Tuesday, May 23, 2017



Super Domestique, Rolling Cone, Dr. Math,
Headwinds, Sharkman and Elwood.
(Yep, these guys are now MInions!)




Belo News
May 20, 2017

Vassar, MI. - As dawn broke bright over Grace Lutheran Church in Vassar, Michigan....wait, what?!?

Yes, our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, awoke on the floor of the Social Room of Grace Lutheran Church in Vassar. He had been enjoying pleasant dreams while bundled up in his Shark Sleeping Bag on his Thermarest  camp pad. 

Sharkman was taking part in the Pedal for a Purpose Michigan 2017 World Hunger Ride. The team of riders visited 10 Lutheran Churches in the Midland area, presenting on World Hunger and the ELCA World Hunger relief ministry. The Team has raised over $5,700.00 and donations are still coming in. 

Sharkman wants to also thank those Minions who contributed to this great cause.

The Team rode over 230 miles in the four days, but visiting 10 Lutheran churches in 4 days, with their historic "Lutheran Pot Luck" meals, may have been counter productive on the riders waistline. Even though Sharkman's computer recorded burning 8721 calories, everyone felt fatter after the ride ended on Sunday afternoon. So much for the riders hunger!

Sharkman had a great time while the Minions did as well. Though Belo News was covering the Sharkman, reporters Dreamboat and Hoosier Boy were on the job!

First, from Dreamboat:

I went out of my way to bring my nice new camera and get some pictures for your blog at this week’s Minion Ride.  I endured ridicule for having so much junk in the back of my jersey.  I had pictures of the crew at the start, virgin minion Alexa (who will be joining us on the Kashi bike tour, and was nicknamed “Rose Between Two Thorns”), all of us at the Gilmore Auto Show, and even of the picture of the sign on the antique store in Galesburg that some late night drunkard customized the lettering to read “cock”. 

That being said, I went home to pull off the pictures and send them too you and I accidentley deleted everything off of my camera.  I clearly am not worthy of being your protégé.

Please extend my apology to the team and feel free to roast me.  I think some others have the same pictures on their phones so hopefully you will get some.
Virgin Minion Kiwi!
Welcome to the Nation!

Also I was hoping you could pass along our Kashi tour info.  The poster attached has the links to our social media (Blog – www.kashibiketour.com, FB & Instagram – KashiBikeTour, Strava – KashiBikeTour).  Hopefully I won’t delete all the pictures from that trip!  Farewell for new and see you all in July.


And then from Hoosier Boy:
Photos courtesy of Hoosier Boy
How is the sleeper sofa treating you?  A couple of updates and pics - hope someone provides more details. Two new minions - Alexa Smolinski is one, the other they were calling kiwi but was unclear if he was from New Zealand or South Africa.  One important detail you don't want to miss - I won the squeaky sprint. Also, Gazelle Girl, always on the lookout for signs of depravity, spotted an off color sign at grant's antique market in Galesburg, ironically right next to the Galesburg meat market.

Your faithful cub reporter
Virgin Minion Alexa!
Welcome to the Nation,
Rose Between Two Thorns!
(too long, the Nation will work on that name!)

Hoosier Boy

Thanks Dreamboat, even though you erased the photos, and to you Hoosier Boy! 

Great, compelling, riveting writing! Where else can you find this award winning journalism?!?

Minions won't want to miss this weeks edition of the KK-TdG even though our hero will be gone again!

Memorial Day Weekend KK-TdG!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Red, White and Blue Jersey Day! 

Yes, get out that red, white & blue kit and ride in memory of our veterans!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Be There!

The Nation at play!

Belo News
May 23, 2017

Mattawan, Mi. - Minions have been reporting in and it looks like the Nation will be represented at the Tour de Taylor by a number of "Big Wigs" of the Nation! Oh, the humanity!

So don't wait, sign up now and join the Nation for the 100k, (62 mile for those Minions like Sharkan, who can't convert kilometers) ride. More information on time and meeting place in a future Belo News. Here is the latest news and link from Team Taylor:

Dear Riders!
Can you believe we’re only we’re 18 days away from Tour de Taylor??  Click Here to register. Registration closes June 8th at midnight.  Sooner if you want a shirt.  Day of registration will be available for $40 a rider.
  • Free Lunch catered by Latitude 42
  • Soft tee's with new design for 2017
  • Beautiful routes with aid stations, including water, Gatorade, snacks and the best volunteers in the area
  • Maple Hill Tent City
  • Music
Date:            Saturday June 10th, 2017
Location:     Mattawan Middle School
                     56720 Murray St Mattawan, MI 49071
Soft T-Shirts: Free with registration.
You must be registered by May 28th to guarantee a Tour de Taylor 2017 Soft T-Shirt.
Please refer to link for more event details and updated information.


Belo News
May 23, 2017

Kalamazoo, Mi. - The Kashi Transnational Bike Tour has kicked off with a few Minions on board for this very special ride across America! Is this a great country or what.  You can follow the ride on Facebook and also in a blog that Dreamboat will be updating from time to time.

The poster attached has the links to the social media (Blog – www.kashibiketour.com, FB & Instagram – KashiBikeTour, Strava – KashiBikeTour).  Hopefully Dreamboat won’t delete all the pictures from that trip!  The mighty Minion Nation wishes Team Kashi the best of luck and hope the wind is at your back and the sun warms your face! See you all in July when you get back!

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