Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Tony the Tiger Jersey and one Corn Pops Jersey!
Is this a great country or what?!?

WHAT THE.....?




Belo News
August 1, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and cool over the Shark Cove, we could find our intrepid hero pulling on his arm warmers once again. The Cove thermometer read 60 when the Sharkman dragged his dorsal out of bed, but was reading 58 as he prepared to launch from the Cove. It struck our hero that the past two seasons he has worn his arm warmers for most of the rides over to the start.

Peugeot Guy returns!
Good thing Shark's love the cool weather! (Please note “cool” and not “Cold.”)

As Sharkman launched from the Cove, the Rainman Estate looked quiet and there was no Mad Dog or Nikeboy. As Sharkman rode out, he reflected on how he use to ride to the start solo for many years and it had been awhile since he had made the trip alone. It somehow seemed strange.

However, he was pleased to see Mad Dog riding towards him as he cleared Helmer Road and headed up towards the animal shelter. Mad Dog rode by to make a U-turn, just as a rider came up on Sharkman from behind. Sharkman, thinking it was too quick for Mad Dog to have made the turn, quickly looked back to find Reb jumping on. Though he claimed the Shark was early, and had to ride like crazy to catch up, Sharkman told him the Cove uses and Atomic Clock and he is NEVER early and NEVER late, but is always SHARP when it comes to time!
PJ with brother Bruce (name to be deterimed).

The three riders got to the start a bit early, all curious as to how the turn out would be as it was Shermanator Saturday and a number of Minions would be competing.

However, as seems to be the success of the Nation the past two seasons, 18 riders rode into the start, with only a few in Tony the Tiger jersey's, but many in Tony the Tiger “almost” jerseys! Easty, Greyhound and Stryker Guy were all decked out in orange, some with stripes, jersey's to commemorate the day.

Welcome to the Nation Bruce!
Making his season debut was Peugeot Guy! Welcome back to one of the original KK-Minions!

Additionally, PJ brought his brother, Bruce to introduce him to the Nation!

Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation Bruce (riding name to be determined)!

Ranger Rick was sporting a sweet new ride from Trek, living the motto, “if you can't be good, look good!”

Easty and Marco Polo were back in the mix after their triumphant ride across Iowa at RAGBAI. Welcome back, you did the Nation proud!

The Sweetheart of the Peleton
makes a grand entrance!

After a few photos of Pirate, Gazelle Girl, B-Rod, Sharkman and Zyckmann (who got in the photo with the Kellogg's Honey Pops jersey), the old Shark gave general instructions and also mentioned that all sites on the day were “Cash Only” and “No Change” except for Easty, who had a season pass.

Yes, the Shark would be leading the Nation on the “Tour of Central Kalamazoo County!”

Is this a great country or what!?!

The Nation snaked through town and waved to their fans at the Koffee Klutch as they headed south out of town.

As they approached the start, followed by Qman Hill, the Nation started to kick up the pace. Zychmann made a move near the top of the hill to take the sprint with Sharkman on his wheel and they were off to the races!
Stryker Guy sporting his "almost" Tony
the Tiger Jersey!

Though the “Tour of Central Kalamazoo County” tends to be a little more laid back than the normal KK-TdG route, it was not to be on this morning as the Nation seemed to be in a very frisky state of mind!

With the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze out of the west, the Nation was ready for action!

As the fast moving train continued south to Hawk Alley, they turned west and Tanman made a move to take the sprint in a spirited race to the stop ahead.

Game on! The gauntlet on the morning had been thrown down!

Ranger Rick and his new Trek!
After sharkman pointed out the Tiller's World Headquarters, the famous waterfall and Cooks Cemetery, he battled with Zychmann for the sprint and though he thought it was a tie, Zychmann said it was Sharkman who got it. (Zychmann is a class act!). Sharkman claimed it was a tie at best.....

The sprints continued as Sharkman pointed out the Railroad House that wasn't there anymore, the fairy tree house, the worst railroad tracks in the world, farmers working on a farm AND railroad workers working on the railroad all the live long day!

Dang, can it get any better on a tour! Our hero knows how to tour! It was like a travelogue on the Discovery Network! Who knew all this stuff was there?!?
Sharkman trying to collect. "$.50, no change,
cash only!"

However, Sharkman was getting no where with the cash only/no change program and even had to buy his own koffee after the ride! Oh, the humanity!

As the Nation toured through the “Epicenter of the Big One of 2015!” in Scotts, Sharkman even cut prices in half as they went by the Post Office AND the Beauty Parlor! But to no avail......

The speed really picked up on the way to the MN Stop ahead sign sprint and the Nation was ready to rock in the final sprint. The Greyhound mentioned later that he had looked down at his bike for a moment and dropped off the back and could not get back on a wheel until the Nation got to MN! This was one fast group!

At the MN stop, Sharkman cautioned the Nation that it was a fast down hill finish and that the Nation needed to be careful to hold lines and ride safely.

As the Nation is aware, this is one of the greatest finishes in cycling, with a major down hill and a nice turn at the end just before the Stop Ahead sign giving the fans who line the course a very entertaining finish.

The Nation began down hill and was bunched up and moving at speeds of 39 mph as they went over I-94 and past the Galesburg Speedway.

It was then that B-Rod made his move, looking like a runaway freight train with dangerous chemicals on board! Look out below!

Knee socks pumping like a little kid on a Big Wheel bike playing in his driveway, B-Rod caught the Nation unawares!

Tanman saw the move but was boxed in and B-Rod had a big jump by the time Tanman got free. Sasquatch moved up quickly to cover Tanmans wheel and Sharkman saw a chance and jumped on!

Tanman made up some of the gap, but it was useless to try to catch those knee socks, moving like pistons on a diesel engine! Yet Tanman, Sasquatch and Sharkman would give no quarter!

As the Nation rounded the curve at the bottom of the descent, Tanman and Sasquatch moved closer but could not close the gap and the three filled out the podium with Sharkman a close fourth!

Average speed on the ride was 20.38 mph! Oh, the humanity!

Top speed on Sharkman's computer was 39.8 mph on the descent! Oh, double the humanity!

Others reported speeds at over 40 mph on the finishing sprint!
Is this a great country or what?!?

The crowd's went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's rode in to the Klutch, where Andrew was absent, but the koffee was still hot and ready!

Many of the Nation stayed at the Klutch for a while discussing the attributes of the Tour of Central Kalamazoo County and one of, if not the greatest, finish in cycling!

Sharkman also announced he would again, miss next Saturday but would be back for the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred the following Saturday! Don't forget to RSVP for the BEU! (see below)

But the Nation rides on!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Launch Time – 8:00 A.M. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News

August 5, 2015

Zychmann Estate, Mi. - The Nation is less than two weeks away from their annual major extravaganza that no Minion will want to miss!

Though the Sharkman has been gone a lot this summer, he will be riding his first ever, Bloody 'Ell 'Undred and is ready to rock!

Oh, the humanity!

But is the Bloody 'Ell 'Undred, or better known as the BEU, ready for the Sharkman? Yes it is!

This annual event will take place on Saturday, August 15, 2015 with a start time of 9:00 a.m. This is a casual ride, not a race!

It is important to RSVP for this event! So get your RSVP to Gazelle Girl NOW!

Be there!


Belo News
August 5, 2015

Minions at the Shermanator!
Hoosier Boy after his win and
wearing a shirt!

Hoosier Boy was at it again this past weekend, representing the Minion Nation at the Shermanator! Thankfully, he kept his shirt on as he won his age group and was 9th overall in this annual event that gives the Nation a reason to ride the “Tour of Central Kalamazoo County!”

Additionally, Stroker's daughter Kelly Slagh, won the entire womans race and finished 13th overall!

Whoa! Congratulations to Hoosier Boy and Kelly, you did the Nation proud!

Happy Birthday Debbie Dark Matter!

Debbie, Zychmann, Sharkman
and Gazelle Girl last year! Oh, how
time does fly!
Belo News
August 5, 2015

Does time fly or what?!? An entire year has passed since Gazelle Girl gave “birth” to Debbie Dark Matter!

Happy Birthday Debbie!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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