Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The gathering of the mighty Minion Nation




Belo News
April 4, 2015

Galesburg, Mi. - As dawn broke cold and bright over the Shark Cove, our intrepid hero shot of bed in wild anticipation of the day ahead of him!  To be back in the mighty Minion Nation as yet another season lay out before him had made it difficult to sleep!

Though back from his “Spring Training” in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and a bit drained from his “re-entry” to Michigan, the old Shark was anxious to get his steed ready to meet up with Mad Dog, his perennial wing man for the ride over to the start! It was one of those mornings when it was difficult to figure out what to wear as it was 29 degrees and would warm up during the morning.
Mad Dog and Wildman discuss race
strategy....or something like that.

Right on schedule, Mad Dog came riding out of the sun, into the Cove and after greetings the two riders headed out for the start.

It was a beautiful morning and though Sharkman had thought he might have overdressed, was hit by the west wind and knew he had provisioned appropriately for the morning cold.

As the two riders arrived at the start, Brewman and Cheese were there waiting, with Airman and Kid Doster driving in shortly after.  Moments later, Wildman appeared along with Yeti Boy, Skittles, Dream Boat (minus the Mighty Monk who had whoosed out), and a rider who has ridden with the Nation before but was un-named.  He is now known at Buff!  Welcome to the mighty Minion Nation, Buff!

As the paparazzi snapped shot's, and the Mayor of Galesburg presented Sharkman with yet another key to the City, the Nation waited to see if Gazelle Girl would make an appearance at the start, rather than her dramatic entrance on the road.

Just as the last photo was snapped, a roar in the crowd went up as the “Sweetheart of the Peloton” rode up with her main squeeze, Toesetter himself!  Making his first appearance at the start, Toesetter enjoyed the attention as the two rode to the start line for the Opening Day Photograph as the Nation greeted them with a shout of “Gazelle Girl!”
Airman was back healthy this season!

After the last photos were taken, Sharkman reminded everyone that as the first ride of the season, the pace would be easy and no sprints would be reported in Belo News until May.  To the sweet music of pedals clicking in, the Nation headed out and were greeted by a runner who was enthusiastically waving to the peloton! It was none other than Ironman who apparently is in training for some running event (ya, what the hell his he thinking, eh Bunkie?)

The Nation rolled through the thriving metropolis of Galesburg, past the Klutch and on to the road heading north.  However, just as the Nation was turning to head north, “Mechanical” was heard through the peloton.  Sharkman, who had just helped Yeti Boy put a new cassette on his rear wheel saw Yeti Boy at the back and started worrying it might be his handiwork, while Skittles stated he better head back.

However, it was Wildman, who had just had his pedals “rebuilt” but one of them had “locked up.”  There was no repair and Wildman had to drop from the peloton and ride home, pedaling with one leg! Oh, the humanity!

As the Nation headed north, there was a lot of chatter and camaraderie as it had been a long winter and there was a lot of catching up to do!

Brewman, who finished 3rd in his age
group at Barry Roubaix was on hand.
Sharkman worked the crowd, trying to say hello to all of his adoring Minions as the train moved north.  Sharkman found himself tucked in behind Airman, Dream Boat, Kid Doster and Buff as the first sprint approached and though the peloton slowed in acknowledgement of the hallowed tradition of Sharkman getting the sprint, our hero did not make a move in keeping with not pushing the pace in the early season! None the less, Sharkman was touched by the sentiment.

 As the peloton approached the col de Twin Lakes for the first climb of the season, the Nation scrambled all over the hill like a bunch of ants climbing a picnic basket to find the bologna!

Forming back up at the top, the peloton moved to cross Rt. 89 after one of the longest red lights on record.

The usual “speedway” that is the Yorkville Church/Kountry Klub/Rt. 43 section was moderately faster than the ride and some of those chatting in the back were momentarily spit out the rear but again, the Nation formed back up at Rt. 43. As previously reported, it was a very mellow ride!

The train continued through the col de Norte, the Holy Rollers, Frona's (yes, the Nation still calls it Frona's) and on to the Digital Divide.

Rt. 89 was exceptionally busy so the Nation made their crossing in two waves.  Sharkman, in the second wave, shot to the front with Dream Boat to start the first pace line of the young season.  After getting it started, Sharkman was pleased to see it was actually working and relinquished the lead spot to Dream Boat who put in a humongous pull to the GGG Spot, where a wild sprint was contested.

As the Nation formed up for the final assault on the finish, Dream Boat and Mad Dog went to the front and Yeti Boy and Sharkman rode them like a couple of rented mules!  Even our intrepid hero took a pull at the front before a cast of thousands began to go by him.
Things were wild at the Klutch!

As the Nation crested the final hill, it was all systems go as the Nation happily careened to the first finish of the 2015 season!  (Editors Note: though it was a “spirited” chase and close finish, Belo News will not be reporting on sprints until mid May.)

Of course, the tofosi and paparazzi went wild on the Champs le Galesburg as the Nation paraded before them to the Klutch, where Andrew was waiting to serve up some great Bottomless Kups!

Yeti Boy came to the fore and bought Sharkman his first kup of the year! Is this a great country or what?!?  It was also learned that Yeti Boy had forgotten his gloves and rode the entire ride with just his cycling gloves! What a stud!

Things were wild in the Klutch as the Nation took a photo to text to Wildman to determine if he got home safe, which he did and Andrew took a photo for the Facebook Page which can be found at Koffee Klutch (first thing that comes up on the search!).  When checked later, someone had already commented that one of the riders looked like Toesetter! What a celebrity!

You won't want to miss next week's action!

The weather for Saturday is showing 38 degrees at 9 a.m. and 42 degrees at 10 a.m. which is way better than 29 degrees, so we will move the launch up!

Saturday, April 11, 2015
Launch Time – 9:00 a.m. - SHARP!



Skittles, a top the podium! 
Belo News
April 4, 2015

Hastings, Mi. - Late breaking news learned at this weeks Opening Day!  The Nations own Skittles won his age group and Brewman took third in his age group at Barry Roubaix a couple of weeks ago in Hastings!

Nice job Minions! You did the Nation proud! We apologize for


Belo News
April 8, 2015

Shark Cove, Mi. - The attached was sent in from one of our Minions as a reminder for safe riding when in groups.  Our friends at Road I.D. (and hopefully every Minion is wearing a Road I.D. when they ride) put this list together.  It is also good to remind all Minions that Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

From our friends at Road I.D.


1 JOIN THE RIGHT GROUP. There are rides for all kinds of cyclists—everything from leisurely social jaunts to race-pace throwdowns. Ask your cycling friends, talk to your local bike shop, or do a quick Google search to find a group that fits your interests, fitness, and abilities. Before you clip in, you should have a sense of the terrain, the vibe, and how far and fast you’ll be riding.

2 SHOW UP PREPARED. Don’t be that guy or gal. Carry everything you need: a spare tube, tire levers, a multitool, a pump or CO2, water, snacks, money, and your phone. Before you jump into a group, make sure you can ride in a straight line, even with one hand on the bar while reaching for a water bottle, eating, or indicating a turn, or road debris.

3 BE A GOOD WHEEL. Groups ride in a paceline— either single-file or two abreast—to efficiently share the work and keep everyone safe. Ideally, you ride 12-18 inches behind the rider in front of you. Inching ahead of someone riding next to you is called half-wheeling—a cardinal sin that’s annoying and potentially dangerous.

4 RIDE CONSISTENTLY. Everyone is safest when your movements are predictable—so brake gradually, accelerate steadily, avoid erratic or unexpected swerving, and communicate any turns or debris well in advance.

5 COMMUNICATE. Speak up or use hand signals to point out gravel, holes, and other road obstacles. Use your left hand to signal a left turn and your right hand to signal a right turn—it doesn’t hurt to call them out too. Give a quick shout if you have a mechanical issue, or if the group is slowing or stopping because someone has a flat.

6 COEXIST WITH CARS. Follow the rules of the road, avoid unpredictable movements, and ride as far to the right as is comfortable. Come to a full stop at traffic lights and stop signs. On busier roads or streets with a narrow shoulder, most groups will ride single file. Never ride three abreast in any situation— it’s not safe or courteous.

Riders joining the Minion rides acknowledge the inherent risk involved with bicycle riding and by joining any Minion ride hold harmless any rider involved.

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