Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Minions line up for action Saturday!







Belo News
April 25, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - As dawn broke over the Shark Cove, we find our intrepid hero, the Sharkman, stumbling from his shark bed and heading straight to the shark radar to check for rain. Several Minions had commented earlier in the week that it was supposed to rain and there was no way they were riding in cold rain. As a matter of fact, Sharkman had talked with Rainman, who was heading to the Fort for a ride, on the previous evening that he would not be riding due to the rain.

Style Guy? Squeaky? Is that you in
a cycling jacket? Oh, the humanity!

Squeaky when he was the
"Style Guy!"
Everyone seemed so certain it was going to rain!

However, as our hero checked the radar, it indicated showers south of Lake Michigan, working their way slowly north, but very slowly. As Sharkman got ready to ride, and re-checked the radar, the showers seemed to be standing still on the south side of the lake. YES!

As our hero got his bike ready, he noticed Rainman's garage door open and the only reason Rainman's garage door would be open this early on a Saturday morning could mean only one thing. If Rainman is riding, there will be no rain!
Polar Bear fresh off his
podium finish at the
Yankee Springs TT!

As the old Shark launched from the Cove, Mad Dog arrived and Rainman jumped on stating, “it's a good day to ride. No rain. I guarantee it!”

As the three headed west, they felt that they were either really feeling strong, or they had a tail wind. As it turned out, it was a tail wind that would play into their return later in the morning.

At the start, everyone was over joyed to see that the Nation's Style Guy, Squeaky, was back in the mix. To every one's surprise, however, he was sporting a new “cycling” jacket in a bright, reddish iridescent color. Style Guy? In a cycling jacket? What happened to the “puffy safety jacket?” When asked about the new look, Squeaky stated he got the jacket on sale for $20 in Philadelphia! If this keeps up, the Nation may have to find a new Style Guy!

Polar Bear was back in the Nation, as well, fresh off his second place finish at the Yankee Springs Time Trails.

The Nation posed for the opening photo, sans Reb, who was trying to find the Minion Restroom behind the school but instead, chose to go behind the concession stand.....which the Nation watched with amusement......

Thirteen Minions made the start and rode through Galesburg and past the Klutch.
Brewman back in action!

As the Nation headed north, Gazelle Girl rode up to shouts of “Gazelle Girl!” What was different this week was the shout out to “Toesetter!” Sharkman was pleased to see the count move to 15 Minions as he can be a bit superstitious about the number 13.....

Airman and B-Rod, as well as Zickman, pushed the pace a bit as the Old Shark took the ceremonial first sprint and confirmed the count at the first G crossing.

The Nation headed up the Col de Twin Lakes and it was apparent that the Nation was beginning to get into form for the season as the pace picked up.

After the Yorkville Church, Zickman took off with Airman in pursuit. The rest of the peloton didn't seem to catch on until it was too late to close the increasing gap. Zickman was moving and both he and Airman seemed to disappear from view.

As the Nation got to the Kountry Klub, they could see Zickman, but no longer could see the speeding Airman who was really feeling frisky and on fire on this fine morning! Airman never looked up and never got caught before the Rt. 43 sprint.

As the Nation moved on to the col de Norte, “Mechanical” could be heard from the back of the peloton. It appeared that Mad Dog had a slow leak in his rear tire, so the Minions stopped near the boat launch so he could work on it. After a quick review of the situation, Mad Dog chose to simply put some air in the leaking tire and keep riding.

Gazelle Girl, Easty and Rainman!
Easty bought ALL the koffee!
The peloton was together as it summited the col de Norte and quickly headed into the Holy Roller Section where again, the pace picked up with Airman and Zickman up front. Zickman was riding his Giant as he was fearful of the possibility of rain falling on his woodie. 

As the Nation waited for Minions at the feed stop known as Frona's but is now the Queens something, some of the Nation decided to take the short cut while the main peloton went the regular course. This section of road is getting particularly bad and as the Nation came together with the stragglers at the Inlet, the Sharkman wondered about changing the course until that section gets some road repair.

After the crossing the Digital Divide, the Nation again formed up a pretty sweet pace line and the chatter was about whether this would be the Saturday Gazelle Girl would make her move at achieving the coveted GGG sprint spot. Sitting in at about the 6th or 7th spot in the pace line she seemed to be biding her time as B-Rod rode by with Zickman shouting out that she should jump on!

Gazelle Girl immediately replied, “You're going too early! Way too early!” Yet the riders kept pushing on.

Gazelle Girl worked her way up the pace line, trying to get into the best position for the final push to the finish. As the Nation made the final curve to the south, Airman, Zickman, B-Rod, Polar Bear and others urged her on as she came to the front, where she had to fight to catch Airman, but Polar Bear came through and led her out to the climax of the sprint!
Standing room only at the Klutch!

All was well in the Nation as Gazelle Girl simply glowed in her sprint win.

As the Nation grouped up at the G Ave. crossing, Sharkman looked for Mad Dog but was told he had decided to change his tube and would meet them at the Klutch. Mad Dog had commented that he has problems with changing the rear wheel out and didn't want to slow the Nation down. Thankfully, he did show up at the Klutch later and made the trip home without further incident.

The Nation stayed close together as they headed down 37th to the finish. As the Nation approached the foot of the final ascent, everyone was together and Sharkman began to worry about crashes. However, everyone held their lines and as the mass of riders came over the hill, Polar Bear worked his way to the front and just rode away from the peleton like it was standing still, demonstrating he is in mid season form.

The crowds went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the hero's headed to the Klutch where it was standing room only!

As the Nation pulled up, they noticed a road bike leaning against the front window and were pleasantly surprised to find Easty not only waiting for them, but he had bought all the koffee!

As the Minions piled in, grabbed their koffee and thanked Easty, they struggled to find enough chairs to sit on. All the tables were full and the place was rocking with cyclists and their fans, as well as the press.

Easty filled everyone in on his recovery (which he reported has gone well) as the Nation scattered over the Klutch. Sharkman was concerned for Mad Dog, who finally arrived and had just enough time to have a brief koffee before Sharkman stated he need to go as he was due to drive to Chicago in the afternoon. He was supposed to leave with Lava Girl by noon and he was cutting it close!

As Sharkman, Mad Dog and Rainman headed up the hill, they realized that there had, in fact, been a tail wind and they were now riding into that east, southeast wind on the way home.

Reb honked his horn at the three riders as he headed east on I-94 and later sent a text to Sharkman stating, “Tough wind home. My truck was struggling into the wind! :-)” Funny.......

Sharkman got the "evil eye" from Lava Girl for his somewhat late arrival, but still got cleaned up and out the door by 12:15 p.m!

You won't want to miss this week's edition!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Launch Time – 8:30 a.m. - SHARP!

Be there!


Belo News
Ironman, aka "the other guy!"
April 29, 2015

Galesburg, Mi. - As we all know, Ironman - AKA "The Other Guy" - has been absent from Gazelle Girl's side so far this season. (In case you hadn't noticed, she picked up a slightly slower [yet equally charming] sub rather swiftly. Is this a great country or what?)
Well, turns out The Other Guy has had running on his mind AND in his legs, which propelled him to a fourth place finish in his age group and a 13th overall finish at the grueling Running Fit Trail Marathon held at Pinckney State Rec Area this past Sunday.

Great job, Ironman!!! You did the Nation proud!
Unfortunately, we won't see this mighty Minion's Ironman tattoo pumping the pedals in the peloton this weekend as he'll be running yet ANOTHER marathon - the Kalamazoo one - this Sunday. Oh the humanity! Way to go, Ironman! Good luck on Sunday!

Stroker, Numero Uno in
the world!

Belo News
April 29, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - In breaking news, Belo News is proud to report that our own Stroker, competed in the Swim Nationals on the weekend of April 18-19 and took home a ton of medals! Stroker won all 5 of the events he was entered in and broke meet records in all of them as well! Two of these events were State records and he had already previously set the State records in the other three events. As a result of all his hard work, the FINA, the world governing organization for swimming, released their Top Ten Swim rankings for 2014 and Stroker was named All American for 2014 in the 50 meter breast stroke (fastest in the country in his age group). But perhaps more importantly, Stroker has also now been ranked number one in the WORLD (that's right Bunkie, the WORLD!) in the 60-64 age group for the breast stroke.

Congratulations Stroker! You did the Nation proud!


Belo News,
April 27, 2015

Fort Custer, Mi. - Our own Reb has started an informal Monday afternoon mountain bike ride that had a “soft” opening this past Monday. This ride is planned for launch at 3:15 p.m. on Monday afternoons at 3:15 p.m. going forward and this week Sharkman and Yeti Boy accompanied Reb on the inaugural ride.

So, if you're retired (like Sharkman and Yeti Boy) or can skip out of work early, this is a great way to start the week and get a bit of mountain biking in as well.

Launch time – 3:15 p.m.
Fort Custer Trail Head


Belo News
April 28 2015

Battle Creek, Mi. - The Tuesday Night Chain Gang Ride was a victim to Mother Nature last week and was not going to let that happen again!

Five hardy Minion's arrived at the start in short sleeves, ready for action. Quite a change from the previous week! Airman, Stingray, Mad Dog, Wildman and Sharkman headed out right on time at 5:30 p.m.

Winds were light and the sun was warm as the small group set up their pace line, looking for an early season record. The pace line formed up nicely and stayed together with the exception of the G Ave. hill, where it was every Minion for themselves. Forming back up at 37th Street, the Nation headed back knowing they had a very strong pace going.

As they arrived in Battle Creek they had the rare experience of catching mostly green lights and the fought to bring up the pace. Sharkman led into the curve going towards Helmer, but near the light was completely gassed and turned it over.

Airman, Wildman and Mad Dog made the light and kept going, finishing with and average of 21.08 mph! An early season record!

This ride launches at 5:30 p.m. from the parking lot behind K2, which shares the parking lot with Arcadia Brewing in Battle Creek. The ride goes out to Galesburg and back and some riders join on during the ride.

This ride is similar to the old Chain Gang ride that Kellogg Minions were always late for. So it is set up as a pace line ride. It is a great work out and the Minions adjust the speed to the riders who are present.

So come on out and join the Tuesday Night Minion Chain Gang.


Belo News
April 29, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - Belo News had so much news this week, there was not enough room for headlines, hence the start of “In Other News!”
The "Kids" new ride!

This week, we hear from Kid Gallagher, who hasn't been out to ride yet. (Yeah, what is that all about?) …...Anyway, he reported buying a new bike. A Trek Domane, no less, which seems to be pretty popular in the peloton these days. The Kid reports, that he is looking forward to joining the Nation soon. He was predicting cold weather for last Saturday so baled early. Too bad too, as the weather was perfect! Well, other than that damn east wind! Here is a shot of his new ride!

Stryker Guy and his posse in Central Virginia!
We also heard from Stryker Guy this week, who is in George Washington National Forest in Central Virgina this week doing high altitude training for his re-entry into the Nation upon his return. Riding his new Specialized Barry Roubaix, he is kicking some butt! Hurry back, Styker Guy, the Nation awaits your return!

Sharkman and the Great Dane rock
the Old Dog Tavern!
Finally, two of the Nation rocked the Old Dog Tavern in Kalamazoo on Monday night at the monthly Great Lakes Acoustic Music Association Jam! None other than Sharkman and the Great Dane belted out Foggy Mountain Breakdown, Wagon Wheel, I Walk the Line, Act Naturally and you are my Sunshine on the ukulele and banjo! Yeti Boy and Mrs. Yeti Boy, as well as Lava Girl, were in attendance as the duo played with the monthly blue grass/folk group (GLAMA), drank beer and belted out songs!

Yes, these Minions can rock! Is this a great country or what?!?

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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