Wednesday, August 12, 2015






Belo News
August 7, 2015
By Stryker Guy

Gull Lake, Mi. - As dawn broke bright and cool over the Shark Cove we found our intrepid hero rolling over and hoping it was raining after maybe one too many Oberon’s the night before…wait this must be a dream. There is only one intrepid hero, our beloved Sharkman (I was a bit hung over though). (Actually, our hero was enjoying Long Island with his sharklets!)
Mad Dog's "plaid" jersey
was a big hit in the

OK now the report from junior reporter, Stryker Guy. The Gull Lake crew of Bissell Boy, Chico and yours truly made our way to the starting line in Galesburg in a light drizzle.

The GL crew passed Nike boy heading the other way near the G spot?? Must have thought it was reverse course day. The usual suspects were ready and waiting in the parking lot eager to get going (they looked kind of eager.....).

(Editors Note – Nickhead reported in to Belo News that most of the Team Taylor crew were either on vacation or doing the 5K at Blueberry Fest but “The Promise” said he would ride over and would meet Nickhead at the Soccer Zone. Of course, he no-showed. As Nickhead reported, “The Promise” it again..... Nickheard reported he journeyed on alone and had a great time in the Nation!)

Finally one of the Minion faithful told Gazelle Girl to get the group going since men ALWAYS listen to women when it’s time to leave. (The Editors want all to know that they are not necessarily responsible for views expressed in this story.....)
Toast talking about his big
first sprint win!

We had to pull up initially as Dreamboat arrived late and was primping at the Klutch. B Rod took his familiar place at the front of the peloton heading toward the first sprint, when out of nowhere Toast, in his Shark jersey jumped out in front and took charge winning the first sprint over…me!
The pace quickened and remained “brisk” pretty much throughout the ride. Heading around Yorkville Church the group hit another gear (I clocked +30 mph several times on our way up to M-43).

Buf, B Rod, Nickhead, Mad Dog, Hutch, Hossman and amazingly, Chico were pulling like they had to get home to their upset wives. There was a fair amount of panting and looks of, “is this going to continue?” by the rest of the Nation when we finally got to the top of M-43.

It (the pace) did continue and there were some worn out Minions by the time of the last sprint. Gazelle girl did win her “home,” GGG spot sprint and I believe Buf won the final sprint—I was too far away to really know for sure.
Pirate on his last ride enjoying
a koffee with Dreamboat.

Best jersey honors went to Mad Dog, who sported a pink plaid number that he got on line someplace. The sad news was that Minion Legend, the Pirate, rode his last ride with the Nation on Saturday. He is headed to Tennessee and ultimately to South America. We wish him well and hope he will come back as an honored alumnus.

Prepare for one of the great events of the summer—The Bloody ‘El Ride—this Saturday, 9:00 a.m. starting at Zychman’s crib. Rumor has it that Saturday will be the debut of our own Sharkman at the Bloody ‘El so be there!!


Belo News
August 12, 2015
Team Taylor and a few wish kids in the Winners Circle
 at MIS Finish of WAM 2015.

Shark Cove, Mi. - (The Editors at Belo News want to apologize for not getting this to press sooner. The story arrived too late for the issue two weeks ago, and we failed to get it in the following week as we prepared to follow our intrepid hero out of town! Oh, the humanity! But here is the FANTASTIC results that Team Taylor accomplished at the WAM Ride!)

Team Taylor rocks Make A Wish with a $151,000 donation!


A whopping $151,000+ donation to Make A Wish was delivered by the whole of Team Taylor during the Wish A Mile 300 mile and 50 mile ride held July 24-26.
Taylor Grainger 1993 - 2007

How does that happen you ask? Teamwork and great people supporting what we do. Thank you to the Nation for supporting some of our Team Taylor efforts such as Tour de Taylor in Mattawan, Latitude 42's wildly successful launch of Taylor's Wish beer, and our fall FUNdraiser at Latitude 42. If there is one thing for certain, the Nation loves its beer! Please continue supporting Team Taylor sponsor L42 for your beer and dining needs. With your help, Team Taylor has donated $1.4 million dollars since 2008!

And we need some more of the Nation to join in 2016 on this amazing adventure called Wish A Mile. This is more than a ride, try it and you'll then understand. Minions Wildman and B-Rod can also give you the scoop. Nice job guys!

Oh yea, the Iceman even got interviewed by the Traverse City news on day 1, Friday. They even mounted a Go Pro on him, and used a bit of the footage. Click on the one with the picture of my family and is 2:09 long.

Is this a great country or what?!?

Here is the brief recap of the ride from Team Taylor. For those of you not familiar with it, follow us on our Team Taylor Facebook page to keep up to date with us.

Come on Sharkman, you know you want to come back and join us for another amazing weekend! As my Taylor used to say, "coolio, just coolio".
Mr. and Mrs. Iceman at the finish!

Team Taylor and friends,
Another great ride, a few quick thoughts.


Cottage Kick Off - always fun, thanks for making the effort to get there.

Yesterday - what a great finish on the track...adrenaline, excitement, emotions, 300/50 meet up, Silent Mile, family, wish kids.

Today - Tired, sore butts, tight legs, hungry in the middle of the night, back to work.

New riders - amazing event, eh???!!! oh and don't forget, YOU just rode 300 miles!! YOU just rode 50 miles!! Cheers to you all.

Veterans - amazing event, eh???!!! It continues to be very, very special.

Emotions - I can't seem to do this thing without crying on the very first couple of miles, this year it hit me on mile 298 as well. Maybe somewhere along the way for you also.

Muscles - mind over matter and we can do just about anything.

Sleep - Tents, RV's, hotels...either way, not enough.

Food - I bet no one went hungry. Best supported event I have ever done.

Friends - great times with old friends and new friends.

Safety - MSP on BMW's... cool. I saw them pull over cars two separate times. Medics on Harley's...with music. SAG vans...can you say positivity. Mechanics, wow.

Injuries - mental yes. Physical no. Unless you count a JD tipover and a TJ tipover ( yes, I saw that TJ, 1.9 miles to go) Might have been more....great job by all.

Eaton trucks and crews - huge logistical success.

Make A Wish - Well after all, they are Make A Wish. 'nuff said.

Wishes - $150,110.48 raised and counting. Great job closing that gap to our goal! That equals 20 kids and their families who will receive amazing Wishes.

Family - Thank you to my Karen for putting up with me. Thank you to my Taylor for driving this ship. Be sure to thank yours.
...and many great memories for us, for the volunteers, and for the Kids and Families.

Go Team Taylor!!

It's for the kids and families...

Rob and Karen


Belo News
August 7, 2015
Easty and Marco Polo at the Start Line!

Marco Polo & Easty make it all the way!
Anonymous sources report the sighting of two misguided minions at the recent One Day Ride Across Michigan.
Clearly delusional and suffering the effects of their 150 mile sojourn the mythical mighty minions were only able to utter the words "where is Sharkman?" when queried at the finish line.
Other riders reported seeing the two minions.......who sported "Easty" and "Marco Polo" on their dashing jerseys.....flailing like sharks out of water during the course of the cross state venture.
While certainly out of their element, in true minion nation style, the "sharkies" were applauded for their big smiles and gentlemanly ways as they encouraged other riders along the way.
Bikers?  Maybe
Ambassadors? Potentially......
Crazy? Certainly.........

Belo News
August 5, 2015

Zychmann Estate, Mi. - This is it! The big weekend! Oh, the humanity! Is this a great country or what?!?

Though the Sharkman has been gone a lot this summer, he will be riding his first ever, Bloody 'Ell 'Undred and he is ready to rock!

Oh, the humanity!

This is the weekend and anyone who is anyone in the Nation will be there!

Saturday, August 15, 2015 with a start time of 9:00 a.m. 

This is a casual ride, not a race! 

Be there!

Be there!

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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