components!

Gazelle Girl brought a get well card for Rainman, who has been put on the Disabled List due to an infection from needing stitches on his knee after a crash out in California that didn't get cleaned out well enough at the med-center. More on that in the next report.

After their fill of Bottomless Koffee, Mad Dog, Yeti Boy and Sharkman limped home into the wind!

You won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG!

The weather will still be cool, to launch time will stay the same. There is a “chance” of rain, so look for an email and/or an update on the blog if the weather is in question.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Launch Time – 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there

Ironman, who bought the koffee!

Wildman signing Rainman's card!

The Klutch was rocking!

Mad Dog in his Mad Dog kit!


Belo News
Rainman (file photo)
May 3, 2017

Shark Cove, Mi. - Last week we reported that Rainman had been put on the Disabled List due to an infection that occurred after he had 11 stitches in his knee after a mountain bike crash out in Santa Cruz, California. Sharkman reported on Saturday, that Rainman had reported that there was a good possibility that he would need to have the stitches re-opened and the wound cleaned out the next week, as the infection was not responding well to antibiotics.

However, Belo News is pleased to report that the doctors examined the wound on Monday, May 1, 2017 and have determined that the antibiotics have kicked in and Rainman will not need to have the wound re-opened! Great news!

Both Rainman and Stryker Guy also want to thank the Nation for their Get Well Cards from the mighty Minion Nation and are looking forward to getting back as soon as they can!


Belo News

April 19, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - The date for the Tour de Taylor 2017 has been announced and here is the information you will need to enter. This has been a great annual event for the Nation and helps our Team Taylor Minions earn even more dollars for their Make A Wish ride in July! So let's all get entered to ride! Here are the details:

Hey Tour de Taylor Riders!
Tour de Taylor 2017 registration is now OPEN! Click Here to register.
Saturday, June 10th.

As always, we're working hard on creating an even better event this year. With your feedback and support, we've been able improve on an already great event. With your help, ALL net proceeds will be donated.
Below are highlights and details.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date: Saturday June 10th, 2017

Location: Mattawan Middle School
56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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