Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Nikeboy! Rider AND writer!
Not only looks good, he writes good!
(File Photo)





Belo News
May 21, 2016

Galesburg, Mi. - The weather was crisp, almost October like, as Nikeboy grabbed a bicycle from his garage and hopped aboard. Due to a late start, he worked harder than he likes to ensure making it in time for the glorious Minion start. Arriving at the Eaton driveway, he swung left to take what has become known as the Wildman Pass, a scenic tour of the Eaton parking lot replete with various trucks and truck like vehicles used in secret transmission testing protocols. The Wildman Pass spit our rider back onto Michigan Ave for the descent into Galesburg.

Passing the Klutch, it was noted that both Mad Dog and Wildman’s (of Wildman Pass fame) bikes were leaning against the wall. Clearly Mad Dog has dragged the ever innocent Wildman into his nefarious espresso doping circle. Nikeboy noticed a couple riders coming up behind him as he approached the high school, Cover/Stryker/Girl/Guy being one of them. As they rolled into the lot it was noticed that Gazelle Girl, B-Rod, Chia Pet and Yeti Boy were there as well as a plethora of other riders who Nikeboy knows by sight but not by name. There were also two orange hated gents in fancy kits one of whom looked like Zippy, it was hard to tell with the glowing S-Works helmets. (More on these helmets later).
Promptly at 8am the riders mounted up and headed through the neutralized start zone of Galesburg. Immediately after the turn onto
Cover Girl/Stryker Guy!
Either way, you gotta love him!
36th Street, Skittles joined the peloton making a group of 20ish (didn’t get a good count, sorry). Cover/Stryker/Girl/Guy filled the role of honorary Sharkman taking the first sprint in a manner befitting one who has appeared on the cover of a local 4th tier publication aimed at the senior audience.

The sun was now peeking out and riders began to shed layers, arm warmers and vests were stashed in jersey pockets. Gazelle Girl declined, stating she needed music to disrobe. The peloton rolled through Twin Lakes and up the Col. The pace remained mellow until the left turn was made at Yorkville Church where things quickened substantially through the Country Club section. The peloton made the turn on W Gull Lake together with Mad Dog and Skittles soon making a move to take the sprint. They were joined by Nikeboy followed closely by the Orange Hat Gang. Nikeboy dropped off the pace when his Garmin HR monitor reached up, slapped him in the face, and told him he was getting too old to do this crap. Skittles took the sprint and everyone regrouped at M-43.

The roll around the north end of the lake and up the Col d’ Norte was uneventful and by now a beautiful spring day was in full bloom. Back south, through the Bible Camp Hills and past the marina our mighty peloton spun, onlookers wondered aloud if they had been transported to Bella Italia and were witnessing the passing of the Giro.

Everyone behaved at the M-89 crossing and they headed up 37th Street where our fearless heroine, Gazelle Girl was delivered to a GGG Spot sprint victory leaving scores of gasping men in her wake.

A quick left on G and then right on back on 37th set the peloton up for the final sprint. Chia Pet went to the front to take the reigns pulling the group at a steady 25mph until they got over the last bump whereupon the Orange Hat Gang took a two man flyer off the front. Zippy and his companion soon had 25 yards on the group and things looked grim for the rest of the Minions. B-Rod grabbed onto Nikeboy’s wheel and the two set out in lukewarm pursuit but were unable to close the gap. The Orange Hat Gang took the victory with B-Rod and Nikeboy in a photo finish for the final podium spot. B-Rod proclaimed it a moral victory. Average speed was 19.1 mph.

The peloton is asking the commissioner to immediately open an inquiry into the performance enhancing substance delivery abilities of bright orange Specialized S-Works helmets. We already have to deal with Mad Dog’s 250 training miles per week and his infamous espresso doping regimen, to which he has now drawn the heretofore innocent Wildman. Now spiffy helmets too?

It should also be mentioned that in celebration of Cover Girl/Styker
Styker Guy 60 years old?
Oh, the humanity!
And he bought koffee
(File Photo)
Guy's 60th Birthday, he bought the koffee! Is this a great country or what?!? Sharkman was there and was only sorry he got there early and had to play for his own koffee!

Thanks Nikeboy! Where have you been? You should have been writing these long ago! The hell with the Editors! 

You won't want to miss this weeks edition and don't forget, it is Memorial Day Weekend so get out your RED, WHITE AND BLUE KIT!

Launch Time - 8:00 a.m. - SHARP!

Sharkman plans to be there for coffee!



Belo News
May 26, 2016

Galesburg, Mi. - Have you ever heard ukulele infused blue grass? Wondering what it is? 

Have you ever heard Elton Grass? Uh, have you Minion Nation?

Ever heard Bon Jovi played by Banjovi! Well here is your chance, Bunkie!

That's right! The night the Nation has been waiting for is finally upon us! Yes, the famous Minion Band, Banjovi, will be performing live at the Koffee Klutch this Friday night, May 26, 2016 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.! We want to show Andrew how the mighty Minion Nation turns out for their own so come on down and have dinner, coffee, lemonade, whatever! Stay for a few songs, stay for them all! Though Banjovi has done some Open Mic's and charity events, this will be their debut as the main act so you will want to be there to see music history in the making! Heck, just writing this makes me want to be there and I will! Oh, the humanity!

Sharkman say's BE THERE! Your Nation counts on you!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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